The game has became less about who is better and has instead became about who is faster to the kill

in air RB, the game’s pace over the prior years has increased to the point where it is simply unacceptable. Matches that used to be up to an hour are now routinely and usually over in about 5 minutes. Players have lost all sense of skill in preserving their own aircraft and have instead donned the tactic of “rush into the nearest enemy furball I see and headbutt the first missile fired at me, every single game, for every game I play”.

The problem here, is that as someone who DOES try to win games and DOES try to stay alive, you are LITERALLY not playing a game of skill. You are NOT playing a game of “am I going to win this matchup”. More often than not, the question is simply “Can I race my own teammate to kill that enemy jet flying directly into both of our missiles?”

“Can I kill that enemy before he rams the ground?”

“Can I kill that enemy before he rams into his own teammate?”

“Can I fight a full 16 enemies or will 3 be down at the start because of teamkills/ground ramming?”

What can be done about this? I am at my wits end with it.


The game has always been(more or less) a race . . . race your teammates to the bases/ground targets, race them to the capture points, race the other team for tickets and so on . . all that and an even stronger incentive to score well to try and circumvent the “grind” . . . yeah, it can be a mad dash at times for most players . . . I think it adds to the “stress level” of the game too, if you choose to play that way.
But it is still the player’s choice how they play & approach the game, so . . . I think it’s only an issue if you try to force it . . . seems like to me anyway
I know the majority of the time I get stressed/frustrated . . . I find myself . . . getting in a hurry . . . .

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It has been a gradual curve from methodical gameplay back when I started to the crap we put up with now. It’s not about “not focusing” on something because I can’t enjoy basic gameplay because every engagement I get into is not me battling the enemy but me battling my own team

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nothing can be done, other than the TK bans. But people ejecting or crashing to the ground to keep you from getting a kill cant really do anything about. Just people upset over the grind and gameplay.

The game should just automatically reward the closest enemy with a max range cap with the kill


Oh I know and empathize . . . I have been here almost 11 years, and while I have not seen it all, I don’t get surprised a lot anymore . . .lol. But . . each game really is different, even tho so much of it is the same, just having a completely new set of teammates every game keeps it . . . interesting. And I think most of us can agreed, if you haven’t ever gotten mad/frustrated playing the game . . . you aren’t doing something right . . . either that or . . . check your pulse.
Sorry for the memes . . . I could not help myself . . . ☻
Merry Christmas! . . . . (stay calm . . . lol)

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So just as i was about to get into a fight, i got newtwork connection issued and my plane hit the ground. Your saying because of that the closest enemy player should get the kill? no.


This could work for people’s missiles as well, as I’ve seen people ramming into the ground to avoid your missile.

It is imho the same within irl:

Some things have a certain price tag or attached components which influences the fun after getting those things. You can prepare for them if you know them, but sometimes things develop in directions you could not predict or anticipate.

Regarding wt Air RB:

  • The deterioration of player skill in the last 3-5 years was the byproduct of the massive growth of wt by their strategy to lower all possible entry barriers regarding skill by replacing it with money.

  • So those guys crashing, ramming or team kill whilst bringing no added value to your team are the main target group of gaijin. To be fair: Their investments paid the large expansion of wt - and they keep the game alive.

Regarding “what could be done?”:

  • Imho the easiest way is to make your “inner peace” with the current state of Air RB. As long as gaijin earns a hell of money with kids attracted to shiny top tier jets (by creating the illusion that being a pilot needs no willingness to learn and improve as you can progress with money and tasks like base bombing) nothing substantial will happen.

  • Find a niche with the lowest deviations of your expectations and what wt can offer.


Yes? There is no downside. Your ego is the only thing standing in the way that somebody is “awarded” for killing you

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I think you have it the other way around man, i think its your ego thats making you upset you didnt get a kill.

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I had a guy today eject right before my missile hit. he was the last one alive and i dont think he has any points so probably frustrated. Have other people dive into the ground, again i dont really care. they take the penalty and 0 points. you at least get some RP for getting shot down, not a lot but it all adds up.

Go play any BR in air that isnt top teir, and wait for them to powercreep the very top by adding more and more powerful things, then wait till the things that were top teir are no longer at the top and actually get balanced. They could also put the miltipathing back up so people actually have a reliable way of evading missiles, but i think that ship has sailed.

just be happy knowing hes gonna wait a few minutes before he can do anything
you didnt even lose much.

no, the crew lock is only until the end of the match, so with him being the last one it was over and he could get into a new game same time i could.

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Explain your logic? I am just saying that there is no downside to awarding the nearest player a kill, because 9 times out of 10 they deserve it one reason or another. You are saying that somebody should NOT be rewarded since “you just DC’d” like it matters to you that they jump through hoops for your rp?


ok so with your logic, anyone who crashes at take off someone on the other team should get the win and the points they didnt work for because someone made a mistake. Your asking for free SL and RP that why i have a problem with what you want to do.


oh no! anyway.
lets not care about small things. if you keep caring about them they will add up. care about every kill you make, there happens more of those than people who J out.
Dont defeat yourself with your thinking and if you do then therapy.

happens at all BRs in my experience, it’s just worse at top tier

I said from the very start that there would be a max range cap? I think you’re just here to be a contrarian.

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