Starstreak on the AH Mk.1 Apache should cost Spawn points or be nerfed

Yeah, and if you spawn first in the AH Mk.1 you’re limited to four missiles with the worst hit registration in the game, which currently can’t even protect you from jets - their primary purpose.

They need to fix the missile before they start considering nerfing more vehicles carrying it.

İt has stingers İRL , where am I wrong on this? Gaijin can copy paste stinger pylons from AH-64 in 1 minute in a hotfix

As i said before im talking about effectiveness against lighlty armored ground units, against air units those missiles are trash.

İ managed to shot down couple Ah Mk1’s in my Ka-52 without taking single damage from those missiles, they just passed through my helicopter like i wasnt even there.

There is the problem they have been like that forever

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I’m pretty sure the British Apache in real life has never used stingers actually.

They don’t, never have had ATAS

Why is this even a thread

You’ve been killed, what, once, by a missile system with so many problems in its intended role that players will resort to attempting to splatter a Mach 4 dart across the turret of a T-80

Someone put me out of my misery.


That only kill if it hit the gunners optics on the T80

I didn’t get killed by it , even in my screenshot it is some random dude

You are coping because you can’t accept it is broken in the game’s meta

If soviet helis can’t have unguided dumb rockets at start without paying SP, guided tank killers like this should not be available either

its not though

that honestly sounds more like its up to chance and how bad your ping is rather than a definite kill.

It is though

its a 1/10000 shot it very unlikely to happen

oh come on, and your point is?

given this is a brit main speaking this is pretty much the default

Hey, i think everyone would much prefer it if it could actually kill heli rushers and aircraft as intended.

Without the damn thing phasing through helicopters like there’s no tomorrow

Quick reminder someone posted a video where they got a nuke exclusively by playing Ka-52 + S-13OF at the start of the match. If we’re gonna compare starstreak to that, please please please do enlighten us on when thats ever been achieved.

Oh come on,

The MoD literally put out a statement some months ago saying it is used as an anti air system exclusively. And no, I’m not going to agree that because Thales markets it as an anti vehicle weapon, it suddenly becomes an anti tank system.

In summary, I am coping because it doesn’t do it’s intended role correctly
You’re coping because Mach 4 Tungsten darts can go through armour (lo and behold)
We aren’t the same.




LOL seriously complain about heli that seeing two or three times per week? Compare to Russian heli rush pretty much almost every match daily for me i’ll take it as reward for hellish grinding for British heli at the first place unlike those Russians easy mode


Russian helis can’t spawn with 5KM+ ATGMs min 0 , no other nation can

Starstreak is Air to Air Missile not ATGM (the useable one too)

its not a ATGM its a air to air

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Yet it can kill tanks from 5KM with guidance