Yes I did use more than 25 minutes per battle in 80% of my battles and more than 45minutes maybe in 20-30% of my battles and these battles were great and memorable.
What do you mean Kursk being fun only in Panther or Tiger ? I had most fun facing them and outplaying them. Most fun was as underdog on allied side. I wish they brought back old Kursk with pak 40s and other AI.
Norway was great from allied side, I had there some memorable battles. I had to learn how to land my P38 on a CV on Norway to rearm, after that I could land anything on a CV so it helped me learn and overcome an obstacle. That is a great map. It makes you learn something.
Yes I agree on the map sections. I hate the maps we have today, small and restricted playing areas with no more flanking opportunities. Sad.
Adding just few antique screenshots I quickly found.
Kursk related - I enjoyed allied side on old Kursk
Plane - corsair - a 1v4 scenario I won after a long 56minute battle. Today I can not do that as the battle would end twice already due to time limitations…
I found few screenshots from battle modes from 2015 too, we had a time limit of 30 minutes per ground battle mode back then too. Today it is all at 25mins. I remember even 25 or 30 minutes being too short for ground battles in some cases.