So you complain (cry) that the F-18 is so powerful and blah blah at 11.7, it’s impossible to play against it, but for some reason, you don’t think about how it will perform at 13.0 BR without proper AAM (aim-9m why not?)) against the Rafale and Su-30SM🌚
Right now, there’s a problem: the F-18(e) is too strong for its current tier, and we need to discuss this issue on the forum to possibly find an acceptable solution that works for everyone. Otherwise, the developers will simply move it to 13.0-13.3 based on statistics. That’s what the forum is for—to discuss problems and find solutions. But guys like you, who accuse everyone who disagrees with you of ‘crying’ clearly aren’t helping with that.
I wrote somewhere that it could be given four FOX-3 and two IR missiles with CR (something like the 9M), making it an analog of the squadron JF-17. But first of all, I doubt Gaijin would even give it FOX-3, and logically, its BR would be around 13.3. I don’t know, I just don’t believe in this scenario…
There’s also the option of giving it 9M and placing it at 13.0, but still, playing with FOX-1 against FOX-3 (unless it’s something like the R-27ER) is just masochism🌚
A decompression is definitely needed, SARH missile throwers shouldn’t face ARH missile throwers and Aim9L’s shouldn’t be thrown at planes with no countermeasures.
the F-18 is extremely broken, 8 missiles at 12.7 is too much, and combined with TWR, as i said, and the cobra button, u can win every single 1v1.
and, if the F-15 is in 13.0 and has 4 radar missiles, the F-18 (that is in a lower battlerating) has better performance and it will be safe in 13.0.
who cares about the AIM-9M, it doesn’t have any difference, and if u launch IR missiles from above ur enemies (getting height) u will kill them very easily.
and don’t make my talk about the other USA planes, like the AV-8B, that has 4 fox-3s at 13.0
if the F-15A can beat all the planes in his br, the F-18A should be at the same br, due to the reason that they’re the same: same missiles, and the C early has even better radar missiles, the F-18 is lighter than the F-15A or F-14A and it has the cobra button.
it should be like the F-16A ADF, because the 18 is in a lower br than the F-16A ADF and it has 4 good radar missiles, it isn’t balanced.
Based on what you think? Because rn its undertiered to me easily
What? Decompression spreads out current aircraft like butter on bread, there would still be aircraft at 13.0. There are no downsides to decompression, stop muddying the waters. Especially since your concern with blue team is sim only
Go look at what every 13.0 has and what the F/A-18C early doesn’t, then explain how it’s 13.0 in today’s current BRs
You tell me? ARH? Didn’t know the best 13.0 (Su-27/Su-33) had ARH!
Hornet has better radar missiles with a competitive FM and is comparable to the F-16A (France) or F-15A/J in capability once everything is accounted for
Nope, but one of the two
I"ll give you a hint, the Early has neither ARH not IRCCM, two things seen as ehats pretty much required for 13.0s to have
It should simply receive 9Ms, if you use this forum at all you should have seen me also advocate for F-14A/B to receive IR missile upgrades that reflect 12.7/13.0 as BRs
Then why didn’t you just say that?
I honestly don’t see why everyone is tweaking out over the F-18s being low in BR, they’re effectively just somewhat more maneuverable Phantoms.
I’d also like to mention two things I said
I’m not against a BR change, its just stuck in a spot where it has nowhere to go, and Gaijin chose the moneymaking route
I forget it doesn’t already have them pretty often
It’s even worse compression added to what we had, and you’re also massively underrating the Hornet.
Somewhat was the wrong word there and
Someone doesn’t play that BR range
Somebody needs to stop guessing wrong
Brother, if 9Ls are rendering closer to 9Ms performance-wise, theres a slight issue there
Honestly, in my personal opinion, I’m significantly more worried about Bisons and Mirages than I ever will be of the Early, seeing as how insatiably bad the player is and how little actually know what they’re flying
How do either of those planes factor into the equation? They’re both fine where they are right now. Just give the premium Hornet 9Ms and bump both of them up by .3. Actually a pretty easy fix tbh
You just missed the whole point there. The F/A-18C as it is CURRENTLY sits is in a weird BR point easily explained as 12.85 but seeing as that BR doesn’t exist, it has nowhere to go until something changes, whether through BR decompression or adding 9Ms to the early.
Actually nevermind I’m the one that can’t read lol. I thought I read the whole thing but got caught up halfway having to do some stuff