F18 with 10 missiles, with a loadout of 8 missiles, 6 of which are aim7m or 7P in 12.7.
…and it’s still a maneuverable fighter.
I know the game has to generate revenue, but where is the balance?
compare f16 Netz, Aj, MLU and ADF with the f18, or mig 29 9-12A or 9-13… these planes have less than half the capacity of the f18, look at mirage 2000-C s5 and the yak 141bruh zzzz
How will these planes handle the f18, imagine the down tier, 11.7.
give aim9m to f18 A and C early and make them 13.0, it is much closer to the su27 and f15A than the f16, mirage2k and mig 27, don’t ruin an entire br range because of 2 planes again.
you forgot the part where they make money from this and simply dont care about balance.
Mig29 and the mirage2k are fine because they both have 2 very reliable missiles, but yeah compared to the rest its unbalanced, specially the premium one with aim7p
only the a is gonna be 12.7
f18 will annihilate everything in this br
c early was confirmed to be moving to 12.7 as well
I don’t know why people are holding the 7P on a pedestal like it somehow a revolution compared to the 7M or F, its literally identical bar the ability to not explode immediately after loosing lock, which is something the Russian R series missiles have had going for them since far lower BRs since they have IOG all the way down to the R-24s, that and the 7P is loosing IOG anyway so its going to be more 7M like that people expect.
The 7P is going to be another POS sparrow compared to popular belief and I find it hilarious that people are somehow gaslighting themselves into thinking otherwise.
It’s still not a 27ER equivalent by any measure, but it makes it more on par with R-27R and its a considerable upgrade over the AIM-7F/M.
The main issues are 2 fold:
1- The premium F-18C is a straight upgrade from the TT one at the same BR, and as such, a blatant pay2win option.
2- Both are a tad too strong for 12.7, especially the premium one. But they can’t be 13.0 because they lack proper IRCCM missiles. It’s not possible to balance them without decompressing BRs and moving many jets up
Given the fact the F-15A and especially Su-27 at 13.0 will destroy the F-18A with ease. I think 12.7 is the sweet spot for a heavy SARH slinger. But I would still happily go toe to toe with one in the F3 at 12.0 despite the F-18 appearing to have the advantage
The F-18A/C early considerably overshadow the 12.7 F-16s. Won’t be game breaking at 12.7 but it would be preferably to decompress BRs so we can move the F-18A and the Yak-141 up a notch, both are examples of overpowered 12.7s and the yak-141 has enjoyed that for a very long time.
I am speaking against my own biases here, because I will for sure play the F-18A a lot.
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possibly, though its an IR/Gunfighter vs SARH truck (at least is with its max loadout iirc) . Is F-16 truly outclassed by the F-18? or are they just 2 different types of aircraft?
f18 is overperforming in thrust and underperforming in str apparently. F16a should be considerably faster and retain energy better.
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Sounds like "Wait for live and judge it by “real game performance” "
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I’m willing to bet it hits live in its current state just to sell the premium for it to be corrected at a later date.
The difference in loadout is considerable, especially since the most useful missiles are the sparrows. Aim-9L is useless against anyone who isn’t sleeping. Then you have TWS, which you also have in the F-16A MLU but the others don’t.
Now, the F-16 outclasses it in a dogfight, speed, and climb rate. But the F-18 has far more presence in the match with its loadout, just like an F-4S/F-4J at 12.0 still has more impact on average than a 12.7 F-16 ADF. Its just that its often played by noobs.
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Stat-wise the same as the AIM-7F, which sees an airframe with 6 of at 12.0. The only saving grace of the AIM-7M is the radar painting its path. However the premium one with the 7Ps would be closer in relation to the R-27R, so it’s a slight issue but it’s still a Sparrow and they are actually really bad in most scenarios
F-16A retains energy much better
Stat wise and everything wise, they are completely identical in game.
F-16A, Mig-29, Mirage 2000CS5, and Yak-141 at 12.7…
And no, they should never get AIM-9M.
F-16A isn’t going to ruin any BR by being 12.7.
Amount of missiles sort of matters, but at the end of the day it’s effectively a faster accelerating EJ Kai that can dogfight.
yes, they are different classes, one is in the right br, the other will be op.
It’s not possible that you think it’s normal for a plane with 10 missiles to be 12.7, especially with so many SAHR missiles