Should the BR Spread be reduced to 0.7 Maximum

You are not the first person to point this out, it isn’t going to be comprehended.


How about you provide a few examples of planes in ARB in the 8.7 MM lobby that would become OP overnight with a move to a .7 matchmaker. That’s to say, what 8.7 plane(s) that currently face the aforementioned seven BR ranges of 7.7 –9.7 but would now see five BRs of 8.0 – 9.3 would become OP overnight?

Alternatively, free to do the exercise for any plane 7.7 and above. There are likely dozens to pick from given your argument.

You don’t understand. No vehicle is balanced based on full uptier, they’re balanced based on relative similarity.
& the fact that fox & Doc claim that decompression isn’t comprehensible is sad.
1.0 = 0.7 for all but 4 vehicles.
0.7 = 0.3 for all but 4 vehicles.
A 0.7 matchmaker is a 0.3 uptier for 75% of the team at most.
And vehicles are balanced based on the 1.0 which you only see 4 players 1.0 higher than yourself to begin with.

7.7 is fine against 8.7s currently.
Q-5A however will overperform instantly without change.
P51H5NA which already overperforms will overperform even more.
A-5C which currently doesn’t overperform will be almost untouchable with said changes never seeing 10.7.
"Boy, how can a 10.0 never see 10.7 in a 0.7 matchmaker?
10.3 - 11.0 being infinitely more popular protecting nearly all 10.0s from uptiers to 10.7.

That the thing with 3 steps of separation instead of the infinitely superior 4.

Why are you so afraid of supporting just flat out decompression? Decompression isn’t a bad thing.
And guess what? You can still have 1 entire BR between G91YS & A-5C in the current matchmaker with decompression, all with less work.

One final thought on this point.
Wanting something done without rebalancing is one thing. However, when there are unknown amount of examples exceeding 100 that would need rebalancing, on top of other inherent flaws, it is IMO better to support the more simple solution.

0.7 isn’t simple, and the manner in which you argue for a simplified 0.7 implementation causes imbalance, while not addressing the 4 player limit for top BR of the match, and so forth.

Decompression is easy, find hot spots, address those hotspots.

Why would this plane suddenly perform better facing 8.7 – 10.0 than it does currently facing 8.3 – 10.3?

Why would any plane suddenly get better for that matter? Is your argument that it’s fine at 9.3 because there maaaay be up to four 10.3 aircraft on the opposing team?

Is your argument that because it may not see the occasional (rare) 7.3 plane, that, that it will…it will get better? I don’t know how much time you’ve spent in the 5.3 – 7.3 matchmaker, but the P-51H suddenly over performing because it may not see the occasional 7.3 plane. That’s one of your wildest takes yet. I think most would agree that the opposite is far more likely, by not allowing it to see anything below 5.7 it wouldn’t be able to club helpless 5.3 planes.

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Ok, let’s go to .7 BR and throw the 4 player top BR of the match out the window. Can someone second the motion?

80% of players currently think it should be 0.7. You are arguing with a brick wall that understand analytics. I wouldn’t waste your time.


Cause you create an effective BR range of 0.3 unless you remove the 4 player limit, but if you remove the 4 player limit, then you can have situations where you’re the only 4.0 on your team and there are 15 4.7s on the enemy team.

No, 80% of the players do not think it should be 0.7.
And zero people that push the idea haven’t thought 0.7 through at all.

Decompression is less work for superior results.

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Wow, your bigotry is noted.
I’m American, and I’m not a “Rossiyan main” as that’s not a tech tree to begin with.
My first ever completed tech tree was Japan, and I still wasn’t a Japan main cause I was working on another tech tree, likely Britain. I’ve never been a main of any tech tree in WT.
So leave your xenophobia & bigotry at the door instead of antagonizing people that obviously play more tech trees than you.

Yes just cut off those top 4 players, that’s completely fine, because as a 4.0 I can already see 15 4.7 on the enemy team, or worse 4 5.0s and 11 4.7s, that first option is much more appealing to me and you know full well that it would be an outlier anyways

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Decompression will work better… The 1.0 is fine, even with the Air AB ‘average’ method.

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Sure, lets keep going with the plan to decompress the game by 0.3BR like once a year, it might actually be in a decent state by the year 2030

That attitude, is why I actually really can’t be bothered with this ‘community’…

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Firestreaks go brrrrrrrrrrrr

Look, go start a decompression petition thread, the whole point is to convince Gaijin that there is a problem with the matchmaker and it needs fixing now, personally I think this solution is easier, but instead of trying to derail us go make you case on a relevant thread

Let’s see what kind of matchmaking is envisioned if the 0.7BR spread is implemented.

When you focus on 8.0-9.0 BR, you will no longer face 8.0BR jets like the Meteor Mk. 8 and Me 262 C-2b when you play 9.0BR jets. Therefore, 9.0BR jets can play good old Sabre/Hunter vs MiGs/CL-13 matchmaker if they gets full downtier games. Some 9.0BR jets would be OP such as F-11, F4D, Etendard, Q-5 Early/Q-5A but, as long as the BR spread is 0.7, it should be possible to push up the BR of several supersonic jets and missile carriers without facing late Gen’3 and early Gen’4s.


There’s no issue with the matchmaker.
Compression has nothing to do with the matchmaker itself.

Go suggest a better idea instead of trying to derail this one, if your arguments are so much better then stop wasting them here on an unrelated thread as you said

Nah, I’d rather have actual conversation rather than going down the long old trope of gaijin being ‘inadequate’ by anyones standards, and will ‘never’ do anything, especially when there’sa murmurings of things being done, but you and your mate already have no faith because you never had faith in the first place…

Much the same as this thread not being about the BRs at all, but the enemies the OP feels they face too regularly…

This ‘new forum’ ENCOURAGES instant denial and dumb replies because of the ‘live updating’ reply nonsense.

Fact is, my opinion was shown, and your response was nothing but mocking Gaijin, whilst I was saying about the BR decompression being a better fix.

Like, you ARE the one derailing because there’s an OPPOSING stance rendered… Jesus…

Funny how this is what the forums become…

Many of the old forum users who used to do a lot of interacting haven’t come back, and I don’t think they will, so any sense of ‘majority’ from the forums is lost…

Hence why the Tank Only polls are way up…

It’s merely a show of frantic people, on the forums, making thier stomping felt.

Oh, along with that flagging nonsense to further show the frantic mass.

The “opposing stance” is @AlvisWisla saying he’s done statistical analysis and that BR decompression is quicker and easier and that if we just shrink the matchmaker then everything will be unbalanced and the game will become immediately unplayable and he can’t seem to grasp even the most basic concepts.

The fact is a 0.7 matchmaker is a form of decompression, it maintains the exact same BR balance as is already in the game while making matches much closer in relative BR overall and it in theory should only increase matchmaker times by about 3%.

Now tell me why that isn’t worth trying?

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