(Serious Question) Does anyone know why SPAA gaps aren't addressed?

bro tried to sneak Germany FlaRakRad as viable 💀 (yes it is, but compared to other nations spaas is a joke, FlaRakRad just have 2 missiles and the range is the same as all Nato spaas, ITS OK, Its not an OP Beast like Pantsir with x6 missiles + Cannons)

idk why you are putting Germany in the same bag as Russia like if Germany Spaa was OP or something, Russia is the only nation with the most OP Spaa with better range missiles and all that shi.

i do agree OSA will be kinda weird because i doubt the OSA its gonna be better than the FlaRakRad so it will just be there on the tree. Interesting addition if you ask me, doesnt bother anyone.

we need the better version of FlaRakRad

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One of the reasons can be because the nations did not have any SPAA to be added. That is becaus eof teh reason of doctrine and the incoperation of the nations airforce as part of anti network.

In case of america they are so delussional thinking that they will always have airsupiority and they dont need to SPAA to begin with. So the US army did not invest in any SPAA and did not buy any. Delvop and reasarch , yes, buy and use no. So for US players at least one or wtwo players always have to spawn in a jet and be always on CAP. All other nations are stuck with guys sitting in spawn area watching a green screeen and wait for dots to show up.

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Every word has meaning and where its placed matters.
I’m saying that arguing for or begging it’ll be lower than it should is an argument I see in the Russian main realm of arguments. No accusations.

And in the post you replied to, I’m addressing the begging argument, not people.
I cannot know if they are begging or arguing for, so I’m not accusing people of that.
They know if they are tho as they hold the intent behind those words.
If they aren’t begging for it? Fantastic, doesn’t apply to them.

Were these same people arguing for other SPAA to be introduced at lower BRs? I don’t know. If they’re consistent then they did.

I mean there is a lot of USA spa that could be added:

They may not have an option for every single BR, but they all have something to at least mitigate the gap. Case in point:


UK is no different for it’s void, or even top tier for something better than ADATS

Also you are right, many nations relied upon CAP, CAP in game is superior to any SPAA. Problem is, it also costs about 8x more SP. If it didn’t then I’d say CAP is a reasonable answer


Yeah just the Avenger, Bradley Stinger Fighting Vehicle, Bradley Linebacker, M-SHORAD.

Plenty of options and no reason to leave nations intentionally defenseless.

UK is even worse off with the Stomer because it’s been broken forever and there seems to be absolutely no work on fixing it. Litterally every country except Sweden has a 9.something all aspect AD asset and the UK has the permanently broken HVM at 10.3 as the first missile. But we’re getting yet another Russian SPAA that fills absolutely no need 🙄


Actually they halfed fixed it. It’s still a bit of an issue when you have high ping (so basically unusable if you live in somewhere like Australia) but for the most part works fine.

But it does have a long list of other issues they won’t fix but it’s generally considered better than the ADATS and at least in the group of people I know, used at top tier instead of the ADATS.

That being said, would kill for something to augment it at 10.3, or a decent IR SAM at 9.3 ISH (as it cannot deal with recon drones). Not too mention something between 5.3 and 8.3

It’s certainly better than it was. But I don’t think anyone can honestly state it works even halfway decent.

Lock on is janky and easily defeated, missiles way underperform, trigger LWS, too slow. Essentially it’s entirely wrong.

The lack of an all aspect IR or even just using the same lock system for a rapier with a proximity frag warhead is undeniably criminal.

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You’re right on that, I mixed up the Hovet and Machbet in that first message.

Why would it be the same BR as the radar-equipped ZSU-37-2?

I mean I did say viable or the best in the game, respectively.

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Are you sure?

Last post

And this

Yeah, lying is your mastercraft

Then, Rank V goes to 8.0 MAXIMUM,the minimum is 7.0.
So either 7.0,7.3 or 7.7, it’s not that hard. No matter what one of those BRs will be,it is not needed since USSR already have 2 SPAA at that Rank.
So, instead of adding it,why aren’t they adding a NATO SPAA in a NATO country at Tier IV or V?most of them either doesn’t have one or have only one

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Cause the ZSU-37-2’s radar is as bad as the M163’s and I rarely see people use it let alone get frags with it.

ZSU-23-4M2 isn’t being added instead of anything, that’s not how game development works.
Keep accusing people of always lying to you though when they don’t.

Here are two facts for you: Having posts that defend a tech tree does NOT make you a main of that tech tree. Your posts are not necessarily a representation of you.

Second: Are you begging for a SPAA to be OP? Cause I didn’t say you were.

Not exactly… Creating and modeling vehicles takes time and resources that could be directed towards other, more necessary vehicles at a certain time.

this particular vehicle, was not needed at all, especially when other nations currently lack in the SPAA department. Israel, France, Italy and top tier US could use some help regarding SPAA right now.

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The 3D modeling of it is the “quickest” portion of development.
Research team is the slowest portion of development [Type 10 says hi, T-90A says hi].

All ten tech trees lack top SPAA as good as their 10.3 and below options, hence OSA leak going to 3 tech trees. A platform that can potentially deal with the threat of AGM-65Gs and Su-25SM3 more consistently than the current rate of zero.
USA lacks a good 5.7 that can be used at 6.7 similar to the TPK.
And Britain lacks a 7.7 option partially because the Falcon has APDS.

Ah yes,it only lacks that,not the fact that the M42 is useless from 5.0 onwards. Or the fact that the M163 is the worse SPAA at Tier V since other systems of other nations beat it either at an anti-air role or anti-tank role.

Or the fact that the M163 is the only SPAA you can bring till 8.7.

Or the fact that the LAV-AD’s Stingers (just like the Stingers of basically every other nation) are nerfed to the ground because otherwise the Su-25 would be dead the moment it spawns.

Or the fact that technically speaking the US doesn’t have a Top Tier SPAA (since the ADATS is classified as a TD)

There’s a reason why US mains prefers doing CAP with planes: it’s far more reliable than using American SPAA systems,most of the times. But you can’t force a gameplay system to players because you (Gaijin) refuse to acknowledge the problem the US and other NATO countries have.

Now look at USSR: they don’t have this problem,if you see a lot of planes up in the sky you take one of your gazillion SPAA and they’re done for.

This is absolutely not fair.


M163 is equivalent to ZSU-23 and ZSU-37 all sharing similar ranges partially due to their similarly bad tracking radars currently.
As I said in a previous post, they use to all be higher BRs when their tracking radars were good.

Also all ten tech trees prefer using CAP, and the primary reason Germany couldn’t was cause F-4F ICE wasn’t in the game, and Mig-29G was only used sometimes due to its R-73s only.

Also Gaijin did acknowledge this problem multiple times.
Most recent one via dev stream was last dev stream where BVVD talked about new anti-air systems for players.

No? it’s regarding pure cannon ranges,not radar capability.

At Tier V you still don’t need Radars since planes are not equipped,around that BR range,with CCIP or AGMs,the M163 simply is unable to consistently hit targets beyond 2 kms due to how the spread is on its gun

So it’s an excuse to let the 4.3-7.7 gap and the 7.7-9.0 gap to exists?

Not true at all,only NATO ones simply because they lacked strong SPAA options

He never specified for what nation,and judging by this update,i guess we know why…

Adding a good SPAA for 2 NATO countries out of 8 is not enough,since there are 6 left that either have massive holes or they straight up don’t have an option at Top Tier.

You can’t add long-range AGMs to the game without adding more efficient SAM options at the same time or right after because that’s not balance, that’s coercion to force players into using planes exclusively for CAP purposes.

If that’s the case,at this point let’s remove SPAA altogether,since planes do the job all the time

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CCIP is only on one jet in 7.7 range: SAAB-105G, and CCIP only increases the dive bomb range from <1km to <2km, maybe 2.5km if you practice hard enough and still miss a lot.
AGMs are exclusively at 9.3 and higher, which is an 8.3 minimum BR, not 7.7.

USA doesn’t have a 7.7 - 9.0 gap, cause it doesn’t have an 8.7 lineup to begin with. It goes from 7.7 to a minor 8.3 lineup straight to a 9.0/9.3 lineup.

Cause he’s talking about all ten tech trees; duh.

Thanks for proving my point that radars are useless in Tier V,so the M163 is worse than the Yenisei and even the Shilka due to worse AA capabilities and worse AT capabilities

“A minor lineup”
M551,M60A1,T95E1,M3 and M60A2 at 8.3
F-86F-25,F9F-8, and F-84F still at 8.3
And that’s RB,in AB you have a bigger lineup at 8.3 and at 8.7 you have at least the XM803
In RB,you have the RISE(P) and the F-86F/A-4B duo also,so not a small lineup nonetheless

Ah yes,10 TTs and less than half of them will receive an SPAA,with half of them being already covered by plenty of SPAA. 200 IQ move here


None of them have top SPAA capable of dealing with correctly played top CAS.
USA lacks something for 5.7 and 6.7 as I and others have stated many times.
And Britain largely lacks an option for 7.7, one of which could be Falcon if Gaijin removed its APDS.

I get people disliking ZSU-23, ZSU-37, and M163 cause they’re more difficult to use than other SPAA.
The fact they’re more difficult is why they’re not 8.3 to begin with.

And something between 8.0 and 8.7

And the TT SPAA since,you know,the ADATS is not classified as one

France lacks other options as well,the same applies fo Japan Israel and a little bit for Sweden

You know who’s in good shape?USSR,the one that’s getting 2 SPAA this update and that got a SPAA last update

Also,for the last time,you don’t bring the M42 outside its BR because there are other SPAA that are infinitely better than it at the same BR range,so that’s also a problem

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