Schützenpanzer Puma IFV: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. Part 2!

Im more worried about gaijin fixing the armor, since its missing a lot of it…

just a few Bugs on the Puma which we have on our list



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There’s some not on that list as well, such as my bug report about the LFP.

link? for the collection^^

but thats why I said some… its not possible to find all report… since the Old forum has some hidden reports too

theres no link for it, since i made the report directly in DM’s to smin (i was allowed to do so)

Ill see if i can find the comment on this forum were i reposted the pics of the report

lul xD

maybe just the (Title)?


do you know if its forwarded as suggestion or realy as bug report?
Edit: Stats updated and added the report to the list

was never quite clear, but seeing as it relates to armor, its likely its only being taken as a suggestion despite the fact you can literally SEE the missing armor, and its a significant amount of missing armor…

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hmm, I moved it now to the (Suggestion area) since they are for some reason pretty much all reports about the armor^^

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Does anyone know if they fixed any of the armor bugs for the puma in the dev server? They remade the entire internal model but afaik i havent heard of any updates to its actual armor which has been bug reported for a while…

nope, no armor fix yet in fact IRCM fix seems to have been skipped for a next update

Well thats a big fat middle finger to german players… another nail in the coffin for germans this update.

@Gunjob any idea why gaijins gone and done a full internals rework and yet decided to skip on every bug report regarding this vehicle? The armor issues are rather serious as well, with over 50mm of RHA missing in some places.

If theyre just going to ignore it for years to come like they have since its been added, they might as well tell us to screw ourselves and close all the bug reports and just be honest that they dont WANT to fix the Puma at this point.

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didn’t they do that already ?

Nope, afaik the bug reports that were acknoledged years ago are still open, they just arent actually fixing them

so they are screwing us anyways

I was hoping for spikes. At least they seem to be fixing AHEAD, so maybe I’ll have a viable gun-spaa soon :p

AHEAD it’s finally coming boys, how effective it will be will all depend on how it is modeled. Hopefully we have the full sub projectiles shrapnel simulated and not just HE splash damage.

Hey @Smin1080p, can we get an update on Puma’s bug report status’?

It’s pretty (very) discourging seeing its armour still perform as if it didn’t have any despite the numerous & well sourced reports, most of which are by now over 2 years old.


So how many of these bugs got fixed in this update?