The grind on this game is still too much

the game is the grind. If you have nothing to grind then you most often than not dont play as much.

They should split the grind up into Generations of aircraft. So If you’re not interested in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, generation aircraft, you can start grinding 4th gen fighters immediately.

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nahh that would be just cheating taking into account that the end goal in this game is top tier

That’s because you suffer from the misconception that there is actually a grind and that the end goal is top tier. Both are actually not true. It’s a game, and its purpose is for you to have fun and be entertained.

Playing for the sole purpose of researching new vehicles is a sure recipe for burning out and not having fun.

As soon as you learn that there is no grind and simply play for fun either alone or with others, your War Thunder experience will improve dramatically.

Besides, top tier isn’t particularly fun to play, so having that as an end goal is a bit silly.

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It can also be nice to have a goal if you are not absolutely obsessed with getting something.
At least for me it’s nice i know i make progress towards something.
I have nearly every tank witj russia,brits and israel and i enjoy playing them, but its not the same.

When the game has some sort of progression, the end of that progression becomes the natural end goal (in case of war thunder, there are just multiple end goals, like nations and vehicle types). Sure, you can have your own goals, and in fact, you should have at least additional goals for yourself. But the game is built in a way that makes reaching top tier one of the “true” end goals, and whatever you do in parallel is just your own thing, and that’s fine.

The issue is that it’s hard to enjoy that progression when the games actively tries to make it hard (in this case - time consuming) to progress towards the end of the progression itself.

I think Air RB is ok (except the stock grind), it is the other gamemodes that are too grindy

In terms of grind - I’d say Air RB is much better than ground (at least when playing with premiums). It would still be better if rewards could be brought up (or research cost brought down) there as well, but if they bring ground battles to the level of air in terms of grind, it would already be so much better. There is no reason for that difference

Unfortunately they won’t change this no matter what. They’re adding vehicles faster than I can actually research the tech trees and I play quite a bit. I use both premium account and premium vehicles, have probably spent over 2k easily on this game. I’ve given up completely reaching top tier in multiple nations. I just focus on US and Russia now. I have never experienced any other game that requires this much time to grind new items, especially the modifications once you’ve unlocked that vehicle.

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The only thing that sucks about air RB is that if you’re killed right away there’s no respawn like ground RB so you have to start a whole new match again and it can get very annoying. Plus if you’re just base bombing you better hope you have the faster plane otherwise you’re screwed.

Good. Why would this be a bad thing?

Every other free to play game in history, including Navyfield and World of Tanks.

Why is that a bad thing? Because new players coming in and finding out how quickly it takes to get to top tier then getting discouraged from continuing to play.
Never heard of Navyfield and WOT is garbage. There reaches a point were you can only push the players so far before it turns negative. Do you remember what happened like 2 years ago when they tried to make economy changes for the worse and how bad the backlash was?
If the player doesn’t feel like they’re progressing a reasonable rate then majority of the time they quit playing and look elsewhere. So why not reduce the grind a bit and have a better chance of bringing in more money with player more willing to spend it on a game that they feel like they’re progressing in?

At this point of the game , they should do one of the two things .

One option is to break tech trees to WW2 and post-war. That would allow players that want to play jets (and post war/modern stuff in general) play what they like. Also , you won’t have to manage 500 vehicles in one MM, since it will be like playing different mode, they can have their own MM. You can have P-26 start at 1.0 BR and F-80 start at 1.0 BR .
I know that WW2 jets existed and post war props existed. Those can play where they should. Me 262 variants that fought in the war, P-80, Meteor F.1/ F.3 those can be 14.0 in the WW2 tree. Me 262 experimentals etc. can go to post war at 2.0 BR along with F-80 , Meteor F.4 etc.
Spitfire Mk14 for ex. can be 13,3 or something in ww2 tree, Spit 24 goes post war at 1.0 BR.
That would reduce the grind, but not really if you want to play everything, make the game more interesting because you play what you want or progress towards it without having a roadblock of 200 vehicles infront of you (you’ll have 20) and decompress the game as well.
That’s the easiest solution.

The other is, make premium subscription unlock everything for as long you are subbed to the game, keep research point and people to be able to research vehicles to be usuable in free mode (so you won’t lose progression if you had obtained t8 for ex.) and make modifiers work from any tier backwards(like premium planes). Premium planes have better modifiers anyway, so they are still useful and talismans are still useful because they upgrade the modifier.
Someone may say that’s P2W-ish method. Well it’s not. You don’t win a fight by progressing. And in the end it is a company, they have to get payed.


If I want to play with top tier vehicles then i do what ?

Thats such an bad argument , it doesn’t matter if the game doesn’t have the end goal to be top tier even though IT IS (NEW CONTENT IS TOP TIER FOCUSED NOT LOW TIERS) if the player wants to play with top tier vehicles what should he do ? , grind , thats it, and also I don’t care if ‘top tier is not fun’ for you , im looking for top tier so I can PLAY THE NEW CONTENT the game offers

Most people are dumber than a box of rocks. They have zero patience, are only interested in instant gratification and lack any kind of appreciation for enjoying the “journey” and are just obsessing about the “destination”.

If you’re only interested in the top tier, you’ve chosen the wrong game.

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The games needs income to exist and survive - so people buying premium time and talismans and premium vehicles are the people who Gaijin caters for.

F2P grind is quite deliberately a PITA because you are the product being “sold” to premium players and beyond that you have no value to the game.

Buy top tier premium vehicles or grind - again the snail values you more if you pay them money.

If you want to grind past around 5 you need to buy premium.I really wonder how F2P players ever get to top tier.

I never got the amount of free stuff I get upon signing in each day as a non payer when I had premium. It’s almost as though they dont care once you are singed up. Bit like renewing car insurance.

What’s that?

I sometimes see little low rank bonuses for signing on and I’ll try to claim the… I think I got a new decal a couple of weeks ago :)

The one I think I’d really like is the E-sports camo for the Gladiator - it looks good, but it wouldn’t let me get that :(

Once you’ve signed up they want you to keep signing up - they are actually very egalitarian - they want everybody’s money… because otherwise the game folds!

you think that over 1k hours worth of playtime is worth to get to the end game?

Wake up dude , people have life , the grind on this game is far from anything normal, its not like im going for that content after the end game im yet trying to reach the end game.

This is NOT a patience problem having to play this ammount of time is the reason why you find those dumb ppl on top tier , they are gonna buy those premium vehicles to be able to reach the end game in a decent rate, and if you want to grind for years and years go play some random rpg out there there a re plenty that forces you to play over 5k hours , so your getting that “journey” that you think its great

Your playing the game for what ? , for ww2 tier 3 vehicles ? bc anything over that starts to be a pain to grind

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The amount for the SL and RP bonuses were noticeably greater when I stopped Premium after 4 years. Laughably so ,and the amount of bundles given.I also got 1 million SL as F2P while I never got that in four years of premium.

I don’t see any evidence of that other than a painfully slow grind.