Stalinium armor?

But it was an extremely bad comparism. You had a bad shot on the T-34. It is extreme dishonesty at worst, and cherrypicking at best.

Nice. Instead of admitting that you made a mistake, you double down and start insulting. Nice.

Obviously my mind has limitations when i am the one explaining to you what happened, and you refuse to understand it :)

And this shows that you lack basic understanding of the game. It was NOT caused by the lamppost, anybody with said basic understanding of the game would know that.

Neither. You can clearly see that the shell impacted at a place, where volumetric messed it up.

Sorry if truth hurts.
Same thing happens here btw. And this is against a german tank :)

I could also search for a bunch of clips where guided bombs do nothing to tanks, when they explode on top of them.

There is also the opposite, where a 20-40mm SPAA HE shell overpressures MBTs, which should not happen.

Again what you do is confirmation bias.

Sure buddy sure.

Once more… ghostsoph made a comparison between m-10 and t-34 armor and i gave the example that concerns both particular tanks that shows that m-10 can be destroyed much more easily than the t-34 for the reasons that you mentioned and i agree… its simply the truth. I could also say that all m-10 needs to be destroyed is a simple HE shot on the turret which is also the truth . What is so difficult to understand about?

I had no problem before as you can see on the t-54 1949 gunner issue to admit that i was wrong, what about you?
You should first check your vocabulary and offensive attitude of your replies towards me before you accuse me of insulting you, some self critisim is always a good thing.

yes basic understanding of the game shows that shells and missiles are affected by obstacles ( for example wired fences, trees, tents cause missiles, HEATFS , HEAT, HE shells to explode ) so why the lamp post could not cause a penetration capability decreasement ( because of the speed shell reduction) of the APBC shell ? And i say it again “COULD " im not sure but it seems to me very plausible.
You are 100% sure that the lamp post didnt affect the shot at all , so i will use your own words from a previous post…” Me not accepting your statement unless you provide sufficient evidence is not only a reasonable thing to do from me, but also basically mandatory.
So unless you provide evidence, your statements holds no value."
" THE BURDEN OF PROOF" remember? lol!!

yes i can see the shell impact but i cannot see if the shell speed was reduced (so less penetration capability) because of the lamp post impact before, can you?

You were saying…LOL!!!

In this topic there are several authors including me that were sceptical, or not sure about various things relative to the game but you are 100% certain about your thoughts and explanations, so i insist either you are a gaijin game mechanic or a "i know it all " guy . Still bet the second : )

It didn’t ignore the shell though a fuel tank ate the shell, if I see correctly.

Modules eating shells can be annoying though yeah.

How do you know that you don’t just have confirmation bias in the opposite direction? You’re cleverer than all of us and aren’t as easily fooled, I’m guessing?

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Had a russian bomber drop a 1,000kg bomb directly on top of my maus and it only took out an optic.

I understand it. But your comparism was still a cherrípicked one where your shot was eaten by volumetric.

You care quoting any of my offensive lines towards you?
Also, you was insulting there, so that is a fact.

Even if we suppose it could, it would be modelled as strctural steel, likely with the thickness bellow 10mm. Since it is a cilinder, the shell goes in, and out in the other end. Let’s calculate 20mm (which is way over a realistic value), the effectiveness of structural steel is 0.45, so the effective RHA thickness is 9mm.

Let’s take a quick look at the video.
here is the last fram with the hit cam:



You can clearly see, that it impacts at the edge, where the upper side connects to the armor above the tracks. It is an overlapping plate, that causes issues with volumetric.

Looking at the minimap, we can see, that the Tiger is roughly 300m from him, with basically side on.
The upper side of the Tiger is 82mm, at a very small angle, so let’s assume a way higher than realistic 90mm effective thickness. At 300m, the Hellcat pens 139mm flat, but since the angle is so low, it takes no effect.
We can put the Tiger in the protection analysis, at the same angle against the same M62 shell at the estimated distance.

What do we got here?
A nice 300mm+ effective thickness at the area he shot the Tiger. And if my calculations are correct, 371 is just a big bigger than 139…


Now, even if the lamp post decreases the penetration, it is nowhere near enough to cause ~50mm penetration loss.
Again, at this angle and distance, let’s aim for the most armored part, which gives 90mm effective thickness:


The shell would not only pen at this distance, but even at 2km!


So a lamppost will not slow the shell down more, than the natural penetration and speed loss due to distance, even at 2km.

But hey, why don’t we test this out? One of us could bring a Tiger, and the other the Hellcat, and we could see what happens.

Now, your position gets even worse, when we take a look at the Tiger 2 clip, where there is nothing between the Hellcat, and the Tiger besides air, and the shell hits an equivivalent spot on the Tiger 2, and getting caught by volumetric.

See above.

Yeah, who brough up the lamppost?

First video is a perfect example of a type of ghost shells. Nothing to see there, happens to every single nation.

Second video is the same as the one i sent you where a Panther shrugs off a Katyusha.
Gaijin being incompetent.

Sorry if i shatter your russian bias/stalinium armor echochamber by pointing out your immense confirmation bias and lack of game knowldge.

1, your claims were debunked by evidence
2, i am not accepting a cope BS some players use because they can’t admit that they made a bad play.

All you guys would have to do is present a sufficient evidence on this.
It should only benefit russian vehicles, be consistently happening, reproducable with consistecy, and does not happen by bugs/glitches.

Please provide me any proof of these, and i will accept your claims.

Nah, that does not count, obviously! Only if it happens to russian vehicles!!!
You know, if we close our eyes when it happens to other nations, it means it never happens to them!
By a russian bias cryer.

" Your comparism in this regard is utter nonsense" , “extremely dishonest comparism” “yet you still cry about it” “you have no clue what are you talking about” “You have skill issue” “you have a massive skill issue” (to other author) “It is extreme dishonesty at worst”

First of all, all these hypothesis and calculations are according your critiria and particular logic and not according gaijins game mechanic parameters since you dont have available game data about it.
If you have game data sources about how obstacles influence a shell shot pls present them.
In adittion, even if we assume that your hypothesis is “near” reality, everybody knows that gaijin and reality dont walk together, so the only thing that both of us can do with this insident is GUESSING !!

Again calculations according to your logic and not according to the game mechanics parameters unless as i said you have game data to present.

Exactly… IF!!! your calculations are correct…only gaijin can tell it. We can only GUESS!

I did and i said twice that i can only GUESS what might happened but on the other hand you are sure about it , so logically the one that is certain has to bring proofs on the table.

Really ? Ghost shell that explodes on the tank? It is strange that i read about half of the 488 comments on the clip (excepts russians because i dont know russians) and no one else has given this expalnation…sorry i forgot , everyone lacks of game knowledge except you, that may be the reason :)

Once again you come to an arbitrary conclusion like your arbitrary calculations before… :)

What evidence? My stats in the BVM are much better than the AIM or any Challenger 2/3.

Not sure what this is a reference to?

Didn’t someone post a video with results of this exact thing? Strange though, I can’t seem to find it now…

Like I’ve said before, I’ve played the BVM, all the CRs, and the AIM, and I never survive BS in any tanks as much as I do in the BVM. Perhaps you’ll agree when you get to top tier and experience it yourself.

And my stats in the T26E5 are much better than in the IS-2.

Your stats are irrelevant. My stats are also irrelevant. We both are a single example out of 10s of 1000s.
The only thing it means is that your playstyle is better suited for those tanks.

It is a general statement. Most russian bais cryers i have seen are crying russian bias, becuase they made a bad play against a russian tank, or encountered a bug, and instead of them admitting that they made a bad move, or got a bug, they double down and cope with the russian bias nonsense.

What do you mean? Russian ammo not exploding? The thing that is present in 100s of vehicles in every single tech tree?

Bugged ammo, volumetic eating up shells/shrapnels is present in every single other nation.

This is again a very nice example for confirmation bias!

As you can see, I am just all full of agreement with you until I saw the indestructible T34 myself recently. Shocked me for sure but I am not going to deny the existence of something if I am seeing it.

Maybe its not any kind of Russian Govt Commie conspiracy but it may well be bugged mechanics. I saw in a replay, a T34 literally bounce every single shot to win a game with 7 kills and the player didn’t look like they even really knew what they were doing ,just immune to fire.

Saw the same in the next game as my team could not get a kill and a number of the enemy T34 players had zero deaths. Odd to see a big row of 0s like that ,just doesn’t happen.
We weren’t That bad a team and I was in a Jadgtiger IV in a good spot. Just watching and laughing in the end as nothing would pen the T34.The time ran me out with no kills while Im on a hull down meters form the zone.

That was when I apologized to the OP.

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What tanks did your teammates use?
What shelss did they use?
Where did they shoot the T-34?
Do you have the replay link?

Jagdpanzer IV, right?

So you just sat there and did not shoot the enemy? or what?
It is a bit hard to understand.
Please provide the link to the replays.

A T-34 is not more “OP” than a Sherman or Panzer IV.

You take the worst possible shot you can. You don’t even aim properly. Yeah, a bug was also triggered, but you dying was your fault without any bias involved.

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German mostly
The replay is somewhere if you can be bothered and made my apology a few days ago on the strength of it, if you want to find it find it. It was mozdok.Not played it since then and Poland before that.

Easier to read my old posts above and see my view on Stalinium prior to this.

Yes Jadpanzer not Tiger ,my mistake.

You can see me being full of agreement with you but wtf of late I have no idea.
We all report a cheat because we smell the stink right? this was an odd one for sure.It stank.

Not saying it happens all the time but something does happen sometimes.

lmfao, and you say we are the copers. Any other nation and that goes though and either kills all the crew or detonates ammo. But there is didn’t even pen because of the miracle ERA.

Show me a source which proves that ERA can stop Western 120mm DU penetrators.

It is enough for me to find it, if it was a few days ago.

Yeah i suspected it, but wanted to make it sure. You just need to hope the Wargaming does not see that, and add the “Jagdtiger IV” as the next tier 8 lootbox premium xd.

You mena the T-34 player?

It did go through, just did nothing.

I’ve had countless of shots where my APFSDS went though the torso of the driver in a Leclerc/AMX-40, doing nothing, or having no spall on said vehicles.
French bias then?

Show me the source thet DU is modelled in game :)

Have a look Bro and look at the leaderboard at the end. See if that Poland game is there near it and check the winner on the opposite team with 7 kills for 0.

Plenty of food for thought there even if its not Putin’s direct intervention :)

You have not played any battle recently. Not on this account at least.

Or if you were, please link me any server replay of yours. I can work form that, it might be just a bug on the Gaijin website.

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EddieVanHalo@live maybe? Others have found me

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