Sick of being told about passive behaviour

Then the other decision is there for you… The defense they have ISN’T invulnerable.

Go away, untill you can provide legal documents on airfield camping

Who is saying come get me, did you make that up, like the game rules

I literally quoted the person that said it…

Literally you’re having issue about someone being in a spot that you can’t get, but you need to get them, and that’s all you can see, but there are other ways of completing the mission, which is where the decision comes into it. The want to paint it out as ‘unfair’ and breaching the ToS is merely wanting to make it actable to get someone to stop doing it without you needing to actually work with it.

And that comes to the stage where you need to actually think, and counter what the issue actually is.

The issue is that the last player isn’t able to be got by you, the clock is ticking, and you want to win.

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I cant see what he posts

It very much is in low tier games before missile SPAA become a normal thing for airfield defense. When I get home from work we can meet up in a custom and you can see how true that is.

This is your words showing some understanding about this topic.

Yea nah, I’m fine…

I know it’s not a ToS breach, or a rulebreak… You’re just mad, so stay mad and confused, because you need to be more aware and actually think of what to do, and when to do it.

It’s quoted in my post, so you can see it if you can see my post.

He won’t see the quote either because he’s added me to ignore because they couldn’t handle the jandle.

I didn’t ignore you, you’re actually talking about wishie, not me. Why would they ignore you? You’re on their side of this.

That’s who you were referring to… Read more.

Because he’s a drama llama…

I misunderstood because you replied to me, but why would they ignore someone on their side? This got so weird so fast.

It does when people have people on ignore then act like they don’t know where the ‘view hidden post’ button is…

I do understsnd, but that is my thoughts on the subject but i dont go enforcing the law as i see fit.

If i am in a game and the last enemy is af camping i will ask them to land and j out. I dont go giving them abuse as that is against the TOS

I land and J out if I am the last one so I don’t pay repair costs and the game ends. I never circle the airfield because it delays the game, accomplishes nothing for anyone, and isn’t a fair tactic. My opinion is shared by many people, as it is an actual waste of time when people do so. Especially when rewards are tied to time played and you get less if you leave early. People that circle the airfield are simply afraid of dying, not using a tactic, just afraid of dying. Asking them to land almost never works, I have tried many times. If airfield AA was avoidable, like missile SPAA in top tier, then this wouldn’t be an issue, but at low tiers the gun SPAA will kill you before you can get i to range.


I got him on block, nothing for you to worry about,

Im against it, i have suggested things like make the forward af a capture af that when captured turns AAA off at main af.
My argument is that other players should not try and inforce rules of the game and be abusive about it and that it is not against the TOS to do so.

I dont like AF camping