Sim rewards topic idea

Fully agree with what you said.
If i see people in one team bombing and coordinating so that they overwhelm the others defenses, yeah thats fine, actually its quite respectable.

However, entire lobbies agreeing to PvE and forcing others to also PvE by Teamkilling/mass reporting? Bottom feeders. I hate them simply because they are the reason SIM reward are awful , and also because of how they tend to force others to also do PvE.

I am surprised that there hasn’t been a movement of players hunting zombers, since gaijin doesnt seem to do anything useful.

Fun Fact: We do have real bombers in-game

There is always one when the event starts. You need to think why the movement doesn’t work:

  1. In general the sim playerbase is much outnumbered by the zombers during events.
  2. Not all of sim fighter playerbase refuse zombing. It earns score even faster than zomber hunting. Sometimes a zomber can fight back with a fighter after being killed, which means not all the zombers are RB tourists.

In fact not everyone puts “protecting the sim mode for fighters” before a faster grind.

(Why is this flagged? You should accept facts lmao)

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Which is true, but many of those players want to force PvE on the entire lobby.

Lol no. Every zomber is a HORRIBLE pilot and they don’t present a challenge at all. I’ll give you one example - I was flying the F-4EJ during the F-14 event. A “friendly” F-4EJ ADTW tries to teamkill me from an advantageous position. I dodge his sparrow, his gunfire, and then loop back around for a clean gun kill as he attempts to avoid the ground because he is STILL loaded down with rockets and hasn’t jettisoned them.

Usually they just J out to prevent you from getting a kill. Extremely common right now.

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Yeah, they are usually RB players who have no idea what they are doing. Had one get mad at me for killing him cosntantly, shouted in chat, “thats it im coming for you” Instantly looses a dogfight against me without much effort and rage quits


All rewards need to go up. PvP and PvE. But how the rewards need to increase isnt just a flat SL/RP / min increase. What they need to do is fix the fundemental flaws with the economy system in Sim.

Fix the flaws, the economy improves massively, everyone benefits. Any talk of just deleting all bombers/strike aircraft from the game just so that fighters get better rewarded is just never going to work

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Also remove respawns for fighters then.

You do know that one of the exploit methods that got the economy harmed massively was having a group of people spawn in on the AF and then strafe them over and over again to farm kills for high rewards right?

So if you are deleting all strike aircraft from the game then you had better also remove respawns for all aircraft as well to prevent fighters from exploiting the increased rewards

Some strike planes are not well suited for fighter role. Also, performing striking tasks is interesting and challenging by itself, which can be done only in PvE mode.

I’m that movement I guess… I’ve been saying we need to embrace zombers (as targets) forever… I hunt zombers in my pimped out XP-50 (which does nothing for the TT zombers but still… I’d do that too if I were playing TT)


Not entirely true, whilst yes, many strike aircraft are ill suited for A2A combat and very vulnerable to enemy aircraft, I’ve never had any major issue getting to and from a target. Even in the extreme uptiers we’ve had like massively nerfed tornado Gr1 evading mig-29s and F16s. Despite the extreme difference in performance, I consistently hit bases or AFs and made it back to base.

I do think there are improvements to be made, like larger maps and better PvE gameplay, but a strike aircraft played in the right way can usually make it through


Last air event I grinded (for the F14A) I spent most of it just killing zombers, more efficient than base bombing in the Buc or tornado i found.

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Generally sim needs about a 5% boost in rewards, as it is a very long game mode to play, regardless of what your doing.

But pvp should be a 8% boost to those rewards.

This is not good PvE. I see good PvE for strike planes as completing some mission with target priority, planning, etc. Simple dropping bombs is not good PVE for me.

Only good PvE can provide interesting gameplay for all players. Considering AI capabilities PvE is inevitable. Current interest to the game for many players is to open new vehicle. After all main vehicle is introduced, many players are expected to stop playing the game.

Don’t get me wrong, I do want massively improved PvE gameplay within sim, but I just don’t think the answer is a PvE only mode, especially as the rewards would suck like they do for Heli PvE.

There is more than enough capacity within Air SIM for an engaging PvPvE gamemode that everyone can enjoy regardless of aircraft type


Well, current gameplay is intended to be PvPvE, but it is nearly just PvP. Honestly, I do not know how to improve it to bring balance and proper gameplay for any type of aircraft. Also, current PvE part is not quite good. Just targets without any goal except for reducing scores of enemy team.

Plenty of suggestion over the years for improvements in that regard, including overhauls to existing missions, just Gaijin has no interest in putting in any work for Sim. Heck, its been 2.5 years since we got a new map and we are still shooting down F-86 sabres in the Typhoon.

so its a deeper problem than just outdated PvE objectives, but if I had choice between a dedicated PvE gamemode or massive improvements to the PvPvE in Sim. Id chose the latter everytime

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Such is the downside of bringing a strike aircraft.

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That’s because you are using a 12.3 plane. You can’t have this efficiency if you are in 9-11.3 BR range. (I also don’t understand why people zomb in high rank planes like F4S)

I did most of it in the Phantom FG1 (11.3) or Sea Harrier FRS1 (10.7 at the time).

Dropping 16k of bombs on an AF netted less Score than just killing 3 zombers.

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