Oh I know, we talked about that before. I agree with you. I’ve even linked the post you had with the cyclogram data many times over. But since “Russian bias” is a thing people think is actually true, we’ll never get the correct reload.
Ah my bad.
Oh I know, we talked about that before. I agree with you. I’ve even linked the post you had with the cyclogram data many times over. But since “Russian bias” is a thing people think is actually true, we’ll never get the correct reload.
Ah my bad.
That’s what I was trying to tell him. Started way back on the T-54s are Russia was modernizing everything.
I’m Chinese but my username comes from Bocchi the Rock
It’s a shame the Soviet Union collapsed (FROM A PURELY TANK DESIGN PERSPECTIVE), some of the prototype tanks produced in the letter years were incredibly advanced and interesting.
But instead we got the T-90, which is among my least favorite tanks because it set out to solve a problem that it just ended making worse.
Yeah. I am a big fan of the T-80UK irl tbh, or the Black Eagle (should be an event vehicle)
Oh, come on! Not just “anecdotal evidence”, but also technical reasons- you can’t form an opinion based exclusively off one of those factors because they don’t show the full picture on their own; technical specs don’t always translate 1:1 into a match, the same way personal experiences don’t define reality.
I think my opinion on Russian MBTs is more than reasonable. I don’t think they are OP nor that they suffer; I just think they have a specific set of strengths and weaknesses that make them unique; and Russia’s strength ingame is a combination of factors, ranging from the amount of such tanks, to the fact that they have the best CAS, the best Ground Attack missiles, the best Helicopters with the best missiles and the best SAM system.
That a big take coming from a person who always do cherry pick element to back his own point up.
There the cherry picking.Literally kicking himself instantly.
What are you even talking about? You keep talking about how suppossedly bad, personal and cherry-picked my take is, yet you haven’t said one productive sentence to show what you even mean.
Aight if you will. Let see how you are not cherry picking
This , doesn’t go with
This. Not to mention ignoring the whole period prior to the Su-34 introduction and only focus on them now having the “best CAS”. Sure I can give you Pansir being the best SPAA. I guess using terrain and dodge is that hard to a CAS player, I don’t use CAS so I can’t relate. Also the best Heli is also a big L take. Considering the best heli are the one with FNF missile. And about the tanks, the only good point about them is armor. Beside that everything is mid. Not even good Top tier shell , mobility is mid , gun handling is piss horrible
7.1s reload
6.5 reload
When you actually bother to put other nation on the scale and think about it , if you ever think about anything beside russian biased, they start becoming mid
Their gun handling is good, of course if you don’t count gun depression in this.
What’s terrible about a 40º/s vertical and horizontal traverse speed? It’s literally the fastest traverse speeds among MBTs… bad depression is there, of course- but I wouldn’t say that makes the whole gun handling “piss horrible”.
Well, KH-38-armed planes don’t need to even worry about “using terrain” or “dodging”, since they can launch their whole arsenal from outside SPAA range.
FNF missiles are cool, but they are extremely inconsistent in terms of damage and lethality.
What good/use is focusing on the past? We are talking about the current state of the game here; and even before SU-34, Russia still had KH-38 platforms which, just like SU-34, could launch all missiles from outside SPAA range.
…as if having some of the best armor profiles in the game was just a small detail and not one of the primary characteristics of MBTs. Sure they have weaknesses, but so do they have strengths, one of which is indeed armor, which is not a small thing.
Suggesting that Russia suffers is even worse than claiming that Russia is overwhelmingly OP at the present time.
Let’s try Italy. Or Israel. Or France. Or Great Britain. And, in many ways, other nations too. Russia isn’t the peak as it used to be when it had non-flammable ammoracks and ghost autoloaders, but it’s FAR from “suffering”.
bro the zoom in the 2 pics are different, u r zooming the abrams more which makes the armor weakspots seem smaller, hardly fair
It is , gun depression do play a big part in a tank performance. Even with bad turret traverse you can work around but with bad gun depression it gonna make a big different considering how useful they are
Sure , that the trade off for being better than lazer riding AGM. As a Heli your biggest weakness is having to provide LOS for your missile and at the same time giving enemy SPAA LOS
It is a small detail if you stop sucking and get good at aiming. Top tier is all about weakspot anyway. Armor is peak irrelevant unless the tank is super strong all around , which spoiler , that LFP is not small.
Here is the “let’s try” and proceed to provide nothing of sort , gotta love it. It is not suffering , it is miserable considering it down side.
What good ? Your ignorance is why the game still have so many problem , the community ignorance is why the game still have so many problem. All you do is bricking about a country nation being too OP cause Gaijin this Gaijin that. The CAS problem , it is not the Su-34 being OP and strong. It is about CAS being a problem and SPAA have nothing to provide beside some AA, CAS is super super strong. It has always been this way, prior to the Su-34 it was the US with their CAS. And US CAS is still super strong. It is about CAS and SPAA role in the game , not about a single vehicle or a single nation in the game. That your cherry picking , still trying to make it out that “USSR is fine and not bad” when in reality both air and ground russian are barely floating on mid because people can’t figure how to work around the T series strong point and when their shell stop magically going through enemy armor. That is also why a lot of tank feel weak, when in reality it is not that bad
180 reasons why Russia suffer lol
typical this is why people like this unable to reasons with
Yeah, i guess it all Strv122/Leopard 2A7V’s fault it the only thing they want to hear.
Damn , it went from miserable to suffering. I guess reading is hard , might as well call me a Anti-Nato cause I main USSR
…so according to you Ariete is better than T-80BVM, because it has better gun depression and reverse speed, since apparently armor is irrelevant now…?
Of course Top Tier is all about weakspots- but there’s a difference between having to aim for a 3-pixel-sized weakspot or being able to reduce to atoms a tank by point and clicking on its general direction.
I’d like you to tell me where exactly I’ve claimed Russia to be “too OP” when all I’ve done is to say that stating that it suffers is as bad as saying that it’s OP.
No. The problem here is not players who attempt to provide objective analysis of actual concerns to solve legitimate issues. The problem is players who claim that their favourite toys/nations “suffer” or “are miserable” when they do not.
not gonna lie i saw Russian main saying Ariete better than T-80BVM before.
Missing the point
Being able to not have to babysit your missile as it flies in to take out a target is infinitely more valuable than reliability or pen.
Reading is hard and again , you could call me name and stuff to defend your point rather than start putting words into my mouth
You literally made comment about that. If not in this thread then another thread, you got a reputation buddy. Also if all that Russia got good stuff in A,B,C and D doesn’t speak anything then sure. Be my guest
But here the thing , the OP can back it up. Sure he ignoring the strong point of the T series , that doesn’t mean his point is worthless
I don’t give a damn about “reputation”. You are only showing prejudices based off “reputation” instead of actually documenting yourself before drawing conclussions. And then you say “I put words into others’ mouths”…
Now comes the part where you bring a post I made in 2021 calling Russian tanks OP because, back then, they were. I don’t think they are at this point in time, as I have stated repeatedly on these Forums; but they USED to be years ago, yes; back when they did not have many of the counterparts they currently have, back when their ammoracks were bugged and would not detonate more than half the times (fixed in late 2023), and back before autoloaders were modelled as modules.
So no, me saying that Russian tanks were OP many years ago does not mean or imply that I think they still are in 2025. The game changes, situations change, and so does my opinion, obviously.
Here, some examples of me “claiming that Russia is OP”;
You can’t just claim that “Russia is miserable” when Italy, Israel, France and Great Britain exist. Russia has unmatched SAM via Pantsir, great CAS with KH-38 carriers, great Light Tanks like 2S38 and BMP-2M with great darts and ATGMs, and numerous highly resistant and more than decent MBTs. Sure, they aren’t Strv 122s, but they are still better than a good portion of the other nations’ MBTs.