Sea Harrier FA.2 BR discussion

Since with the latests patch where multiple amraam planes were lowered to 13.0, the shar fa.2s BR should be called into question.

But before doing any suggestions for future BRs lets just have a short look at what Aim 120 platforms there are now at the same BR of the FA.2:

  1. F4F KWS (definetly needed to go down)
    Overall better plane in all aspects other than radar to the FA.2, carries 4 AMRAAMS + 4 9L/Is, is supersonic, has an internal gun and outperforms the shar in all categories.
  2. JA37DI: fast in a straight line but dumps speed massivly when turning but would still come out on top in a dogfight, worse radar, internal gun and carries 4xAmraams + 2x9Ls
  3. F-14B: radiacally better flight permormance, worse radar, can carry up to 6 Aim 54Cs (or 4 Aim54 + 4 9Ls), more CMs
  4. J-8F: better flight performance, equal radar, can carry only 2 ARH missiles + 4xPL-8
  5. AV-8B+: a better harrier in all aspects other than radar (has internal gun, carries more missiles, has Gen 2 harrier fusulage…)

So in conclusion the FA.2 is a worse ARH platform than everything else at its BR (other than maybe the J-8F), so the question remains could it go down to 12.7?
The main reason against it woudl be having Aim 120s at battleratings as low as 11.7 wich definetly would be very problematic.
The 120s on a slow platform as the FA.2 still would be outranged by Aim-7s and R27s and you would still be completly helpless when getting cought up close. And the main opponents you would face at lower BR (F4S and Mig-29s) would still be able to missle joust with good chances of wining that fight.

It would be better if we could get another round of decompression but otherwise 12.7 would be doable even though it would make the FA.2 realtivley strong.
So what do you think?

  • 12.7
  • Keep it at 13.0
  • BR decompression
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No AMRAAM to 12.7. Never. We need decompression, not making the situation worse.
And the FA2, while inferior to the AV8B, is perfectly capable at 13.0


Absolutely not


12.7 is fine and it wouldn’t be OP like people say it will be, most of the time you will also be dragged to 13.0 anyways

Also it means that Britain can finally have a good fighter at the BR range

It’s amazing how one can make so many incorrect points

But yeah hell no


Yes, “12.7 is fine and it wouldn’t be OP”;


This guy simply existing ^^”

Totally not like even Fakour 90 was, and still is almost certainly broken at 12.7


But tbh its the Fakker90 not the plane itself.

It does good at 13.0 if flown properly I personally have a all player K/D ratio of more then 1.

IF gaijin decided to fix the Harrier gen 1 Flight model like I have reported. If they put together the correct thrust and turn performance it would be very strong as a fighter.

Furthermore if they fixed its IR signature it would be as untouchable as the F5 in regards to IR missiles.

The F-14 is still competing though, so that doesn’t even matter, any player with remotely any skill can fly that thing well.

The lack of CM, the ridiculous RWR (for the BR-range!), the laughable secondary weapons like 9P, 27R or the mediocre radar do not justify it to go higher. If you just focus on pure flight performance, then yes, you are absolutely right.

Do not make planes painful to fly (at least for the average player) because you like/dislike other planes.

Now back to decompression.

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Same logic for the AIM-120 dictating the SHarrier’s BR and not the airframe.

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It’s tough. It should be fine, but between how poorly modeled the harriers are (heat sigs, smoke, etc) and how poorly modeled BOL is. The FA2 is underperforming significantly, but even at full strength it’s an uphill battle.

12.7 will be necessary until such time the FA2 gets a total overhaul and a vast number of buffs

Moving the SPAAMRAAM planes down just moves the problem to affect more non SPAAMRAAM players. Move top tier higher and it allows more decompression everywhere

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please do not keep shoving arh gameplay down lower and lower


Absolutely. But some 13.0, 12.7 planes really suffer atm, Mirage4000, F16A to name some. And it takes them forever to decompress everything.

But putting down the missile boat with the best sarh and ir missiles is justified? i dont get it.

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The Viggen would laugh at how good the F-14’s RWR is.

It literally has countermeasures…

Yeah, the R-27, know colloquially as the best SARH missile in the game, even found on MiG-29’s at 13.0, are laughable, and AIM-9P’s aren’t bad, at all.

The 27R at 12.7 as a missile is fine in general (close range missile, but ok). But u forget the radar of the f14, which is very poor against nochting, that rates the 27R mediocre at best. Please dont pick a single item and bash someones opinion. Look at it as a whole package.

It’s like saying: This engine is pretty powerful and absolutely okay. But we are talking about the engine of a Humvee and a Ferrari on a racetrack. Pick only the engine and u r right, but it will not be competitive against a Ferrari on a racetrack, even it’s engine is powerful.

The RWR is even more useless that the Viggen one, considering it can’t identify PD radars.

Also 60 countermeasures are extremely few given how hot the engines are and how many IRCCM missiles are at that br, also you have to carry chaff.

The R-27 is the base R-27, not the R-27ER, so albeit pretty good it isn’t op.
Also the AIM-9P are indeed bad at that br considering planes at lower br have plenty of IRCCM missiles.

While the Fakhour 90 are good all it takes to avoid it it’s not to afk climb in the middle of the map.
While spading the F-4J I died just one or twice to a Fakhour. Also at 12.7 it mostly fights 13.7 planes, and I’m sorry to say, if a person in a F-15C dies to a Fakhour 90 it’s a glaring skill issue.

All considered it’s a plane that does good mostly because the opposing players aren’t that good. If people pay attention to their RWR and know how to notch the F-14 player gets 0 kills. At 12.7 I would say it’s pretty balanced, decompression would be better but it is as it is.

While spading the F-4J I wasn’t scared of the F-14, but I was terrified by the Mirage 2000 at 12.3, that thing is pretty undertiered, could probably be moved to 12.7 too.

Every PD radar without auto-switch is…

That ID is generally useless, massively considering everything at 12.7 has PD, and even if it’s not PD, your should be notching missiles anyway.