Yeah, I hate that too. Trying to Vid a F-16 from and F-16 in the Harrier Gr7 or before that a F4 from an F4 in the Jag/Phantom. Just wasnt fun. Another reason why I swapped so much too mud moving
Right, yeah that makes sense. I didn’t know about War Thunder back then I think
the discussion was over the moment feetpics tried to deny the experience of other players. this is a common method in forums and social networks to kill other opinions.
once again, the current situation (number of players USA - RUS) is just a snapshot. in Top Tier, the MiG-23s dominated for a relatively long time. and there were a lot of rounds with a lot of russian players back then. now it’s the other way around. it happens.
if people who have played sim for years are no longer allowed to make suggestions and requests here because of a supposed lack of experience. then we can close this forum completely. then nobody needs to write feedback anymore.
You missed the dark days. I spent quite a chunk of time in 2022 in the Harrier Gr1 vs Viggens and Mig-23MLDs because they were in the same BR bracket. I also wanted to play the Lightning F6 as well back then but, it was impossible because it too was in the same bracket against those same jets. The top tier bracket was like 9.3-11.3
I appreciate the shout. However by that NATO vs Soviet/China suggestion. I didn’t mean totally replace the current match make. And all matches would be NATO vs Soviets/China. Just an extra option. When clicking to create a sim game and selecting the country match ups, Germany and China will be on the NATO side but will have a Western block symbol or ROC symbol above the flag or something like that where players would know its a historical match up lobby.
@FeetPics is right. Red would be at a huge disadvantage and totally changing the match ups I’m sure those who fly Red wouldn’t play as often, if at all or maybe there are some that would like the historical challenge. I for one would and I’d probably fly Soviets/China vs NATO only for fun or when I’m in the mood to fly historical Red.
The only thing red has going for it is the R27ER because it’s faster off launch compared to the Aim - 7. Blue has to almost always force the merge in an offset because Red likes to launch 27ERs from the merge at about 1 - 2km and if not paying attention it’ll bonk ya almost every time. Once the merge happens its pretty much over for Red unless they get a lucky HMD R73 shot.
Maybe giving Red aircraft a close quarters buff (in FM, maybe a better slow speed stability in the MiG 29 and Su 27 or something. Where guns/fox 2 range is would help this balance.
It wasn’t a suggestion that would replace the current match make. Just an extra option for people wanting some historical fun.
Sometimes I see Red out number Blue. But it depends on the time of day. I think it’s in the morning US time when it happens most often but even then, it’s not very often at all that Red outnumbers Blue if counting the whole day. Other than that Blue outnumbers Red like maybe 80% of the time if not more.
I’d like to see alot more choosing countries options when starting a sim game as an addition to the ones current. Some that represent more WW2, like US, Britain vs Germany. Soviets Vs Japan was fun before they took it away. Korea, Vietnam. But of course keeping the current ones still because sometimes it could be hard finding games like that as there would be less countries to fly in those games meaning less percentage of players that don’t have that country.
Just more additional options in general would be nice.
To be be honest. With player created lobbies. short of perhaps a soft-requirement for at least 3-4 nations on a given side. I almost wonder whether they should just make it fully configurable. Pick Team A nations and pick team B nations. So long as you can clearly see the config up front, doesnt it matter too much?
Only concern would be US and USSR (+ 1-2 others) every. single. match. So maybe US vs USSR always might also be required
The problem with that as it used to be that way years ago was that farmers and PvE players flooded the match make and would create everyone vs Japan lobbies or everyone vs Italy lobbies with their two buddies or Alt accounts on that team. It was horrible because you couldn’t find a decent game and I think that’s why it changed. It was fun joining those and ruining their farm though.
Yeah, I can see that being an issue. But with the right requirements for a lobby. Could be mitigated.
Like must always be US vs USSR and always at least 3 nations.
So you could do US, China and France vs everyone else. Would be a little random and kinda fun.
But yeah, failing, that just a few more configs for top tier would be fun. Especially with all nations (minus italy) actually on an equal footing for the first time in like 2-3 years?
Yeah that’s a possibility.
@Calerid Would you want someone building your house that has no experience in building houses… or a car… or since its the topic. A fighter jet lol
Except in this case, I do have the experience. This individual just likes to dismiss everything that doesn’t conform to their beliefs.
Brother. They are trying to explain to you that the F4S is not top tier. It’s 11.3 in SB and that is not top tier. Especially now with the BR changes. Please just stop. You do not have top tier experience as it says on your record.
Now please let’s move on to an actual productive conversation.
My reply wasn’t to your suggestion. At some point the thread shifted towards replacing the normal EC mode with a more “historical” setup.
This is a common sentiment that people think they would like but in practice works out into everyone gravitating to whatever side stomps the other.
Imagine Me-163 fighting prop fighters…who actually gets to have fun in this historical setup? Some rando in his P-51 D-5 or the guy who has a rocket fighter that produces more energy than the sun?
It really doesn’t. That’s the whole point of BRs. Everything at the same BR is roughly balanced to be able to compete against each other. Players are only drawn more to one side by flavor of the month or specific aircraft popularity. This creates a numbers disparity, not a capability disparity. All his suggestion is is a way to keep the western built aircraft on one side, and the eastern built aircraft on the other, while not excluding Germany or China which uses both due to being on both sides technically. As long as both teams are of equal numbers and roughly equal player skill, then regardless of if one side only has MiG-29s and Su-27s versus F-14/15/16 the match will be balanced
I never talked about replacing. I wanted new nationsets in parallel to the bad current ones.
But people here act as if I wanted to take the ring away from Gollum.
this person obviously can’t read. nothing should be replaced. something should be added.
no the planes should be as close as possible to the real thing. the MiG-29 should not get phasers and phorton torpedoes just to make the Russians feel better.
also, some time ago the MiG-23 dominated with a large number of red players. many Phantom pilots accepted this and tried to make the best of the situation.
now it’s the other way around. that’s life. if it’s such a problem now why did you all want F-15s and F-16s?!
Do you have either the MiG-29 or Su-27?
USA players cried because their F-16 had realistic G-limit and realistic AoA limit. Now it pulls 14G and can pull over 30 degrees AoA. At the same time the MiG-29 flight model was nerfed into the ground.
You keep bringing this up like it matters; the period of MiG-23 supremacy lasted less than 8 months. We are now going on arguably a year and half of USA / NATO supremacy.
And no the MiG-23MLD being the dominant plane for so long was not good either.