Starstreak on the AH Mk.1 Apache should cost Spawn points or be nerfed

The Fact that i can spawn in a heli with 16x 10km AGMs, with MAWS and laser warning for less SP than a downtier sub sonic jet with only 4x Aim-9L suggests that SP costs need a tweak.


The difference is that jet is still less likely to be hit by SPAA or even tanks than the helicopter.

I still think they should be far closer together in SP costs than they are currently, though SP costs accorss the board make little sense to me.

Even if an SPAA doesn’t kill a Helicopter immediately it will often zone it out of doing anything (exception being the UHT and Russian Helis using Vikhrs as APS). Fixed wing jest operate much faster, have a much easier time dodging SAM systems with the new missile physics and a lot of top tier stuff comes with Thermal Targeting pods or things like Mavericks. Then there’s lower tier Helis where you can take a Hind V with 8 Shturm ATGMs (or 4 if you split with R-60Ms) with terrible optical Zoom or an Su-25.

Helis are cheaper than fixed wing Jets because they’re generally worse with few exceptions. Not so long ago most would consider them worse than newly added Strike Drones, when they spawned above radar sweep and instantly in range, just because they had more immediate effect with 2 ATGMs than screwing around with a 16 Hellfire Apache trying to find views that aren’t blocked by billions of trees and objects.

Hinds should have custom loadouts now, at least as far as I know. You can take up to 6 ATGMs and 2 AAM’s (that’s my loadout for the Mi-24P).

It should have higher respawn cost!

I now have the Apache unlocked and I’ve been using and to be honest, I dont see what is OP about it at all. You have to be within about 5-6km, which is plenty for ANY spaa at that BR. Heck most can shoot you down at 10+km.

It only does damage to ultra light targets like SPAA anyway. So is 0 threat to any actual tanks. so the only way you can do damage with it is vs the vehicle designed ot shoot you down. Unless you were really sneaky, that is never going to happen in my opinion unless the SPAA is stock or really bad.

It cannot be removed anyway, unless they give it something else instead to have in that situation, like ATAS. Because it IS the Apache’s AAM first and foremost.

Quite frankly though, I think all helis need a small SP increase so they cant spawn at the start. Ka-52s with rockets spam do 10x the damage a apache with 4x Starstreaks can do.

So yeah, I think its people just bitching for the sake of bitching. The people who ahve issue with Starstreak from spawn are probably the same people spawning in at the start with the Ka-52 and getting shot down by the apche, and not because they are in a MBT getting spawn rushed by a heli

you realize we are talking about match start spawn, you know where enemy spawn is and that there will be tanks, starstreaks are fast as hell, if you shoot the spaa is gone before he even realizes.

StarStreaks do 0 damage to anything with armour. The only thing threatened by them is SPAA. SPAA spawning from start to deal with heli rushes should be using their eyes and radar to spot the Heli from a mile away. Like I said. Apache has to be well within range of the SPAA for it to be used. If the Apache has managed that, they could probably get the same kill with its 30mm gun. There is 0 reason to unfairly nerf it. Otherwise lets whack up the spawn cost of rockets pods on helis as well. They do way more damage.

Here is the SPAA Chart:


As you can see, by 10.3 All nations have received missile AA (notably Great Britain is the last to get it at 10.3 as everyone else actually has it by 10.0). With their basically limited range at that point, all you need is 1 player to spawn in with SPAA and its game over for the helicopter.


Only if they are not paying attention. All nations have RADAR SPAA by that point. Just look at your green circle.

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If it would cost spawn points then all other A2A missles on other helis also should cost spawnpoints

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You fail to mention , the soviets get their non IR missile at 10.7, the japanese and israeli never. They literally cannot counter starstreaks and the soviet player must be 10.7 with 2s6.

SP in general needs to be reworked, the cost for various loadouts are completely off.

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Wow war thunder community loves to pick out an issue that isn’t an issue. Before it was liquid rocket spam from Ka52 which was understandable sp bump as those dumb fire rockets before nerf were clapping cheeks.

Literally all top tier SPAA outrange Ah mk1, it cannot effectively be used against tanks. SPAA that does die to it is most likely oblivious.

I literally see no issue with it spawning with starstreak stock. Worst the Apache pilot can do early on is maybe flank around and surprise the AA or light tanks. It costs 2-3x to spawn heli compared to mbt and your team basically loses an mbt which is a disadvantage at top tier more than u would think.

The helis bum rushing are just lol.

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Funny by just one heli that you rarely see it can become the big problem
while there some nation with much more problem running arounds

My opinion is that its not air to ground. Its the apache with starstreaks is a good counter to Ka-50/52 rushes from start

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Starstreak is beeing used mainly as first spawn ATGM, which is totally capable of taking out every non-tank vehicle. Like all SPAAs, missile carriers, BMP-likes etc…

Its super annoying to be shot from several km away, just after matchstart while you’re still inside the spawn base. It needs to get the same spawn point treatment like other guided anti-ground weapons.


I say again that the SP costs for helicopter armaments in general should go up overall, especially AAMs and dumb rockets. Because while ground RB is indeed a combined arms game mode and I do think CAS has a place despite how annoying it can be. You should only be able to spawn in a ground vehicle for your first spawn in a match.

No more heli rushers and no more helicopters with AAMs going and sitting underneath the airspawn or by the helipad for the whole match and doing nothing for most of the it because only 1 maybe 2 planes or helis actually decided to spawn in.

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I agree. This i think is the only issue with CAS (Specifically) in GRB. Its just too cheap.

Respawn in a MBT i think is 300 sp

A heli with AAMs is about 250 sp

A CAP jet, (AAMs only) about 500 sp

A heli with AGMs is about 530 sp

A CAS jet is about 700 sp

I personally think that a CAP jet needs to be a lot cheaper to spawn in and Heli base line needs to be on par with a CAS jet.

We also need better SPAA, but nerfing 1 nations AAM but not all, is just unfair