The F-20 needs a reduction on its br

basicaly you are the same br as the f16 that can carry more missiles than you and has better flight performance

your best missile is the aim7F wich you can only carry 2 of, and if you carry said missiles you can only equip 2 9Ls

at your br you have both the TT and event f14 that have better weapons than you and more quantity of said weapons, and a bit higher than you you have the f15s that can carry 9Ms and also at the same br of the f15 you have the av8s with amraams and 9Ms and also the new premium Ja37

again, you only get a grand total of 45 CMs that is not enough to flare most missiles at your br and you dont have enough flight performance to dogfight the planes of your tier, for that i say the f-20 needs to be lowered in br to at least 12.3


Maybe just BR 11.7? And on Ground RB (BR 12.7)?


12.3 would be great for this plane, better flight performance then the Bison, but worse missiles by a large amount. No HMD or IRCCM but flight model just slightly worse then the F16A (and other 12.7 variant’s)


The AIM-7F is better than the AIM-7E-2 and R-27

The AIM-9L is better than the AIM-9P

Phoenixes and Fakours are joke weapons that weigh you down and stunt possible kills.

The only reduction that may apply to the F-20 is to 12.3, and even then i think it’s the perfect vehicle to portrait as a counterargument to the classic hoax that the US has many underBR’d vehicles, so better leave it like stands now tbh.

Thats incorrect: R27R are way better than Aim-7F. And I dont understand why you call a phoenix missile a joke. its easy to defeat. In terms of Fakours yup, they aren´t right as in real life…

The AIM-7F is hands down superior to the R-27R, the R-27R is barely an upgrade to the R-24R.

Pheonixes and Fakours are dead weight, anyone with half a brain cell can defeat them so they are thus a joke.

The F-20A is basically an F-16A, having ~93% of an F-16A’s flight performance, its missiles, and 75% of its flares.

When used correctly, that 45 flares will flare a minimum of 3 AIM-9Ms.

It isn’t?

The most basic function of a missile, being to extend combat range, is worse on the R-27R than it is on the AIM-7F. Its propulsion is laughably bad when compared to the AIM-7F, with a similar dV to the AIM-9C.
It features a guidance delay, unlike the 7F, as well as taking twice as long to cue to the missile. Its only upside is in maneuverability, in which it still has a VERY high derivative term for a missile with 2/3 the energy of its competitor.

Literally the only good thing about the R-27R is its IOG and datalink functions… In which they are more than useless when pit directly against an AIM-7F, and only serve to make up for radar faults.

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F-20 and F-16A (no sparrows) should go to 12.3. The Mirage 2k sits there while being far better.

Or maybe put F-20 to 12.3
F-16 ADF/MLU/AJ at 12.3
Netz (no sparrows but slightly better aim9L equivalent) to 12.3
USA F-16A (only aim9L) at 12.0
French F-16A (simple block15 with only aim9M) at 12.7.

Some more BR changes for other vehicles would also be needed, but I’m just talking about F-16 and F-20

Aim7F/M is equivalent in performance to R-27R in my opinion.

Having said that, I would choose the R-27R every time if I had the choice, worse range, better everything else. Inertial guidance is a very good feature.

Also, most R-27R platforms have HMD which makes it even better.

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the f-20 sits at armram tier, you wont be carrying 45 flares like ever

i think 12.0 would be too low for an f16

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Your opinion quite clearly doesn’t reflect in-game statistics.

Agreed there.

Pairs well with its only other advantage, being cue FOV.

That is a criticism of 13.7s being OP.

Well yes, but not that you should use it for HOBS because it will spend too much of its needed energy turning that tight, but R-27ER works great for that, also some players don’t even evade because they think the missile is heading to another target and realize too late what’s up.

True on that. I’d say the only realistic place to use them in any HOBS situation is in a head-on.

Could be 12.3, but I don’t think it deserves to be in the same BR as the other sparrow capable F-16’s, and I don’t think those deserve 12.7 to begin with. I mean they are ok, but Mig29’s and specially the yak141 completely outclass them early game which is the most important stage to perform well to win, snowball meta.

Gaijin balances things by statistics. Look at where that brought us.

To the land of 6 AIM-7Fs fighting 2 R-27ERs instead of 2 R-27Rs? In what way was 6 AIM-7Fs fair against 2 R-27Rs?

Oh, right, no world… That’s why it was balanced.

Since when did the F-20 or F-16 have 6 aim-7F?