Team killing policy - follow up thread

Perma ban him 10 days ago first time when I reported this and put it on their site they will not tolerate this behaviour.

Who cares about one player andf him having all premiums? you think he is enough for whole Gajin staff and their paychecks? Common…

Also since they punished sooo many players last time I expect them to be consistent and perma ban these players.

I dont care if its event…Event is also for me… I dont care about aanything regarding this dude, if rules are FOR EVERYONE then everyone should play by them and be punished adequately

P.s I have alos premiums and probabbly are more valuable money wise for this game because I can buy out anything I want and not even feel it… so you think I should also be able to TK people and not be punished??? WTF???

I am not sure if this is just a misunderstanding or not.

The fact that I created this thread and posted 92 times in it should give you more than an indicator that i do not support anything which does not eliminate the threat of getting team killed or anybody who commits team killing.

As your first post was rather emotional i tried to align your expectation level with economic aspects which might be considered from gajin’s pov. If you read my reply with this perspective again, it should be clear than your conclusion is not correct.

It looks like that you expect too much too fast…

oh so what do you think his punishment should be???

Again my man dont you insinuate that playwers that pay are somehow special???

Again I pay also and I also got banned for TK on last wave… So whatsyour point?

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There should not be any perma bans for TK, 1-4 weeks only.

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Depends. For deliberate ones (Ex. Consistently shooting allies down on takeoff) there should, but not for accidental ones.

Calm down and relax.

I am not Judge Dredd and feel the need to judge about a single player based on a single incident. So no:

Dredd the sentence is death! | Judge Dredd | Know Your Meme

For me it is way more important to have an effective deterrence in place. So to increase the expected punishments so high that the player has to think twice before he intentionally kills a team mate.

Currently i see 4 main types of team killing:

  1. Fully intended because players are frustrated (like runway kills)
  2. Griefers eliminating competitors for stats (=getting more kills) or bases
  3. Reckless players like missile slingers or FAB 5.000 users
  4. Plain stupid guys having fun ruining the games of others.

On top of that we have:

  • some guys using intentional ramming attacks to avoid being tracked and subsequently banned
  • really innocent guys suffering from certain bugs - like AAMs attack target B (friendly), despite fired whilst being locked on targetA (hosile)
  • Teamkills based on stupidity - like if you fly in (virtual) cockpit mode and you pepper an enemy in front of you it happens from time to time that team mates eager to “help” dive from above and behind into your shell stream
  • Stupidity II: My last 2 times when i got team killed i stall climbed behind a guy attacking a bomber, got the kill, floated through the air and got killed by 20 mm fire of my own bomber mate (Pe-8 and a G4M1 from > 1 km)

The problem is that not all cases are as clear like shown in your vid.

If punishments like perma bans happen too quick you will find a lot of people having fun to provoke unintended teamkills, all they have to do is to fly in the flight path of your missiles or bullets - or to drive on purpose in the blast radius or large bombs.

Therefore i recommend the following:

  1. A system based on severity. Meaning a kind of point system which weights incidents like 4 runway kills in a match so high that you receive an instant temp ban for a few days. Whilst you need 3-4 teamkills in a week to get your first temp ban.

    In other words: Like the rules for drivers licences in some countries, the severity of your traffic violation determines your punishment. Too much severe violations and you are a pedestrian.

  2. In case gaijin would have even the chance to determine the severity of violations the temp bans need also an upgrade regarding their impact regarding the economic impact.

    Griefers like described in this post team kill because they want to prevent competitors to score kills - and because they can. These guys laugh about team kill fees, therefore i would suggest that let’s say 3 such team kills in 4 weeks cost them 25% of their SL on their account - this looks like an effective deterrence.

  3. Without having a certain number of temp bans a more or less instant perma ban like in your proposal might hit more “innocent” people than the “right” guys - at least if gaijin refuses to fix stuff like wrong damage allocation for intentional ramming, rogue missiles or IFF issues.

  4. In every case gaijin would be ill advised to publish way harsher rules. Simply because certain players would have their fun staying exactly a few inches below that border whilst team killing like before.

As a summary:

  1. The effect of the temp ban wave in November is from my pov gone - at prop BRs is see more or less the same amount of team kills like before.
  2. Temp bans need to be triggered way faster by weighting the “severity” of them, this needs smart technical solutions as the sheer number of team kills is way too high to handle them manually.
  3. Repeated TK bans need to have a way higher economic impact on the player.
  4. I recommend also that the vehicles of perma banned accounts (i just saw 1 on the list in November) will be distributed amongst the victims of team killers; i think here at certain rare premium / event vehicles distributed via the crates you receive after the end of matches. This might reduce the pain for some of them as gaijin has still no solution for the loss of activated boosters in case you get team killed.

I hope my position is clear now…

I agree but I wqas specificly asking about this guy and this incident.

Like I get getting banned beacuse IR missile is fired when friendly is around enemy, thats BS and games faulth
I get same with radar missiles, again GAMES problem
Runnaway tk - perma ban
this guy what did to me - 3 months ban then next one is perma

Like Im the guy that thinks most of TKs are accidental and games fault. But this is not this is why rules about TK were created, you think I could not do the same and shorten my grind??? Like I dont care, this guy I wont stop until he is perma banned… Like funny thing is he did exact thing to me day before. So yeah

You did not mention this before.

2 identical team killing issues within 2 days require an immediate temp ban. Please provide us with that replay link too, so that i can use the report function on the server replay site.

Have a good one!

Yeah this happened like 10 days ago I will try to find that just so you know I play alot, but I will do my best

You’re forgetting sim players. But to be fair, Gaijin does as well.

Identification errors are extremely common in sim, especially at BRs where planes with IR missiles and no radar/IFF are common. The vast majority of teamkilling I see nowadays is this. Sometimes people don’t respond to radio calls. Sometimes you target the wrong vehicle because both sides have it. Sometimes it’s hard to tell models apart with the level of detail the game renders.

Actually not as this thread is tagged for RB :-)

Air or Ground SB has a way higher skill level to participate, a complete different set up regarding spawning / economy and deserves it’s own thread.

So if the majority of team kills in RB matches is based on immature behaviour, temporary rage episodes or just a lack of experience, the niche market for SB has way less toxic players and other issues like nation allocations of visual or electronic target identification - the spam of c+p hardware is just amplifying these issues.

Unless Gaijin creates a punishment/deterrence system exclusively for RB I’d argue any mode where teamkilling is possible is relevant for the discussion, especially if we’re talking about penalties like account bans. Even Arcade, as I believe it’s still possible to teamkill with artillery and shooting allies counts towards the automated penalty system.

But specifically talking about air RB, one effective way of combating a form of griefing would be quite simply disallowing players from using weapons for the first 60 seconds from their spawn. That simple change and airfield teamkilling becomes a thing of the past.

I mean you are not the only smart guy playing the game…

This FF disabling was mentioned and proposed various times (just a few within the first 50 posts):


Even with a valid counter argument:

No “official” reaction or response.

We have already different punishment systems.

If you read the whole thread and the linked parallel threads (which were closed) you find out that the auto-ban system for Air SB is triggered much earlier than in Air RB, there is a way more rigid auto-kick system for TKs in Air SB and even the spawn concept is different.

Whilst i agree in general that Air SB is somehow relevant (mainly from technical aspects) i see a major difference regarding the affected player base and the total amount of teamkills.

Iirc the GM @Schindibee is a passionate Air SB pilot, maybe he can point out the differences between both modes.

Arty teamkilling is exceptionally goofy, though it doesn’t happen much.

With reference to the latest discussion, a very common situation in prop Air RB; same issue: Base bombing, team kill attempt and self-defense.

In this this replay:

Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On

(skip to 3:10) you see a Wyvern (gamertag a certain type of fish) approaching a base.

  • He realizes that a friendly B7A2 has managed to outdive him and
    dropped his bombs 1 or 2 seconds before he was able to do the same.

  • The Wyvern engages him, dropping his bombs before the merge. The B7A2 realized upfront that the Wyvern won’t be happy getting “outraced” and prepared for a team kill attempt. They merged in a head-on, both fired and the Wyvern lost.

  • I was at 7 km and saw in the kill feed no team kill, just a Wyvern crashed. Interestingly the battle log in the replay shows that the B7A2 killed the Wyvern, whilst the Wyvern just damaged the B7A2.

  • I saw in the chat the verbal exchanges and was wondering what happened. This was also the sole reason for watching the replay. Ofc the Wyvern wrote “reported”, but imho this was a clear act of self-defense and should not be punished.

  • In addition any in-game reporting of team kills is according to GMs useless, as the report has to be done via the server replay sie. @Schindibee - plz correct me if am wrong.

That is one reason why i am not a friend of any automatically triggered bans or punishments.

But imho you have to consider the following:

  • If i would have been the B7A2 pilot i would have not gone low in the 1st place, but i would have killed any team mate obviously trying to kill me.

  • I mean dogfighting a Wyvern in a B7A2 is a piece of cake, but if the Wyvern would just have extended and started later a high speed strafing run there is pretty much nothing you can do in a B7A2 if you are 170 kmph slower at the deck and you have no altitude to work with.

  • That is also a reason why i see the need for a way more severe deterrence to even start thinking about a teamkill. Every team mate alive is somehow valuable.

  • Even as the Wyvern pilot is rather at the lower end of the skill distribution curve he can be useful mid to late game; either by using him as bait or just to spot enemies.

  • But this match showed also the downfall of prop Air RB - subpar pilots were able to score 5 kills just because of their plane performance (XP-50) and everybody thinks climbing is for noobs.

Have a good one!

Coming from the guy who said this

But inconsistent aren’t we?

For trolls:

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why don’t they add more communication commands to avoid teamkilling. from options that are :

‘’ I’m going to drop a bomb here’’ (marks on the map)

‘’‘drop an A-bomb, don’t approach’‘’.

‘’‘I will drop artillery on A’‘’ (in this way with the rest of points A, B, C)

‘‘Drop artillery on this position’’.

The reality is that more communication options are needed, people never read the chat, at least if there is an order that can be dictated by Radio it would be the best since at least they are going to hear it.

So Im just curious what should be a punishment for this player
it starts at 4:40

I think 3 month ban of playing the game and next time hedo this is perma ban.

Just an upadate, cant access to this replay anymore, and ofc guy had chinese name so for me its imposible to remember… Still no notification in game that person I reported doing this two days in row recived any ban.
this player was reported 20 days go, lets see how long it take if ahe even gets banned.