Su-11 and Wyvern immoral premiums at low br

I mean i have bought a good amount of premiums which i only bought because they look cool and are in no way op or meta.

But majority do want their premium to be better than the regular vick.

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Yes and no… (plenty of crappy premiums)

I purchased the Wyvern purely as its basically Britains only really decent Torpedo/Dive bomber for naval. So as long as it remains usable in that capacity (ideally no higher than 4.7 as that is where all our destroyers are located) then i would have still purchased it

I bought the XP-50 because I had extra money after buying something… idk what… maybe premium service? I thought it was pretty crappy

(and plenty of premiums are crappy)

I didn’t play much with the XP-50 for a long time and only really started playing with it for the benefits when I needed the SL/RP. I only play sim so I don’t really benefit from the air spawn.

The average US boys are ez to kill yes, but not battle hardened US/UK bomber pilots or the average UK fighter pilot.

And US/UK wins every match on Saipan or Iwo Jima if the last guy is running - you can’t prevent ai to capture A or A and B.

An example:

Long version with a US bomber vet
  • This map is like Saipan an auto-ticket win for US teams after 15 to 25 minutes. The JP team has zero chance to prevent enemy ai units to capture A point (Iwo Jima) or A and B point (Saipan). Experienced US players are aware of this. After countless ticket defeats on these 2 maps i check now every match there the enemy lobby for highly experienced US players - and like in this example i found one.
  • Without preemptive climbing to 7 km and activating blind hunt at the right point in time i would have not been able to find him on this excessively large map. Without further climbing to 8 km i would have not been able to attack a 46 km away flying PV-2D bomber with aced 0.50 cal ai gunners with the necessary altitude advantage which forced him to dive and turn.
  • A standard player in an A6M2 would have lost this match because the PV-2D is quite fast and he would have been unable to catch him in time - so the bomber pilot would have won the match with 0 points and 0 activity…
Short version with a Wyvern vet

They simply run.

You can run as last alive as ally, sure, i done it myself on numerous occasions.

BUT you can stop ai from capturing.

The landing craft spawn near the ships and move in toward the island to drop off tanks, if you kill these landing craft before they unload, you can prevent the capture of the points.

Or just kill the tanks from side or rear with high calibre ap or even jap 20mm’s can do it.

Mate - we are way off topic now, but you have simply to consider the following:

Saipan: 1 fleet of 6 landing craft attacks Saipan, 2 fleets of 6 landing craft each go for Tinian. On top of that 6-9 AI F6Fs attack ground on Saipan. There are way too many targets for a standard 6 vs 6 match. As soon as one medium tank hits the shore you need bombs, time to reload not calculated.

I sometimes manage to kill 6 of these landing craft with a well aimed 800kg bomb, but usually just 4 if they are not landed.

You describe here the game play of Iwo Jima. 18 cargo ships release multiple waves of landing craft, each carries 3-4 medium tanks. Even assuming that 5 of the 6 enemy aircraft were shot down without own losses - stopping them is impossible with the current player material - 3 of your team are somewhere around the map trying to catch the last guy.

In theory you can stop the cargo ships as a single 60 kg bomb hitting direct at the center kills them, but they buffed the aa on the escorting ships - i lost way too many B7A2s due this buff…

Dude - show me a JP fighter pilot using pure AP belts.

Let’s agree to disagree… :-)

I literally played Saipan on tuesday.

The landing craft drop off tanks, you can kill the landing craft with guns, you dont need bombs.

You can see the landing craft in the screenshot i posted.

As for the tanks - you can strafe them.

As long as one cap point survives you wont lose.

We won because i killed the landing craft preventing Tinian being capped, then we killed all their air.

J5N1 Has AP for it’s 30mm’s
KI-108 has AP for its 37mm
KI-109 has AP for 75mm
KI-83 has AP for its 30mm’s
Japanese type 99 model 2 20mm’s have AP belts - - - all zero’s have this.

Even british 20mm can kill tanks.

7.7’s can even kill light pillboxes - - - a single 7.7 can kill a light pillbox.

Those aircraft that do not have PURE ap belts (20mm’s and 30mm’s) have 1 or 2 HE round in its belt, the rest are AP - so either 4-1 ratio for AP or 4-2.

What kind of drugs are you on.

The Wyvern doesn’t have performance anywhere close to the A2D-1. It would be fine at 5.0. The F8F-1 is 5.0 too, goes even faster and can actually turn somewhat.

This claim is even more ridiculous. It has worse performance than something like a F-84G (bc of airspawn) or a Meteor Mk4. To even think the performance compares to a F-86F25, MiG-15Bis or Yak-23 is insane.

And lost whilst playing vs a stat padder in Spit:

Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On

He won the match with zero points. Just by staying alive. This is an auto ticket win in every match if one US/UK pilot survives. No chance to avoid this.

Even i admire your luck - set on fire, repaired and crashed later whilst getting a repair gift - u were down to 200 vs 1900 tickets after 13 minutes.

Have a good one!

Edit to avoid another post:

It simply doesn’t matter if you stop one group. You can’t stop all 3 groups to land on Tinian (2) or Saipan (1). And there is no point trying to stop them, that is just another prime example of brain dead map design. You get every time a irrecoverable ticket disadvantage.

If u watch the replay - the landing US tanks on Tinian murdered JP arty and aaa - every ground units 100 tickets (on a 2.800 ticket map), whilst the 7 Ai planes killed ground on Saipan. And you will also notice that a singe tank is enough to capture the airfield on Tinian.

Whilst before the capture there were just a few use- and harmless af aaa positions around the airfield - after the capture 8 deadly af aaa positions spawn out of nowhere, killing your A7M almost instantly.

Again, a prime example of extremely unbalanced map design.

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will have a look later, cant be bothered to fire the game up.

I understand that you can win by staying alive, i am not disputing that, like i said, i have done it many many times in the past.

And if i remember correctly, that bleed stops if you prevent both islands being captured, otherwise whats the point of having the defend A and B objective?

As allies, you can fly off and run all match while the landing craft and tanks take out A and B, easy win.

But if the attacks get repulsed and the ai do not cap A and B, then just staying alive wont give you the win.

Hot take, a large number of people using a vehicle wrong should not be grounds for lowering its BR.

BRs should be based on the vehicles actual performance and abilities.


Bleeding tickets? I have around 77% WR via almost exclusively killing people. And my WR took a big hit (from 80%) because yesterday I had some absolutely horrible performances, because Wyvern’s handling requires some getting used to, especially after switching from Fw 190F8, Ta-152H, G.55 and Ki-84
Wyvern can and will ruin your team’s day early game. And if kept ar high speed with some teammates alive, it can slash through the planes dogfighting at low alt and take them out easily with little risk of ever getting cought.

The guns are absolutely criminal, and 1200 shells means a ton of spamming can be done. 900-1000m kills are not uncommon.

I’ll check because I probably kill around 10 air targets for every single ground target :)


don’t forget about VL Pyörremyrsky.
Plus XP-55 and XP-50.(the stupidity of US ARB playerbase compensates for that, though)

i agree. But thats why it was reduced in br.

Pyör is decent nowadays, because J2M2 is no longer 4.3 (thanks snail, you took your time). But god damn, trying to fight Wyverns with it is pure pain.

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Do you play it solo all the time? Thats impressive! I don’t think I could do that, In my experience using Wyvern as a support fighter can work if you snowball early and get help from your team, but for clutching, if one enemy fighter actually knows how to play, the Wyvern is easy to avoid and counter, I never had any problem dealing with wyverns in a light fighter

Only solo. This is not some super-high-skill gameplay. But it works. It’s essentialy all about aim. If I screw up 1 pass, it’s often game over.

It’s not that easy to dodge quad 20mm with 1200 ammo. If you go below 400, I will hit you almost no matter what. Zeros, Spitfire ca dodge, but eventually I get my kill. Yak-3 is a big threat cause it’s fast and can dodge while retaining a lot of energy + Shvak and Berezin are both hitting like they’re 30mm, so of course I prefer to those :P

And it’s not that easy to counter if your goal is to shoot it down safely. Only some planes can counter speed with climb to some extent.
You can push a head on, but reversing a smart Wyvern player will usually not work.
Also Wyvern is all about creating early game advantage. Which means Wyvern will be one of multiple problems :P

It is easy to dodge in most fighters.
I just maneuver below the wyvern and make him dive at high angles and then just avoid the nose because the wyvern rotates slowly, does not matter the amount of guns if they can’t get on target. As he pitches up to ditch just turn after him, and repeat till he gets low energy or runs away.

Having said that, I still can kill most people while piloting the wyvern just like you said, but most people play badly, that’s why the wyvern has good efficiency.

Now If I want to play like you do, I prefer something like the hornet. I Don’t enjoy playing the wyvern as a support fighter. Like I said, I only pick it up to ground pound and try to bleed tickets ASAP as a form of trolling to change the game a bit and have fun. It’s like a challenge, try to end the game before the furball even starts.

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Do you realise that I absolutely love guys “maneuvering below” me? Keep doing that, and never stop. The thing is - all I need you is to go below 470, because then I’ll hit almost no matter what you do. The entire trick is to not dive at high angles. If the guy is turning, I’ll happily yo yo and get a better angle. The worst are people who stay fast and are doing minimal dodging, just enough to disrupt my aim and manage to roll around my nose. But that’s rare and I still hit these guys fairly often.

Also Wyvern has little problems with compressing so I’m pretty happy to go damn fast anyway.

Wyvern has bad turn, but it has enough roll and nose authority + high velocity guns to ruin your day.
Average Wyvern user can’t aim. Decent Wyvern users can.
Oh amd BTW if you are doing your circle below me and slow down enough, I’ll happily dive-brake and attack vertical at low alt. This is hilarious, because at low speed people can only gwt out of Wyvern’s guns, if Wyvern users screws up. I wouldn’t base my plan on that happening.

Also your gameplan means you are barely surviving and at the end of the day - Wyvern can disengage. If he wants to reengage - he can and he will. You don’t have a choice unless your team is the one doing the winning, which vs experienced Wyvern user it isn’t most of the time, because scoring 2-3 kills early game and forcing people to dive is quite substantial. Of course I still lose one in 4 battles, but I’m not THAT good either.

Let me clarify, I almost always do the yo yo thing to dive onto one’s six, not directly dive onto them, but If I’m the fighter avoiding a wyvern, and he starts a shallow yo yo dive into my six, I still turn in relation to him to tightening the circle. Not just sit there and wait for the wyvern to get into position. The point is to not give him any angles to begin with