Starstreak on the AH Mk.1 Apache should cost Spawn points or be nerfed

Other helicopters AAMs can’t kill light vehicles from 5km away 15 seconds into a match, so if you want to complain about “fairness”, the Starstreak is the only guided anti-light guided munition in the game that can be spawned for free, which isn’t very fair.

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Give atas with so sp penalty simple as

It’s the only good apache in game except for the DJP and even then it’s about the only benefit going for brits right now. If a z-10 with 16x TY-90s can first spawn and basically eradicate the entire opposing teams air power by camping near the spawns, 4 star streaks on a large sluggish heli is just fine. I would rather they never remove first spawn helis, because its a juicy source of SP and at least gives some excitement to first spawning SPAA/SAMs, which I do a lot. OTOMATIC and Stormer my beloved.


that is the chinese TY-90 being OP , the igla on russian helis do not even have uncaged seeker unlike stingers. The TY-90 is too good.

How is it not fair? Just check where the heli spawns are at the start of the match and spawn a top tier SPAA camping the heli spawn (you get 30s of invincibility as long as you dont move, which is plenty of time to counter the first spawn AH mk. 1) The Starstreak is not even that reliable at killing any heli if they close in or moving at more than 200 kph and doing evasive manoeuvres. Like TumblerSnapper said, make it interesting and/or rewarding to spawn/play SPAA, the earlier in the match the better.

Guys AH Mk.1 Apache is definitely not OP, trust me bro

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Because we’ve never seen kamovs wiping out a few people at the start of the match with rockets, right?


You know you can spawn spaa at the start of the match too, right? Before they broke the starstreak I used to love farming ka-50s going for rocket rushes.


Do you know how hard of a shot that is to do
I’ve done it with the starstreak spaa doesn’t make that op

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First spawn with atgm like missiles is kind of powerful advantage. Not many use the teapache so it hasn’t been removed. If you first spawn spaa you may as well be a free kill, due to the fact starstreaks travel faster than your missile. And also any light tanks are a free kill. I mean they removed the thermobaric rockets the ka52 had, which terrorised every non russian team on the ground.

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Greatest term ever

As for the rest of it. The greatest issue is the fact that the Starstreaks are technically our AAM. Though at the moment Starstreaks are completely useless in that role due to their broken nature. It certainly would require an addition such as ATAS (which might actually be just as bad) so that we werent at a disadvantage to other nations as they could still spawn with AAMs at start/for free and we couldnt.

Personally, I dont think Starstreaks are that strong and I do wonder how many are actually in Ka-50s rushing at the start and being hard countered by the Starstreaks on the Apache and it having nothing to do with ground targets being destroyed. Its a tricky situation, though considering how badly treated the British TT is at the moment, Im surprised Starstreaks havent had their SP cost increased massively, they have already been nerfed to the point of being incorporeal most of the time, but it has surprised me that they havent nerfed this aspect yet (Only thing I can think of is that they cant be bothered to add an alternative free AAM)

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I’ve been too lazy to say this myself, but I think if ANY helicopter is taking 4 or more missiles of the AA type, looking at you Z-19, you should also be charged as if you are taking an equal tier SPAA.

That or the Starstreak could have an entire model change that changes the rods into explosive rods and removes their kinetic ability.

Take TY-90 from start of the match first then i’ll talk about starstreak I don’t understand why people complain about thing that rarely exist in the game

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One mistake doesnt justify another one.

Both helicopters should not be able to first spawn with those AAM missiles, especially Teapache considering it can effectively engage with Spaa’s and light vehicles from range.

İt already has stingers , now better than ever with 13-14Gs , unlike 10G iglas or 0 energy mistrals

British Apache doesnt have Stingers.

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I mean, SPAA costs basically no SP? So I don’t think it would change the cost of the helicopter much.

So make them even more ahistorical than they currently are? You realise that IRL they are meant to be KE rods WITH explosive?

7km is not that far against 11.7 SPAA.

It’s amazing how often you are confidently incorrect.

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İf you have terrain covers its more then enough.

Also many people doesnt spawn in Spaa first which gives Teapache to another early attack advantage.

Well it gonna get destroyed by aircraft
The thing ain’t op the missiles barely work on it

İm not talking about A2A situation if you didnt noticed, im talking about effectiveness against light armored ground units.

Yeah, and if you spawn first in the AH Mk.1 you’re limited to four missiles with the worst hit registration in the game, which currently can’t even protect you from jets - their primary purpose.

They need to fix the missile before they start considering nerfing more vehicles carrying it.