Sick of being told about passive behaviour

You have any official Gaijin documentation that they don’t punish peiple for it? I would assume not since you aren’t a company employee.

But it’s not massive, it’s just you being upset that they weren’t shootable by you…

We are not talking about me, stay on topic

Do they punish players who circle there airfield?

Staying on the airfield doing nothing is staying inactive during a game. You can be at the keyboard and still be inactive.

“Massive” is of course open to interpretation and none of our interpretations matter but I do think the general consensus when it comes to airfield camping and space climbing is pretty clearly not on the side of the potatoes engaging in the above

As I said, it can be deemed to be a bug as I should be able to land and rearm without being counted as inactive considering I am the last player and need ammo.

I am on topic, I’m proving you are not a credible soruce of information on this topic and that your opinion shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Fact is though that the general interpretation of this tactic, is ‘come get me’… Thus making it a valid tactic.

How the hell am I supposed to know that? You asked to see which part of the TOS and EULA said you shouldn’t do that and you were show exactly those parts. Anything beyond that is a question you should be asking one of the GMs who actually have the authority to make those decisions

That isn’t what is being discussed. You can land at the airfield all day, the problem is people circling the airfield refusing to land or engage targets in order to avoid deaths.

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And that isn’t a problem, it’s a valid tactic.

Luckily for everyone your opinion on the matter is worthless (and so is mine but thats besides the point)

It is a problem, I’ve already explained why according to the TOS. You have to do better than “nu uh”.

Dismissing my point like that is plain ignorance because your issue is a decision you need to make… Keep pursueing that which you cannot get, or change tact and actually go for something which can make the difference.

Think fast, tickets bleeding…

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Your twisting everything from the tos to my comment znd throwing it out of context, your trying to say gaijin can punish as they see fit, but you cant say if they do punish for circling your own airfield.

And so is your opinion

Not writing that again, learn to read

It’s nothing breaching the ToS, it’s only you WANT it to so it can be actable.

It’s not something that effects many, but it will effect everyone at one time or another, but the actual point still remains, it’s a tactic and it’s valid.

This is exactly why it can be consider unfair play. “Come get me” in an area with actually unavoidable fire not controlled by any players that will kill you because I am within it’s protection and refuse to leave.

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