The game is in the worst state ever

Yes I did use more than 25 minutes per battle in 80% of my battles and more than 45minutes maybe in 20-30% of my battles and these battles were great and memorable.

What do you mean Kursk being fun only in Panther or Tiger ? I had most fun facing them and outplaying them. Most fun was as underdog on allied side. I wish they brought back old Kursk with pak 40s and other AI.

Norway was great from allied side, I had there some memorable battles. I had to learn how to land my P38 on a CV on Norway to rearm, after that I could land anything on a CV so it helped me learn and overcome an obstacle. That is a great map. It makes you learn something.

Yes I agree on the map sections. I hate the maps we have today, small and restricted playing areas with no more flanking opportunities. Sad.

Adding just few antique screenshots I quickly found.
Kursk related - I enjoyed allied side on old Kursk
Plane - corsair - a 1v4 scenario I won after a long 56minute battle. Today I can not do that as the battle would end twice already due to time limitations…


I found few screenshots from battle modes from 2015 too, we had a time limit of 30 minutes per ground battle mode back then too. Today it is all at 25mins. I remember even 25 or 30 minutes being too short for ground battles in some cases.

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Excuse me what the hell are you talking about???

RealShatter still has a problem with some guns (especially Russian guns from the Cold War era) and even though it has been “fixed” they are still inconsistent ash.

Only usauable gun in 7.0-9.0BR is 30mm cannons(ADEN/DEFA, MK108) and M3 50cals.


And you completely failed to acknowledge all the things Gaijin managed to fix. If they didn’t “care” which I use lightly. Then pixel hunting, crashes, ghost shells, networking, and economy. Wouldn’t have been changed however many of these had to be changed as you said, to keep players in. So yes it is about money however that isn’t a priority.

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This is mostly a mindset thing. Close and clutch games happen, and not that infrequently. You just need to commit and stick to the match

There is really only a few and infrequent map configurations that dont allow for flanking. And generally those map configurations fall out of rotation very quickly

And the rewards for flanking so are so great that i bring my heavytanks flanking.

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You haven’t been around long if you seriously think this is the worst ever haha this is the most stripped down dumbest fastest grind since the earliest days of closed beta


Finnish 2A4 has a different turret.
Same with the 2A6.
T-72M1 for Finland is an entirely new model for War Thunder, and is exclusive to the Swedish tech tree.
The German T-72M1 is a new model for Germany, and the Hungarian T-72M1 is a “copy” of the German T-72M1.

Welcome to game development.

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say sike right now


We Need New/latest real warfare map.
Fix some sounds problem
And many more.

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While you get to keep varying amounts of work between “copypaste”. Chances are you will want to detail them differently anyways.

I think a nice easy confirmation of this is the AMX-30 Super. Which for most intents and purposes is a copypaste AMX-30, but it had an exclusive bug with the turret ring damage model. So some amount of work happened on that model.

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Yeah time to take a break on this garbage. Matched on the losing side that has all the one death quitters and lost 23 out of my last 26 matches. How is that supposed to be anywhere remotely fun? Thanks for ruining what was a good game and turning it into what we have today. Hopefully someone else comes out with a better game soon.

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Please consider reading:

There is no such thing as “copy-paste” within the nation that built the vehicle.
I’m obviously not referring to copy-paste as variants of a vehicle - I’m referring to copy-pasted vehicles from their nations into other nations instead of adding domestic vehicles of a nation BECAUSE it’s easier.

It’s easier for them to copy-paste a Leopard 2A4/2A6 into the Finnish tree rather than add an actually Finnish Patria. (Which is still not in the Finnish subtree and there’s only 1 as an event vehicle, STILL, 2 YEARS LATER after the Finnish subtree was added.)

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My comment was about modeling vehicles and how “copypaste” still can require notable work.

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If it takes “notable work” (which I think is utterly ludicrous to claim, the difference between the Leopard 2A4 and 2A6 in the Swedish and German trees is literally just the camo) - then why not add an actually domestic vehicle instead?

It either takes almost no effort, or would have been better supplanted by a vehicle that nation actually made.


In my opinion, the fundamental flaw with War Thunder is that the developers really struggle adapting game modes to modern vehicles.

War Thunder was created for vehicles from around the WW2 - Korean War era. The current game modes fit these lower-mid tier vehicles decently. Yes there are issues but those issues are fairly minor, when compared to the more modern vehicles.

The game completely breaks down when trying to shoehorn modern vehicles into these simplistic game modes, which somewhat work for WW2 - korean war vehicles.

This becomes very clear as you rise in rank and experience the dreaded “steamrolling” issue.

Once you get around BR’s 9.0+, almost every match is a complete team wipe. This is due to the effectiveness of modern weapons. Each encounter becomes “shoot first and win”.

Planes gain effective missiles. Tanks gain effective rounds and thermals, helicopters gain guided munitions. All of this results in the team that gains the initial advantage is 90% likely to win the match.

This also causes matches to be extremely short. Air at the upper tiers lasts 5-8 minutes. Ground lasts 8-12 minutes.

These short matches would be fine if they were just one game mode but they’re not. They’re in nearly every game mode.

Im not 100% certain what can be done to fix Ground at the upper tiers. Maybe some form of a “reinforcements” mechanic to assist the losing team - either with AI help or reduced spawn point costs. Maybe someone has a better idea. Idk.

However, Air has a solution. That’s an RB Enduring Confrontation mode. Gaijin tried this in 2017 and didn’t spend much time fixing it so they abandoned the mode. The mode needs to be brought back. Yes we have Sim EC for Air but Sim is tailored to a small minority of players in WT due to its control scheme and cockpit only view.

We need Air RB EC or Gaijin needs to rework all game modes.

The current game does NOT work for modern vehicles.


I dont think i ever made the claim there arent vehicles that take less work than others, or that taking existing material and adapting it doesn’t take less work than doing a entirely new vehicle from scratch

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I am not talking about grind. I was part of WT since 2013 and I remember the old 20lvl progression system. Grind is not my concern. It has gotten too fast in some cases now.

I am talking about the game itself. About the modes, maps, flow of battle, fun factor and enjoyment, nearly all went from 100% down to 20% in past years. Add constant texture - graphical problems, server problems, rendering problems and lately even more ghosts shells than ever before (for me it went from a ghost shell 1 in 20 matches to about a ghost shell 1 in 3 matches now) and the game is in a bad shape compared to what it used to be in 2015-2017… I do not remember having so much server/ rendering, graphical issues back then.
It is coming to a point when the game is nearly unplayable because enemy tanks are not rendered for me because they are behind one small piece of wooden fence.
I had many occasions where I was waiting for enemy tank to turn their turret at me so I have a clear frontal shot. The game is showing their turret turned 20 degrees away from me but the next second I get shot by them and kill cam shows otherwise…

The game was far more consistent back then. Also not as restrictive as it is now. If you wanted to play a long match you could. If you wanted apply certain tactics, you had the option. Nowadays there in no time nor place on the maps for something like that. Just drive to middle of the map as fast as possible, kill incoming enemies and go spawncamp then…

AirRb is a nonsense since time reduction so I have not touched them in props since. I tried, I really did but 3 battles in a row I ran out of time and the battle ended… Ticket bleed from AI decided the battle, not me, not my friend… The game decided.


im sorry… what? i used to be able t0 get 20k+ rp a match in air battles and a standard of 8k to 15k in ground battles


Yeah i was able to grind the entire japanese tree inna single historical event that was online for only a week.

Air sim rewards were amazing back then.

It hadnother issues like bomber abuse


Yeah, and I can get 20k RP a match today, it’s just we don’t ever see matches last longer than 25 minutes, and average match time is lower than in the past due to changes in tactics over time.

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Same here. If I had a good battle, mainly in AirRB with a booster I remember getting 73k RP at max. Regarding SL 580k was my max with premium vehicle and boosters without prem. account. This was the magic of longer battles :) Today we can rarely see numbers like these due to time restrictions.

Progression did not really change that much, SL and RP per minute is pretty close to what it used to be. Back in the day I was able to grind whole ITA and JAP Air tree each in a week because I enjoyed them.

There are improvements like 1 FPE with stock vehicles, less RP for repairs and FPE. There certainly are some positives but overall the game enjoyment is lower in my eyes. Progression is not my concern for long time as I achieved what I wanted long time ago.