Stalinium armor?

the american range has an wholly imbalanced front end and turret, its easy to sit there in an m3a4e or whatever the fk its called, and bounce everything that comes their way.
the only chance you have is the sides or rear, but never head on

No i left russian tanks at around br 6.0 , i have not upgrarde higher br russian tanks that i have unlock,. I play them ofcourse in other nation too , recently in sweden (t-34 , pt-76) , germany (t-34 747, kw ic756) , italy (2s1). The swedish t-34 is the best at its br, also kwic 756 is maybe the best ‘‘german’’ tank at 5.0 br. In adittion i confront them as enemies and believe me i prefer to face an american m6a1 4,7 br heavy tank than a t-34 1942 br 4.0 when i play tanks around 4.0 - 4,3 br.

It is always better to play all main nations…you understand better the strengths and weaknesses of vehicles you use.

The T34 1942 is one of the good tanks but assuming you used it, you should know its armor is risky…sometimes you can withstand a couple hits, others you die with first hit…depends a lot on angles and if the attacker can hit your turret well, you are vulnerable.

Not sure about the M6…but i recall that the M10 (same BR than t34) was actually more dangerous…its armor was as good as the one in T34 in most situations…but the gun was way better…and i believe it is the same gun of the M6. M10 is obviously open top, so vulnerable to aircraft…but tank vs tank i belive t34 and M10 are balanced. You also get the M4 and PzIVF2 that are also good…both a bit lower than M10/T34. Actually 3.7 (in arcade) is one of those BRs where all nations are well equipped.

You mean in game right?

For physics is well proven that a 4kg solid shell at 800ms will do far less damage that one of thesame mass going at 1100m/s due to Momentum (p)

Im talking about shells
High speed shells have less mass so less momentum
Low speed shells have more mass so more momentum
(The above is true for in game)

Nop, this is not true for all cases.
For example if I remember the IS-2 shell is like 25kg and travels with at ~790m/s
The t-44 shell is 9kg and travels at about the same speed

and since we were talking about t-34s
BR-350A is 6.5kg and goes 662m/s at the same time PZgr39 is 6.8kg at 770ms.

Penetration for the PzIV as expected is greater but experince in game shows that BR-350 is insta kill.
Yes its the HE filling and how Gaijin has implement it but how on earth I am always getting bounces with the faster shells?

See what i meant was that high speed shells are made for less damage high pen (ap shell)
And low speed are made for less pen (he shell)

I take it all back you are correct about Stalinium .I watched a couple of replays where one guy in a t34 bounced every single shot ,all game and took seven for zero and he didnt even seem to know what he was doing. I just fired shot after shot in a Jagdpanzer IV at a t34 and it bounced every one ,last night all I di was watch as T34S bounced shots until I gave up and turned off.

The game we just had against Russia saw no less that 6 tanks with zero deaths as we all tried to damaged them and we got over run. I was in a good spot and hitting all the weak spts,notthing ,no pen on most of the shots. So is it a new bug ? I dont know but currently that is what I am seeing and you can see my previous take on it all so…

I dont do politics I only say what I see on this forum and that is what I have seen last two days, Indestructible T34s,Is it a joke ? is it a bug dont know. Im gonna go out and see if it works for me .

the US and USSR during the cold war essentially played third party war games aka proxy wars against each other even after the cold war and still continues today so idk what you are goin on about

welcome to the club!
I told u this is not only my opinion about russian tanks , we play every day together 5-6 clan friends on various brs with various countries tanks (russia included) and we all agree that something is going wrong with russian tanks , espesially with t-34s.
I dont know if u have notice that some enemy players with t-34s are moving their tanks and turrets left and right when they reload because they have notice that its almost impossible to penetrate them with your shot as they move. The odds of a lucky surviving shot are much higher to every other nation tank. I honestly prefer to face an m6a1 heavy armored american tank 4,7 br than a t-34 1942 , stz, 4.0 br as i said before.

First screenshots of the topic

m-10 moving fast and takes from my breda 501 one shot kill despite it was hit quite rear on its side

t-34 1942 barely moving and takes a dead center shot to its side from my breda 501 and i get a hit

I dont know what to say ,I cant say I noticed it before but its shocked me over the last couple of days and I can only come clean and say so.

I actually had to laugh at how many shots a guy bounced as I watched the reply. It was Poland and about six or seven games back for me.I dont know if you can find it I dont know how to put it on here for you.

I also just played Mozdok an hour ago,I think and nobody scored a kill against a T34 ,I mean we had literally six or seven enemy players with 4s 5,6 7s for 0 deaths ,like about 7 enemy team with no deaths, that was half way before I turned it off in discust.Nver seen that before ,Out team weren’t that bad and I certainly am not hull down in a Jadgpanzer.

Dont know what to say bro. I don’t know if this is a short-term bug or what but currently please accept my apologies. Games going to hell in a hand cart.


I dont know too if this is a bug or what…but i think that as long as gaijin denies that this is really happening she is just "sweeping under the carpet’'.


You know what they say… if you cant defeat them, join them

Ok, but then would you be happy seeing 16 russian tank players against 16 russian tank players on every battle? And what about fair play?

Fair play? War thunder? Nah… dont know what you are talking about.

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It has over 170g TNT, so it triggers overpressure, which kills most tanks in 1shot, except those with a lot of spaced out crew (like in FCM 2c) or crew in separated compartments (Ferdi, Maus, etc).

This only happens if the shell pens.

Volumetric ate it.
You already posted this months ago, and you got told what happened, yet you still cry about it.

You can see the exact same happening in this video to Tigers:

Go to 1:27 and 1:39

My repost was a reply to ghostsoph conversation about how easy is to destroy an m-10 compared to t-34 as you can clearly see … but empathy make us blind sometimes.

You make me rereat it again …it happens to all nations tanks, the key point is the frequency and how extreme is the incident.

On the tiger i incident on the video the first shot hits first to a lamp post and i guess that this decreases the penetration capability of the shell thats why the next shell on its side kills the tiger.

The tiger ii incident is extreme but comparing to the t-34 1942 incident we have a tiger ii heavy tank 6,3 br (side armor 80mm) taking an 185 mm penetration shell blow and a t-34 medium tank 4.0 br (side armor 40mm) taking an 150 mm penetration (347g tnt) shell blow and both tanks surviving.
Its pretty close to say that both tanks took a hit to their side by an almost similar gun (90mm) and survived.
Which incident of those two is the most extreme?

Comparing to the IS-2 incident that got an 125 kg !! tnt blow to its side by the 38 cm Sturmmörser and survived on the GeorgeCarlin305 video post?

(war thunder wiki data about 38 cm Sturmmörse:

  • Massive 380 mm rocket ammunition, able to knock out any vehicle in a direct hit, or multiple vehicles within the explosion radius )

Your comparism in this regard is utter nonsense. The M10 is open top, so even if the same scenario were to happen to it as with the T-34 in the next screenshot, it would still die due to overpressure.

They are also different classes, designed to do different things.
On top of that, the M10 is actually more survivable in some scenarios. The turret front of the M10 is much stronger, than the T-34’s, granted the shell you use will not trigger overpressure.

Also, you just cherrypicked an example where your shot got gaijined in the side of the T-34, which can happen to basically any other tank as well. If your shot were successfull, it would have gotten the exact same result as in the M10.
This is just an extremely dishonest comparism, or example on your side.


And this just tells all we need to know, that you have no clue what are you talking about.
It was the exact same thing as your T-34 case. It was eaten by volumetric, and the lamp post has nothing to do with it.

It is a VERY good example, because both highlites the same issue with volumetric being crap.

Which is also a bug. You don’t have to overreact.

Same goes for bombs, and then, a similar sized guided bomb explodes right on top of a Leo 2, Abrams, with ~30mm roof armor, and nothing happens.

All you do is falling in the pit of suvere confirmation bias, combined with lack of gameplay mechanic knowldge.

Ghostsoph said that m-10 armor was as good as the one in T34 and i gave the example to show how easy is the m-10 to be destroyed in comparison with t-34 despite m-10 good armor for all the reasons that you say and i agree (open spg, overpressure effect).

No we were talking about m-10 and t-34 so i gave a relative to the situation simple example that concerns both these tanks, but every mind has its own way and limitations to understand things obviously…lol

The tiger takes two shots to its side the first is from a better angle than the second but despite that the second shot is lethal. All i can see is that the first shot that normally has more odds to be lethal hits the lamp post first and as i said ‘I GUESS’’ this caused the problem.
But on the other hand you are absolutely 100% sure that it is because of the volumetric so either you must be a gaijin game mechanic or just a " i know it all ‘’ guy! I bet the second lol!!

lol what a nice convinient explanation!!!

As i said before you are either a gaijin game mechanic or a " i know it all ‘’ guy! lol!!

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