My major points were also posted by others such as Panther, БрИт4нСкUй_П0дС0С, Firestarter, SFmerc, and even yourself.
All of us have had minor disagreements over language used, or differences in experiences.
In-fact, you just made one of my takes, which is the take I use to oppose heli PVP coming back:
Sure, we may agree with the same facts, but that doesn’t mean I always agree with your takes.
Opposing heli pvp with the fact that starstreaks are extremely potent against other helicopters other than ATGMs with 8km+ range, like the Vikhirs and (sometimes) mokopas, is reasonable, but this is besides the point of this topic.
Ka-52s are still widely used in competitive matches despite this, and is overall better than the Teapache.
A lot of “competitive” lineups are ones of convenience.
When it takes 4 months to create a new lineup, you have to weigh whether or not the increase in performance is worth it to you.
Vikhrs can’t reach out to 9km?

‘the manufacturer of the 9K121 “Vikhr” gives that the fire range is 8,000-10,000 m, while in some sources the flight time is 23 seconds for 8,000 m and in the other ones it is 28 seconds for 10,000 m. This discrepancy may seem unbelievable, as it implies that the missile should overcome 2,000 m in 5 seconds. In addition, misunderstanding can also cause why in some sources the maximum range is indicated as 8,000 m, while in others it is 10,000 m. However, when considering this problem from the viewpoint of possible temperature limitations, it was found that the range of 8,000-10,000 m is in good agreement with the simulation data for a temperature range of -50…+50°C and an atmospheric pressure variation of 700-800 mmHg for sea level launching. Based on this we can assume that the range of 8,000 m is the range that is achievable under all conditions in the specific temperature range under combat use and that the game achieves a flight time of 82 seconds at 8,000 m at sea level at -45°C. The maximum range of 10,000 m on other hand is achieved only under favorable launch conditions such as high air temperatures, or when launched in low atmospheric pressure conditions, for example at an altitude of 2 or 3 km. These features will now also be reproduced in the game.’
Source: Dynamics of War Thunder missiles - War Thunder Wiki
What a copy paste word salad!
Too bad it didn’t add anything to the conversation.
ATAS is better overall. But Igla more idiot-proof thanks to correction engine.
It’s a little better but difference is not so huge.
2km, 100 height, 3 series with 30 shots.
No, it’s 7.
None of this is on the Ka-50 either? All this does it go against your point that it’s better than higher-BR helis.
Everyone worth their salt knows that the Kamovs need to be higher BR. Just Gaijin flexing their classic incompetency regarding BR, as usual.
Vikhrs against ground targets are highly overhyped. You need to hit the roof of an mbt or get a clean turret ring shot to oneshot them. But then again, hellfires are dogshit too.
The Roivaalk is indeed a very good helicopter and the mokopas are a lot better then hellfires. They share the same stupid targeting issues though.
The BR of the russian helis is totaly fine. The big problem with the KA50 is, that it can oppress all other helicopters and just make them unplayable if it decides to go after them.
On the higher BR’s russian helis still have a huge advantage heli against heli, but there are some counters in spike slingers or britain mk1. If you get a bad map without cover to close the about 3km range gap you have, you are still fked though.
Pure hellfire slingers with atas are also just fkd, i wouldn’t even bother playing them.
Btw. if you play russia i highly recommend trying the Mi28NM. I like it more than the kamovs because of it’s nice MTI radar and very effective turret gun. If you are aware of your surrounding, you will kill every aircraft approaching you.
Edit: KA50 should probably go 11.3 though, so it doesn’t face 10.0 SPAA
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Well then, in short:
Vikhirs can still hit stuff from up to 10km.
Yes and no. It’s definitely much worse than the Ka-52, but that just shows how the great the Ka-52 is, not how bad the Ka-50 is.
I think anyone (other than probably Alvis) would agree that the AH-64A is worse than the Ka-50 in terms of raw overall performance, despite the AH-64A being 11.3. I would even go on to say that the American MH-60L DAP is also quite mediocre, which is also at 11.3.
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Fair enough, although the APDS’ velocity makes it better for aircraft.
So then the Ka-52s can kill Teapache comfortably at 7km+. As well as the fact that Teapache can only carry 4x starstreaks at a time.
My point Is that the Ka-50 shut not be 11.0 and other hellfire nato heli at 11.3 with worst armament. I stop arguing with who dont even do squadron battles and dont know what he Is talking about cuz he play only pve.
The Ka-50 has the strongest missle in game despite delusional players. its the fastest missle with a direct trajectory, you can point precise where to hit so 90% of the time Is 1 shot 1 kill. He has proximity fuse, so you can engage planes when they come to kill you from 12 km and they dont even realize that a missle is coming to them. The vikhr Is the most lethal missle against other helicopters do to the explosive, the distance, the speed and the proximity fuse.
He have A LOT of survivability.You need 2 starstreak most of the time to manage to kill him. Most of the time he survive a missle and without tail he still flys.
He has a 30 mm with penetration rounds that destroy every tank in seconds on the ground.
And after all this he Is 11.0 because he has no thermals? Have only a few helicopters can manage to fight and kill him but he remains at 11.0.
This heli shut at least stay 11.3 and bring all the nato hellfire sistem at 11.3 and some at 11.0.
Can you provide an image of a Ka-50 striking an AH Mk.1 from 10km, and provide the time to impact?
Too much effort man, don’t really care to prove this.
As you can tell, Stop with this KA-50 - #73 by SanguineSerpent, effort didn’t really pay off here.
Besides, the Ka-50 doesn’t have to strike an AH Mk.1 from 10km, only that it can (with varying success).
8km / 9km range would be a lot more managable, though.
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My point is that after the missile reworks and the range reduction of the Vikhrs, they are now vastly outclassed by the starstreak and its flight time.
I don’t side with any of the both sides here, however Vikhr does have a 10km range, statcard just lies with the 8km range from what i can see

From my experience in the Ka-52 it can barely reach out to 8km and still have the energy to deal with a target travelling >100km/h.