Spawn Camping has become a mainstream attack method and needs to be addressed

If it happens as often as you make out, then you’d know it’s going to happen so mistakes can’t be made if it’s constantly the same, it borders on willful ignorance.

You can just drive around everything, so no…

True but not Always.
I got a couple of games today when most of my team was still alive but we still had 1/2 enemy shooting in our base.
To the point that i spawned my centauro 120 and got killed as soon as my spawn protection ended (ofc the nearest cover was too far)
Another solution Is making a team incapable of shooting inside the enemy spawn zone
Keep in mind that i always think of very small zones.

Just cause you’re allowed to do it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be mocked for it.

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I agree that spawncamping is bad when it is done solely to camp the spawn of a team as quick as possible. More protected spawns, longer spawn protection, and better map design will help prevent lots of spawncamping.


Mock whoever you want to mock. I see 90% of the reason why spawncamping happens in the first place as the failure of the team it happens to.


I don’t think I need to say much. You’re defending Spawn Camping.

If you avoid combat inside the map to go exploit people leaving or sitting inside their spawn, you’re the problem.

Whether it’s legal or not is not my concern. Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should do it.

Totally disagree, the game was better without all the protection

I’ll help you again briefly by explaining what I’ve written and the meaning behind it.

I see 90% of the reason why spawncamping happens in the first place as the failure of the team it happens to.

This means that the responsibility lies with the opposing team to prevent spawncamping! Since this is not possible on all maps because you can shoot directly from one spawn into another, I gave a 90% here.

The fact that you are now accusing me of defending spawncamping is not entirely fair because it takes my statements out of context and also shows that you are trying to put me on the defensive. I have no need to justify myself for spawncamping. Because I hardly have time for that in a battle. Your accusation that I am part of the problem is also unjustified. It is not my responsibility to prevent spawncamping in your team. Nor will I tell anyone in my team to please refrain from spawncamping.
And at the end of the day, we’re talking about a war game here and you’re coming at me with moralising?
Your morals may be honourable, but you can’t expect them from others. Morality also has a lot to do with ethics and values. These are moulded differently depending on your experiences in life.
For example, I find it morally reprehensible to always shift responsibility onto others and yet the majority of people do this. I could also morally declassify you for your mocking attitude towards spawncampers, but what good would that do me?
Mocking has a pejorative character and clearly shows that you want to put yourself above others. But that’s your decision. I’m not going to raise my finger and say don’t do that.

On top of that, the spawns are now so overbuilt that it takes forever to get away from the spawn and on top of that they offer protection to spawn campers at the same time.
There are certainly better solutions for good protection against people who see spawncamping as their daily bread.


Spawn camping has been an accepted part of the game since it started so why is it such a big deal now? Too many whiny oversensitive snowflakes these days?


Spawn camping has always been complained about.
Also “Back in my day” isn’t an argument.


My day doesn’t go back that far and i dont pretend otherwise but even Stona once said that spawncamping is not illegal. Its just an endgame phenomenon usually or bad team skill earlier on.It may also be a mechanic is as whole teams can spawn on one side of the map and leave one whole side uncontested.we destroying the game trying to address this issue ,assuming it even is an issue.

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but even Stona once said that spawncamping is not illegal.

Yes we are all aware the devs make some horrible gameplay decisions and will staunchly defend them.

Its just an endgame phenomenon

Except it isn’t and occurs all game long from start to finish.

or bad team skill earlier on

There is no team in war thunder, only a collection of random single players thrown into the same lobby to compete against each other for score so they can advance their tech tree. This game does not and has never emphasised teamwork and never will.

we destroying the game trying to address this issue ,assuming it even is an issue.

How is fixing spawncamping “destroying the game”? Does the game revolve around hiding on a ridge overlooking the enemy spawn and waiting 30 or so seconds for spawn protection to wear off, popping up and killing them and then going back down?

No, spawncamping isn’t being fixed because gaijin are either too lazy, incompetent or it is simply part of the frustration based business model. I have still not seen one genuinely good argument as to why spawncamping should not be alleviated with say a spawn zone on either side of the map along the border where you can spawn anywhere along it.

Except for people that frequently spawncamp.

Hell I spawncamp inadvertently at times, especially with how garbage most maps are where you can spawncamp while barely having moved from your own. I don’t try to deny how cheap it is though.

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So its not illegal thats it end off there. The kneejerk so call fixes are horrible and equally game destroying. Lastly most of you fanatics jacked your amazing stats up by using every foul trick in the book and now have the audacity to act like a saint while stll randomly stat shaming others as and when it suits so spare me the BS.

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And I stand by this statement.

Game Designers are doing their best to limit such behaviour (because it’s not fun gameplay for side, that is spawn camped), but they cannot cross a certain “barrier”, beyond which camping on their own spawn will cause frustration to an attacking team that has already practically won the match and has to wait for it to end.

Spawn camping has been a gameplay “problem” in games with spawn points for as long as I can remember. Developers (and map admins on private servers) have tried to solve it with many different mechanics. As far as I know, they all end up being abused/not working/not fair for one side or the other (attackers/defenders).
The only real solution IMHO is a completely random spawn on the map (like from some Quake deathmatch), but that does not work for a game with cap points. And well, you still have the chance to spawn directly in front of the enemy :F (ah, good old CQC in BF:BC2).

It’s not that we’re not looking for a solution.It’s just that it’s really hard to find one that works.
If you have a great idea, please go to the Suggestions Section and share it with us.
But remember to think about it from BOTH sides.Usually such ideas are great for teams that have already lost their battle (give them arty cover/force field/etc.) and create a situation where being a better team on the battlefield puts you in a worse situation (which is, of course, what we want to avoid).


So its not illegal thats it end off there.

Non-argument. Just because something is possible doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be changed for the improvement of the game. This logic you’re using would imply that everything currently possible in the game and everything acting in the game right now is intended and fine and therefore no changes are ever required to be made from now on.

The kneejerk so call fixes are horrible and equally game destroying.

Yet you cannot give any example of how fixing spawncamping would “destroy the game”.

Lastly most of you fanatics jacked your amazing stats up by using every foul trick in the book and now have the audacity to act like a saint while stll randomly stat shaming others as and when it suits so spare me the BS.

And this is just your delusional cope, also there are no foul tricks in the book as per your own assertion that everything in the game is legal and fair game. But do cry. Have I spawncamped before inadvertently when the game progresses? Of course I have, anybody who says they haven’t is a liar. The games horrible spawn layout and the drive to get score for progress makes it nothing short of an inevitability that it will lead to it. Does that mean I’m going to bury my head in the sand and pretend as if spawncamping isn’t absolute dogwallop and that it shouldn’t be addressed to improve the game experience overall?

No, that’s reserved for those who defend spawncamping.


You are just massively overstaying everything for dramatic effect to try and score forum writer of the year and its tiresome and does nothing for the game. I hate to rope the chief moderator in but nowhere do we get a more clear black and white perspective of what is allowed in this game.its not about the individual morals of every player. Personally i accept that when you start this game you get your ass kicked,you get spawncamped,sniped, Cassed to death and fall victim to every trick in the book.So you learn the tricks and do the same to others and that is how you progress.Nothing is more annoying than spending a couple of years getting hammered only to find that when you try the old tricks they have all been removed to appease those who could not put the time in to get good.


You are just massively overstaying everything for dramatic effect to try and score forum writer of the year and its tiresome and does nothing for the game.

I’m not, I’m just using your own reasoning and the fact that you’re saying it is absurd just reinforces me point.

Personally i accept that when you start this game you get your ass kicked,you get spawncamped,sniped, Cassed to death and fall victim to every trick in the book.So you learn the tricks and do the same to others and that is how you progress.

So because when you started playing the game and spawncamping, etc were all shitty features, everybody else afterwards should also have to put up with said shitty features? Incredible argument.

I wager if one went through your replay history one would find that you are a predominant spawncamper, probably one of those that zoom around the edge at the start to immediately find an area overlooking the spawn and sit there.

Alas since you appear to be using an alt account since your username only has two accounts linked to it of which one is level 4 and the other level 0 we shall never know for certain.

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Im sure if went through your history we would find you doing all the things you now protest against and smiling with enjoyment as you do.Im just not as self righteous as you.I am on console so to fire your rhetoric back at you I imagine you are ULQ player with a PC full of hacks and cheats.

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Im sure if went through your history we would find you doing all the things you now protest against and smiling with enjoyment as you do.Im just not as self righteous as you.

I’ve already stated that I do inadvertently end up spawncamping because the way the game is designed pushes you to. Because the game only gives one or two spawn points and you need to earn score to progress which you are competing with the other people on your team for you are pushed to either go along with them as the game progresses and spawn camp or sit back and get no score while everybody else spawncamps instead.

As I have said multiple times already the difference is unlike you and your horrible mentality I accept that this is a problem and bad design and should be rectified, whereas you want it to remain the same as you are perfectly content with spawncamping.

Also calling me a hacker/cheater out of the blue is hilarious considering I frequently post videos/clips of people who are actually cheating on the forum here and have been vocal about my hatred at the inaction from gaijin to effectively deal with cheaters even when reported by the appropriate channels.

You see unlike yourself I actually would like to see the game improve, I would love to see ULQ removed (albeit this would limit people being able to play and aside ULQ now no longer is largely different from normal with the changes they made, I believe the only main difference now is sand/snow top layer does not render in ULQ as opposed to normal), I want to see cheating cracked down on and I want to see reports actioned in a reasonable timeframe, I want to see spawncamping addressed so that the game is all around more enjoyable.

You don’t.