I remmember first playing Wings Of Prey and when War Thunder camed out I was like ‘‘hmmm this seems familiar’’ it’s awesome.
Yeah If only ground rb ec was introduced or air rb ec. As you say the playerbase can support that due to the large amount of players nowadays. Hopefully many more people think like you and I and we can get this mode going pretty soon because I see people wanting that mode for a long time.
Hopefully Gajin listenes and gives something back to their OG playerbase that loved the game how it was, slower paced, more tactical and also here because we love tanks and planes that are in game and we admire the models and learning new stuff about the history of them…
We are basically probably online model collectors or something of the sort. At least that’s how I look at myself.
Hopefully enduring confrontation comes and that would be freaking awesome for the whole community.
I bet many people that will enjoy it even if they don’t think now they will.
I know plenty people say go play simulator battles or DCS or something like that…
I played Falcon 4.0 when most of these kids weren’t born yet but I can’t be bothered to get a stick or vr because it’s too much of a hastle for me after work. This just hits a perfect spot between simulator and arcade…
And that mouse aim is just ground breaking in terms of plane gameplay, I remember how much better it felt than anything that was before that when War Thunder came on to the scene.
I can’t believe I’m still here playing this game, and it’s the only game I play. Everything else I find boring probably because I’m older now and I just can’t get into it.
But planes and tanks will always be my jam and something I love
And since I’m reading this forum a lot I see many people thinking the same way. I’m glad to read everything you write and brings me joy that there is a possibility for us that they will bring new mode to the table where we can have longer battles and more enjoyable time…
I guess we are here for fun and not for the grind. But I get why the other one is popular. I have all that I need so I’m not really in position to feel like I need short big rp gain battles.
Since they added BVR there is so much more opportunity and gameplay to have than just basic ‘’ go low, quick and go into furball and die in 2 minutes’'… Same goes for ground rb with laser rangefinder and who shoots first wins. Especially on really small maps with modern vehicles all cramped together…
Basically it’s a Call Of Duty with tanks at this point. And I ran from COD since 2011 when MW2 was the thing. That was the last straw for me from them.