The F-20 needs a reduction on its br

This is very true, so I’ll just share one picture as my reply for you



F-14s do suffer, F-20 doesn’t suffer.
As for under-BR’d 13.0s like Su-27, F-15A, etc… that’s a subject matter for decompression, not ruining 11.3 with another overpowered 12.3.

Well, they all suffer when uptiered, but a F-14A suffers less when fighting in an uptier than a F-16A with no sparrows for example.

Yes of course, the compression situation is dire on those BR’s.

Clearly not the Snow People - they would all walk in each other’s footsteps leaving a single trail to hide their numbers…

(yes it’s a paraphrase, but go with it anyway 😁)

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if the F-15A went to 13.3 it’d effectively become 13.7 with very few downtiers becoming unplayable, it’s fine at 13.0

Of course you don’t want 13.7s moved to 14.0… -_-
Or are you just opposing popular opinions for other reasons?

no I don’t, in fact I’ve already called my main man at gaijin entertainment to lower the max BR to 12.0, after all I pull the strings

I was going more for “going cold” but that works too I suppose

That’s beautiful.

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and, right now its at 12.7 facing things better then the EJ Kai? its got a better flight model then the Kai? what are you on

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it’s 12.0 tops. it should not be 12.7 because it’s an F-5 with PD nor does it need to be at 12.3 because it has AIM-9L. that thing is 12.0, no negotiation.

Pretty comparable levels of bad to me, there are heavy pros and cons to both

It should be higher alongside decompression of top tier.

It’s 12.3 minimum but 12.7 is far more preferable…

It has a good FM, only slightly worse than F-16 FMs (comparable to MiG-29 in capability) and has an advanced radar to go with its sparrows. 9Ls are also better than what many jets at 12.0 get…

F-20 is just straight up better than every 12.0 in the game full stop lol, and in MOST ways at that.

bish that shit cannot survive the eventual 13.7 uptier. premium should at least has some sort of BR relevance.

so ask for decompression, its certainly not balanced at 12.0.