Should France get some Algerian vehicles?

If I wanted to play RU vehicles I’d grind the RU TT…


Considering that Algeria got its independency by 1962 and all those vehicles are introduced for Algerian service over 30 years later, there’s no reason for those be featured in France,

And same as Firestarter__ mentioned, Politically, it’s nonsense, with the recent independency movements in Africa towards French and other few influent Western Europe countries, the chances goes even lower.




No, doesn’t make sense


Algerians really wouldn’t like this.


Notice how everyone else says a hard no to this but you take the opinion of one person and run with it?

  1. are any of those threads mine?
  2. ive already told you of the one and only subtree i want

im not sure what you meant by that, but i find it preposterous and down right bratty entitlement to think you should get another subtree just after you got one

especially considering what the french did to algeria…
on par with the current happenings in the ME

Nobody wants an Algerian sub tree but this one dude, that is what I said.

Your post paints every French main as greedy, I showed you all the threads of German players begging.

and i wanted to take the mick outta him just as literally every player does for these german main hot heads

1 French player

If you read through those threads you can see 100s of German players who want all those aircraft

Little disparity there huh.

Links 4 threads

Basically only the F-16

Unlike you im not gonna go digging through archives to pull out examples of people who want different sh*t.

Im sure if you looked half as hard youd find just as many french mains crying for random sh*t

I see no reason why France should get them, they got no gaps that Algeria could do it better with their tanks.


Tell me where the French wishlist thread with over 2000 posts is

Tell me where non german vehicles are in MY germany wishlist thread.
Ill remove them rn if you can find one

Everything Swiss

Everything Czech

Everything Argentinian

Everything Danish

I had a rather long conversation with many of you about Swiss vehicles, do you remember that?

plz no more copy-paste
Uden titel


Answer the question.

If anything Algerian vehicles will end up in USSR TT, MiG-29SMT and Su-24M both have unlockable Algerian liveries


Your post about Swiss Mirages

Anyways I already got smacked once by mods for being off topic so I don’t really want to have that happen again for both our sakes

German mains also literally ask for whole TT’s to be gate kept to them for a single vehicle like denmark like why?

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