Decompression. F/A-18C (Early) is fine at 12.7 but would get absolutely stomped at 13.0, and the F/A-18A shouldn’t be 12.3, but can’t go to 12.7 because of the C (Early).
18C has 8 missiles, 6 of them are like AIM-7M, good TWR and cobra button for dogfighting, its just so broken at 11.7, i get annihilated by F-18s if im at 1km
Oh, there are no words to describe my feelings after yesterday’s fights in SB at 12.7. It was disgusting. F-18 (early), in maneuverable combat, simply destroys any opponent. While the Mig-29 crashes at speeds below 400 km/h, the F-18, in my opinion, just hangs in the air in place using the “cobra” button and at the same time can conduct targeted fire. I used to be limited to a rating of 12.7 on Soviet equipment, but now this has been taken away from us. At the same time, there are no places in the blue team, because too few people want to be empty meat in the red team.
I think you mean the (Early) not (Late), as the (Late) sits at 14.0 with AMRAAMs.
Yes, I’m sorry, I sometimes get the words mixed up.
F18 A and C early 12.7 ? you are crazy guys?
Hornet 12.3 and 12.7 How can 2 planes that should be at 13.0 be so low?
F18 A 12.7 ? are you guys crazy?
I warned , I swear I tried to warn about this problem, no one listened to me… main USA doing what they do best, completely ruining the game
They might say ‘Fixing the game in the proper way’, and ‘Historically Correct’ …
Um… F-22 is 0.3 above current 14.0s for air RB, it’s primary difference is stealth and AESA, and stealth isn’t a huge thing in air RB like it is in sim.
Either way, most of the 13.0s through all 14.0s need to go up by 0.3, and some of the 13.7s need to go up to 14.3 as well.
Yeah sorry.
False Flag.
Decompression is not a solution to all problems. Let’s say decompression happens: the F-18(e) is moved to 13.0, and planes from 13.0 are moved to 13.3-13.7. Who is the blue team supposed to fight in this case if there are no opponents at 13.0? We already faced this issue last summer when 11.0+ sessions noticeably emptied out after the decompression of premium aircraft (back then, the 23, F-4, and Mirage were spread across different tiers). And now there’s a problem where the blue team is completely packed with players, making it impossible to join, and decompression will only make this issue worse.
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In a dogfight they definitely aren’t the best. They pull a ton of AOA but bleed even more speed in the process. All of the other 12.7 4th gens smash it in a dogfight. And then there’s the abomination that is the Block 10 F-16A at 12.3…
In my opinion they’re just fine at 12.7 considering the competition. The A has no right being 12.3 though. You can meet it in the F-4E II, JA37C, and Mig-21bis. God forbid if you’re in the Tornado IDS, F-104S or any of the subsonic strike aircraft in 11.3/7 too… Seems fair, right? The only plane at 11.3 that has a chance of being competitive against it is the J-7E.
But like a lot of other people are saying, br compression is the biggest problem.
What do you mean? We have mixed MM in air RB at top tier, it’s always US Civil War.
Realistically, I feel like the AIM-9X would accelerate it a few quattourdecillion miles upwards BR wise cause lord knows the community will freak the hell out about it until the dev
I’d like to move away from that, at least in SIM mode. The realistic mode isn’t all that realistic anymore.
By the way, the realistic mode ended up in its current state precisely because it became impossible to balance the factions, and the ‘civil war’ started due to the superiority of US aircraft over all others.
Yeah, me too. Rarely play SB (last time I was very disappointed with rewards), although I hope for nation based MM for air and naval RB, even if it makes huge balance problems at the beginning and longer waiting for battles for US players.
So you complain (cry) that the F-18 is so powerful and blah blah at 11.7, it’s impossible to play against it, but for some reason, you don’t think about how it will perform at 13.0 BR without proper AAM (aim-9m why not?)) against the Rafale and Su-30SM🌚
Right now, there’s a problem: the F-18(e) is too strong for its current tier, and we need to discuss this issue on the forum to possibly find an acceptable solution that works for everyone. Otherwise, the developers will simply move it to 13.0-13.3 based on statistics. That’s what the forum is for—to discuss problems and find solutions. But guys like you, who accuse everyone who disagrees with you of ‘crying’ clearly aren’t helping with that.