The game is in the worst state ever

I respect you for acknowledging my point (unlike the other response) and I agree that without partial penetration in game no model will be perfect. volumetric has made improvements (no more pixel shots), but also has downsides (improper non pens) Imo both are not realistic and which you think is better is just personal preference. So I will admit my original comment was wrong, volumetric was trying to fix a real problem with the game (which is a good thing). I just personally don’t feel it was a net positive change but that is just my opinion and you can disagree with me on that if you want.

Maybe they could change shells could all have a fixed size. That way larger caliber guns would feel better and the shell would be big enough to not hit pixel weak spots but idk.

I think my point about real shatter is alot better than the volumetric one. Players care how much damage there shells do not what pattern the fragments make on impact. Real shatter didn’t add anything meaningful to the game. If Gajin felt shells did too much damage that could have just reduced the amount of fragments instead of adding real shater

this + CSS Map style

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I also want to apologize if I said something negative. I did not mean to. I just needed to vent off, a lot was going on for me + I completed obj 292 event… that event was not enjoyable for the last 4 stars so it took energy from me. I will not partake in another one for my own sanity :D even though another just started :)
I know WT can be better and I want WT to be better so everybody can enjoy the game. History of WT showed me that it can be better than it is now.


War Thunder is getting the Disney treatment. Everything we used to love getting destroyed and painted with the stupid brush. Dumbed down for the dumb.


I am answering a little bit late but I read your comments and issues. I’m also a veteran player and I agree on every point with you cause I share the same viewpoint.

But I don’t know how old you are but we have been here since 2013… There are many new and younger players and may I say they are now a majority probably. And most of them don’t get this style and gameplay cause they got used to new fast-paced games that were popular in the past years.

I’m afraid that War Thunder wouldn’t be as half as popular as it is today if battles and games stayed the way they were because most of these players don’t enjoy planes and tanks like they are some historical part or got used to slow-paced games from before 2010 etc…

They just want fast paced multi-kill racking machine game and onto the next one after that as quickly as possible.

I mean we now live in an age of TikTok and stuff like that. The shorter the better.

So unfortunately I don’t see that coming back ever…

In every game, I play only a couple of us go to side climb in the top tier and everyone rushes and dies in 2,3 minutes into the game and I suppose they find fun in that…

I get that people are grinding but what the hell are you grinding for at the top tier and rushing EVERY match?

I climb at the side and because I have knowledge of BVR and stuff I avoid their radar and manage to sneak a couple of kills every match but usually by then if my team didn’t kill most of the enemy I have an opportunity… Or the other way around when they completely slam my team to the ground in first 4 minutes and I am the only one. Like you said first engagement is the one that decides because everyone just rushes together and either die or stay alive. In ground battles and air realistic top tier too.

And it’s all about Twitch shooting counter-striking and fps’ing at the top tier and that’s what these Fortnite Twitch kids like these days and I frankly don’t blame them. I think we are getting old maybe :D

Hell, even counter-strike is more tactical than this. This is more Call Of Duty style pardon me.

Yes, I would like to have all that you said but from the profit standpoint, I bet the game wouldn’t be as half as big as it is now if it stuck to the older model of battles.


These do bring back memories.

fun for the people who want to/can play sim

No, RB EC is the solution.


score has nothing to do with SP and you only gain a small amount of SP for taking hits, which is there to promote tanking as a playstyle.

the 25 min timer for RB EC is good enough. If it gets to the end its not likely that anything was happening anyway

Spam Thunder

That’s really not true at all.

Radars and missiles were implemented quite realistically with a lot of depth to them. It’s not dumbed down at all.

The new game mechanics are less dumbed down, than what we got from the 2014-2018 period. That was the time when everything that was implemented was dumbed down. But they turned that ship around when the dumbing down didn’t work with the helicopter and they actually sat down and completely overhauled helicopter gameplay. And after that the implemations like sarh missiles and radars was decent.

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Thank you, I appreciate it.

You are right we aren’t the youngest anymore :D
I just want for everybody have the option to enjoy the game their desired way. For me it would be Air RB EC, Naval RB EC mode and even Ground RB EC mode. I play ground sim battles from time to time so I might get into sim air too when I will have time for that. EC just is not coming so soon I would say. Some of us have been asking for it since 2017.

I have a different approach and play style compared to what is “meta” in this day and age as my reflexes and reaction times aren’t as sharp as they used to be 10-15 years ago anymore. :D

I was always into history so for me games like WT are something spectacular. I have the opportunity to admire detailed 3D models representing their irl counterparts. I remember having a smile on my face when I flew out my Corsair, P51, P38 etc. for the first time very loong time ago (11 years back ?).

If fast paced shooter is what majority enjoys, that is cool, I am happy for them.
It is amazing how the tech evolved in past 2 decades. I am happy I got my patience trained using old win 95 and 98 back in the day. Everything was slower back then and I can just imagine my future child smacking something from that day and age for it’s speed. Heck I even remember cleaning the roller ball mouse so it rolls properly. :D

I think we have got a lot players everyday to support more different modes, even if for testing. During events there are 200-230K online players at one time. back in the day, before tanks even being a thing we were happy with 20-30k. I remember the first time WT reached 100k, when tanks were introduced to everyone.

Anyway I still enjoy WT after all the years. Yesterday I had few battles past EU prime time in Groud RB and they were amazing for some reason. Slower, 20-25mins with comms in my team. People playing as best as they could, spawning even 8 times a battle. That is a totally different experience to what a “regular” battle is.


I remmember first playing Wings Of Prey and when War Thunder camed out I was like ‘‘hmmm this seems familiar’’ it’s awesome.

Yeah If only ground rb ec was introduced or air rb ec. As you say the playerbase can support that due to the large amount of players nowadays. Hopefully many more people think like you and I and we can get this mode going pretty soon because I see people wanting that mode for a long time.

Hopefully Gajin listenes and gives something back to their OG playerbase that loved the game how it was, slower paced, more tactical and also here because we love tanks and planes that are in game and we admire the models and learning new stuff about the history of them…

We are basically probably online model collectors or something of the sort. At least that’s how I look at myself.

Hopefully enduring confrontation comes and that would be freaking awesome for the whole community.
I bet many people that will enjoy it even if they don’t think now they will.

I know plenty people say go play simulator battles or DCS or something like that…

I played Falcon 4.0 when most of these kids weren’t born yet but I can’t be bothered to get a stick or vr because it’s too much of a hastle for me after work. This just hits a perfect spot between simulator and arcade…

And that mouse aim is just ground breaking in terms of plane gameplay, I remember how much better it felt than anything that was before that when War Thunder came on to the scene.

I can’t believe I’m still here playing this game, and it’s the only game I play. Everything else I find boring probably because I’m older now and I just can’t get into it.

But planes and tanks will always be my jam and something I love

And since I’m reading this forum a lot I see many people thinking the same way. I’m glad to read everything you write and brings me joy that there is a possibility for us that they will bring new mode to the table where we can have longer battles and more enjoyable time…

I guess we are here for fun and not for the grind. But I get why the other one is popular. I have all that I need so I’m not really in position to feel like I need short big rp gain battles.

Since they added BVR there is so much more opportunity and gameplay to have than just basic ‘’ go low, quick and go into furball and die in 2 minutes’'… Same goes for ground rb with laser rangefinder and who shoots first wins. Especially on really small maps with modern vehicles all cramped together…

Basically it’s a Call Of Duty with tanks at this point. And I ran from COD since 2011 when MW2 was the thing. That was the last straw for me from them.


COD playstyle seems to be an easy thing to match and apply and appeals due to the COD franchise playerbase growing up on it

yea fack these maps

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Yeah, and I think that’s probably the primary reason why War Thunder is as big as it is now. Because of this fast-paced competitive play style. I get it and I support it. But would like for them to bring more modes since we have the player base to support that also I think.

Half of the OG player base can’t recognize their game anymore across the board and I think the new mode would fit nicely for that part of the community.


It’s always here for you to learn. Who knows… You just might have fun. 😎

I have just played a match on Alaska battles, half team rushed enemy spawn, some got a kill but they all died. And i am just sat there thinking is it really worth it and they just ODL

its a nice morning of premiums rushing the spawn and deadass using lazers at point blank ranges holy sh1t