Team killing policy - follow up thread

ive been TKed because we were chasing the same guy and he said i was “kill stealing”

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Maybe TKs should be listed as a stat, both in the match leader boards and on ones profile, as a permanent record. I bet that would both deter some would-be TKers as well as alert others of “bad faith” players.

Have in mind that a lot of guys will punish kill stealers. You find some explanations and underlying motivations in this post.

But “kill stealing” has also economic consequences:

  • Killing a wingtip of an enemy often reward you (you is just for explanatory purposes) with just a hit / critical hit and result that your target is then flat spinning.

  • In order to avoid a collision you have to break off - and the guys behind you shooting on them will get a free kill and you just an assist.

  • So you “steal” SL/RP income from the first guy (as assists give just 60%) and (if he is stat driven) damage his ego. Both is not really recommended.

  • This got better due to the severe damage mechanic, as kill numbers are now inflated, but in cases like mentioned above it is not unusual that the first guy not even gets an assist - if #2 behind scores a severe damage and #3 behind finishes off your target you might get nothing.

So this risk flies always with you…

Imho this would be nice to see.

But we have way too much SJW in wt - trying to play White Knights or Judge Dredd. So from my pov this will lead to even more TKs in Air RB.

But - with a counter resetting to 0 after 4 weeks (without further TKs) i would actually support this idea.


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If you read my analogy carefully and look up the definition of the word “SJW” and especially the meaning of “trying to play” it is obvious that the first group has a special mindset (trying to be part of the good guys - whilst being actually weak as an individual) whilst the expressions “White Knight” and “Judge Dredd” refer to guys actually capable of committing certain actions.

Not hard to understand.

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When TF did JD become a SJW??!!😯

Apparently this question was too much for someone to let be seen… wow!

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They used to teach a skill back in the good ol’ days… it was called “reading between the lines” :)

Someone found this offensive enough to bet it hidden. Think on that for a minute…

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The best out of today’s 10 battles at 3.0.

Not a single battle without TK or crash into each other.

My proposal over years is a 1 day ban for TK in the airfield bubble at takeoff.


Example of team killing by ramming:

Enemy Seafire ramming a Yak-3U on purpose. Time: ~23:20. Reported.


2 BV-238s with nearly identical names tried to bomb the airfield, then a mess of teamkilling followed.

Players who do that should be banned.


Reported both via server replay - imho their squadmate with an EF-2000 who brought these clowns into the 14.0 match needs a punishment too…


Have you even bothered looking at my stats or you just full of it like every other ‘career’ WT player?

By the way, I will never say how anyone should play this game, nor will I demand a punishment for the way people play.

You want to drag a bi plane to top tier, go my dude. Want to fly off an airfield with a flying boat; happy take off my boi; you want to blow away half your team cause you think the rage of funny, chuckle away.

I might say people are morons , I may even hate their existence, but I will never demand or suggest they be punished for playing a game in their own way cause I’m not pompous and arrogant enough to think I have that right, cause again, I find make it, I didn’t make the rules.

So take your arrogance, and your obvious delusions of your own self importance, and stuff it.

k?~ 😘

You're level 21.

Players who intentionelly grief teammates should be banned. If you want to mess around with jets and biplanes, go to a custom battle, there are plenty to choose from.


Thread Cleaned up… Members on “Vacation”…

Now, Back on Topic without the nonsense, Thanks


so in my last game i witnessed a ABSALUTE cold blooded murder on a f111 who was trying to bomb a base, apparently the premium mig23 didn’t like that and decided he wanted to steal his base instead. i couldn’t let someone do that to my boy the f111, so i returned the favor and made sure he didn’t get that base either, do i get banned for that?

My guess is that you would get in trouble for that, despite it being not unjustified in my opinion.

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Wow calling others arrogant. Reread your post. Talk about self-righteous.