Support for a No CAS Game option for GRB Poll

Nah, just relegate them to a pit…

im not surprised… people abuse CAS and its unchecked dominance. Its just bullies being bullies (and either realizing it and lying or not realizing it and being delusional/oblivious)



There’s SPAA for a reason…

Hilarious just how quickly this turned to shit ,I might do the same poll again tomorrow :)

This is the kind of dickery I see in the game all the time.Kind of thinking Gaijin treat people with the respect they deserve lol …awesome.

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Nah, don’t… It’s just the same nonsense on the same old trope…

ULQ is an indication of WHY we GENUINELY cannot actually have a discussion about it considering he was also one in the other thread that this ‘idea’ came from…

The fact that eddie ‘happened’ and now Drak has come to chime in, it’s more indication of feeding the whinge and moan compared to actually doing anything constructive in the slightest.

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It’ll give you chance to take centre stage a second time :)

Dunno, the deathpic gang might have to step up their game…

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Well it made me laugh .To come back and see this lol .Brilliant ,it wasn’t meant to be a chuckle but turned out well :) Well …Back to the PE8 of love next game then BOOM!!

I’ll play in ULQ and maybe be able to spot ULQ Lover from the the air ,that’ll be an explosive irony haha!

xD Alright lol, I thought you’d be mad that I done it :)

I’m peeved at some of the dips in here, and the way the newbies come in all hyped up smelling blood in the water.

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I said to ULQ that we had a poll about this on the old forum couple of years ago and it went nowhere.I didn’t see the other recent poll ,I have no intention of scanning pages looking for one to be honest.

No you post a poll on here and what comes comes ,no problem.People say what they say ,free speech and all that.

My major concern is no CAS players nerfing CAS in WW2 era where I live in order to make top tier playable.Drones ,Heli’s and all that crap.

I play CAS currently and UHQ knows I do but we agreed an opt out for CAS ,Like an opt out for Night games, might work(possibly).CAS or no CAS I’m pretty average anyway.I can get 10 -12 kills on the down tier once in while with the wind behind me facing a team of blind lepers, either with CAS or without.Makes no massive odds to me.

There’s also other methods which currently, because the CDK is a problematic thing, doesn’t welcome new people that well.

Seeing as things have been released, there may be some better things made soon.

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It’s all a bit of fun my friend,I think the forum is too uptight anyway,people need to chill.I did find the “Great No CAS poll kick off” amusing though.

Take care Bro

We already had that, but the AAA was so overpowered that anybody who came as close as 2km to the tank battlefield was automatically blown up.

We should revisit it…

If it was advance to the rhine that was a bug/mistake implementation…

Iirc the AI AAA I am speaking of was removed before advance to the rhine was even added to the game.

It was only in place for a few months back in 2014.

You’ve proven absolutely nothing about what I said ‘wrong’, you’ve just shown yourself to be a statchecker to merely dismiss any interaction and debate on the premise that you deem others inferior.

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If You are suggesting something, then You should be able to back up Your words with something. If You can’t it means that either:

  1. You are lying about the said ‘solution’
  2. You think that solution works but reality is different as people see ‘win’ as something different as You do

If You don’t understand that, then You are really the one which makes discussion pointless. We can all say what we want, but it comes down if what we say is true (effective).

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I don’t even think you can accumulate all of which I suggested, because you’re sole argument is my stats for at least half of this thread…

The fact you rely on that to dismiss everything, in every thread, shows that you, are the one incapable of actually engaging and discussing anything.

That highlights your issue, and with that, I’m actually done with toying with you.

Statcheckers can go suck eggs… Precious numbers bud…


If You suggest using SPAA, then You should be able to prove that it is effective. If You can’t then either:

  1. You are lying about how effective it is.
  2. You just don’t understand what ‘effective’ means.

Sorry but in real word no one really cares what You say as long as You don’t have anything to prove it. Real discussion requires You to show some proof to back up what You are saying. If You can’t provide it, then You are no different than flatearthers.

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