You have not learned anything from the experience of the F14A IRAF, you are going to destroy the same entire BR strip again.
Why do US players have to be treated like a zoo animal having to be fed EVERY day and still having food in their mouths?
Both hornet A and C early should have aim9m and should be at 13.0, these planes should never step foot on br 12.something.
These changes are completely harmful to the game.
Again, you will deteriorate 9 nations for the sake of 1.
Your job should be to balance the game, you can’t balance the player, if there are extremely incompetent players playing with US, the problem isn’t the nation, it’s these players, they’ll be incompetent with any nation.
The problem is that these incompetent players cry, make a noise on the forum and you pamper them by fulfilling the most absurd requests.
The Finnish F18 will continue to have a higher win rate than the American one, even if you artificially make it inferior by removing its HMD.
The Mirage 2k CS5 and the Yak 141 will have a higher victory rate than the F18A in 12.3, because the problem is not the plane, it’s the player, and you spoil the US player too much, and accept all their complaints as if they were law.
You destroyed the game to try to artificially raise the USA’s statistics, it will only destroy the game, the players will still be incompetent, The difference is that they are facing enemies that will be on the lower side of the asymmetry, when they go to situations where the game becomes more balanced, like 13.7/14.0 they will continue to be easy prey, Eurofighter, Gripens, Rafale and J10 will continue to eat US players for breakfast.
Perhaps players from other nations have more knowledge of the game because they face difficulties and adapt to them.