The game is in the worst state ever

what are you talking about? RB EC has no 25 minute timer.

I am not capable of enjoying sim without an actual sim setup. Sim also has massive MASSIVE issues that would make it unplayable for me.

None of the good stuff means much when the basics are so stupid. I mean whats with the new narrow maps? The flash stuff wont mask the basics being stupid like special effects wont save a bad movie.

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same, i havent really care for this game for over 5 years

They really aren’t for the most of the game. It really only is true for ground forces. Since they are pre 2018 and Gaijin never had the balls to overhaul them to bring their quality on par with the Aircraft and the new additions.

That only effects ground forces. Your claim was about War Thunder (i.e. all of it). If you only want to whine about GF thensay so, otherwise i will take you as written.

But yeah this fits perfectly with my post as i stated:
Everything that was new from the 2014-2018 period is bad. Gaijin doesn’t have the balls to fix them since it would create too much change for the playerbase and they fear backlash or they just don’t care. (BTW my Post was about gameplay, this is map design, not gameplay. Maps doesn’t have an effect on gameplay at all, since you interact with the enviroment through a vehicle, so gameplay is reduces to what effect an input has on your vehicle and that’s it the definition of gameplay is the effects the enviroment of the game and how you interact with the enviroment. Since you only interact directly with the vehicle it follows that map design might change tactics but not gameplay).

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I dont play the air game ,its terrible beyond belief only do ground

Doesn’t have the balls? ever considered they don’t have a reason to cause the only ones who complain make incoherent arguments such as yours as an example.

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Are you serious, the implementation of all vehicles far outclasses anything the tanks have. The quality, the mechanics.

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You must be playing a different game and the post is about many aspects of the game that have descended into farce which they have.

This entire thread is bitchin about how it is bad.

But tanks are demonstrable worse in quality.

-No interior viewss
-no realistic controls
-no fuel consumption

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Your post was about how war thunder was bad.

If it was about ground only you would have said “ground.forces is bad” you didn’t. You chose to talk about everything… Not me.

If you want me to agree that you are playing the worst implemtet vehicles in War Thunder, then i definately do. That doesn’t make the rest bad.

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I was responding in general to the op and I do feel the game is becoming a joke and I feel it has lost its sense of dircetion overall.

Bruce R1 did a post trying to link players with Squads and he asked players to enter their ages and I was really surprised to see how many players are 30 + in age.
A number of players in their 50s even and older yet the player base is being treated as though we are all children with silly gimmicks added and juvenile decorations and dumb maps for simpletons and kids with no patience. This is not what WT is or was about as far as I can see.

The game overall has no sense of direction or what it is meant to be, is it humourous ? serious ? is it fictional? realistic?

Whose culture does it lend itself to ? American? European, Japanese, Chinese, Korean? its trying to appease all people and seemingly not appeasing anyone that much. We are all different and different types of people have every right to make a game in their style but whose style does Warthunder adopt?

I just find it baffling and annoying.

I cant even just be positive and get on with it as I feel the game is attacking me as a player with constant changes and endless tinkering.

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Oh, so you want tanks to run out of a fuel within few minutes possibly nowhere near a cap point?
Now better texture view ports would be nice. Realistic controls, my man have you ever heard of manual transmission? It has been in the game for years and no one not even me will use it.

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Which other internal views than driver’s and gunner’s (we have both) you need and why?

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He wants all that detail in a game with no troop support of any kind lol

Cupola for the commander
The views are standins not modelled interiors.
Every tank looks the same.

Its called quality. It’s there even if you personally don’t use them. Like the gauges in the aircraft Cockpits.

You did read the post did you? My statement was about quality (you know: level of detail and all that jazz?). Of course this is lost in AB/RB.

Sim should force interiors, but gaijin doesn’t have the balls to make ground sb a tank sim.
So tank are always cartoonish because they don’t need to put effirt into them because a real sim mode for them doesn’t exist.

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Yeah because detail and authenticity are different things…

Why would you act like they are the same?

The level of detail a tank is modelled is completely independent of it’s Environment…

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The level of detail far exceeds the level of gameplay quality and maps, that is the whole issue


we have amazingly recreated WW2 vehicles on modern maps and Modern tanks in WW2 …why ? after 12 years ?

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Yes if someone shoots and ruptures my fuel rank this is a mobility kill and it should be.

That doesn’t make the driving realistic. What real tank is driven by four buttons?
What tank gun is operated by a mouse?

The thing is you cannot even enable them. In aircraft ab/rb they are optional sue, but they are there. Again a quality issue.
They just didn’t put the same effort into tanks.

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