Su-11 and Wyvern immoral premiums at low br

That is demonstratively untrue


The Wyvern can do almost 650kph in level flight at sea level (and can do the same up to 3,000m)

for reference for Bf 109K-4 can only do 603@SL and the Fw 190D-9: 621@SL

it really shouldn’t be below 5.0, it takes a substantial energy advantage + dive for most fighters this BR to catch a Wyvern, it’s very unserious.

edit: OP is also drunk, the Wyvern isn’t even close to the performance of the A2D-1


Imho your reply has nothing to do with what i wrote.

You claimed that a Wyvern will lose any dogfight - and i replied this makes no sense as any competent pilot will avoid a dogfight at any cost.

So your answer claiming that you have no problem with getting kills in it (or with other strike aircraft) has nothing to do with dogfights - all of these aircraft can get kills with forced headons supported by air spawn - or just by 3rd party kills - but this is not a dogfight in the actual meaning.

Wyvern easily holds 600kph+ IAS in level flight.

There is literally nothing at 4.0 and almost nothing at 5.0 that can keep up with that

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Maybe I didn’t explain well, the Wyvern gets kills on distracted or inexperienced enemy planes, and has only one way to survive which is to run away, if the enemies make the mistake of chasing it on the plain it’s not the Wyvern’s fault.

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better than the A2D? thats funny.
It really is not.
As for the Wyvern, get above it, then you can dive on it with enough speed.

AND in any case - 99% of wyvern players are just suicidal bombers, they pretty much always get a base then die, rinse and repeat.

I totally agree with your statement regarding the SU-11 however.

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idiots getting themselves killed trying to bomb a base and people using it to grind by bombing bases and ignoring everything else.

4 wyverns on your team, all going for a base, all get killed and leave. leaves your team 4 players down for absolutely nothing.

They gave it such bad kill ratio / win ratio gaijin lowered it.

Problem is also, its not classed as bomber,so you can end up in team with 15 Wyverns and you solely in something else. Which cannot happen with 288s as bombers are limited to 4 per team due to this reason.

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Imho you might consider using a better translator.

The whole thread deals with the speed advantage of this thing - which helps it to avoid any classic dogfight and use the superior speed for farming noobs, getting cheap 3rd party kills solely based on speed way too high for this BR.

So claiming:
#1 - it will lose every dogfight
#2 - it allows a lot of kills vs noobs
#3 - it has only one way to survive (to run away)

…has nothing to do with the way too low BR as they are direct results of this.

So it is not a matter of “explaining” it “well” - it is a matter of if you meet a good pilot abusing this speed advantage or not.

The poor tanker guy flooding Air RB lobbies performing “point and click” nonsense on ground units is an indirect threat even for experienced players due to the inflicted ticket damage.

Experienced pilots have no problem to deal with Wyverns, all you have to do is to get above 5 km, keep an eye on them and you are safe.

The plane is a problem with the ability to kill a lot of noobs early game (so either farming clueless tankers in bombers or rushing into the enemy climb zone) and these losses have a severe impact on the numbers game - which limits the chances to win significantly.

So if you then fight “real” fighters at higher alt - these guys farm your tickets undisturbed as you can’t take them out - as diving on them results then that you have 2-4 guys at your six.

In order to get better results with your Wyvern - just ask guys like @Loofah , they use it to their strengths.

Dude - in theory.

This is reality:

I do not see any aircraft at 4.3 that can easily dive and run down a wyvern flown by an experienced player. You really need to focus on an advanced wyvern player for a very long time in order to set up a successfull dive attack.

It takes a lot of patience and experience to gain enough alt, predicting the flight path and to execute the dive attack in this way to allow you to score any kind of hits. In general, the strongly increased drag of your dive kills most of your energy advantage, and your time window for scoring any kind of hits is very small, if you were no able to close the horizontal distance to the wyvern before you dive. If u calculated your energy losses wrong - you lose the rest of your energy/speed advantage extremely fast and you are back at square 1.

This ratio dropped to somewhere between 50-70%.

These days are long gone - currently you see:

  1. More of them in a match
  2. 30 - 50% are used as fighters
  3. They farm other noobs early match with severe impact on numbers

Although correct in theory - i never had more that 10 Wyverns with or against me (mainly during score based events). I do agree that a limit of 6 would be nice. And the 4 slot limit of bombers (2017?) had other reasons, mainly to avoid destruction of your airfield within a few minutes.

No offense man, but you claimed this already 2 years ago:

…and it is still not true :-)

I’m not complaining and I don’t care if the Wyvern gets a BR increase, I’m just stating my thoughts.

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I still see the majority just base yolo and die.

It’s the same as with XP-50s, the plane becomes a threat as soon as the players start to use their brain.

So even if the majority dies in braindead base runs (like almost every other aircraft) they give noob A in a Wyvern the upper hand vs noob B just due to speed, forward air spawn, very good climb and 1.200 mm firepower (with rather good ballistics = easy to use).

So if both teams start with 6-8 strike aircraft in Air RB - there are just 4 bases for each team.

Since the SA server is not longer “selectable” the matches on Pacific maps became rare for me. Nevertheless: There is not a single JP plane at 4.0 / 4.3 able to catch a Wyvern, either due to top speed or rip speed limits - and 4 of the 5 maps in rotation have no bases (=Guadalcanal has 4 bases) - there you see the impact of a way too fast aircraft in small lobbies on very large maps…


I guess so.

As for the pacific maps, i find playing jap or usa in br range of 3.0 - 50 will give you the best chance of getting them.

I have a 70% WR with the wyvern and I play solo. If I had an extra skilled Wyvern teammate I think I could reach 90%+ even if my teams were composed of smooth brains.

But the wyvern is only good at a single thing: bleeding tickets. And even if I can get plenty of kills with it. It is an atrocious dogfighter and very easy to avoid even if one is BnZing you. But he can run forever and even turn again into the objectives while doing so, using very wide turns. Then keep ground pounding

I like to use it as an exclusive ticket bleeder, to change up the game a bit once in a while.

Because of this, wyvern is very hard to balance. Most wyvern players are just free kills, but as a ticket bleeder, you can have great impact in the battle.

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Watch out - Saipan and Iwo Jiima have auto-ticket wins for US/UK, but you are for sure aware of this…

yup, one of the reasons i like them.

There are actual proper objectives.

I like bombing carriers also :)

…whilst flying for US/UK i assume?

Too bad rewards are f*** all for destroying ships or other objectives for that matter. With the reward multipliers for kills, it promotes even more the fighter meta, and the game becomes boring because it is just a simple TDM furball simulator and that gets old


Japan or allies, enjoyable either way.

In the case of saipan as Japan, its easy enough to kill the american team but if your not sure you can eliminate them before A and B get captured - just go for the landing craft.

In the case of Allies - either stay alive and let the ai cap A or B - or if the japs attack landing craft - protect them at all cost.

I 100% agree mate.