


Well for M1A2 series only i can say that
“It not good enough”
it not bad but it also not good to keep up in top tier


T-90M fixes lack of mobility with significantly more armor.


T-90M might accelerate faster, to a lower top speed mind you, but that’s literally the only area it really has over the T80BVM. Most of us still choose the BVM over the T90M due to that pitiful reverse speed and slower reload.

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The duality of these Forums;

Ask for Leopard 2A7V to have a 750mm KE hull instead of 670mm KE, and everyone agrees. No issue with making the strongest tank in the game even stronger as long as it’s realistic.

Ask for the Abrams to get a proper turret ring instead of a mismodelled miserable 50mm thick flat plate, everyone starts shitting on your whole existence because you dared to insinuate that the Abrams has issues that ought to be addressed and that it isn’t the weapon of mass anihilation and destruction those stuck in 2018 claim it to be.

Basically, there’s a deep hatred against the United States that translates into hatred towards their vehicles and players in War Thunder, as pathetic as it sounds. I have never, NEVER seen such targeted hatred towards a series of vehicles or “nation mains” in this community.


Most of the US portion of this community have cultivated this unpopularity, maybe if the abrams shills stuck to their own threads, you would receive less negative attention. Then you would only have to deal with the russians, an argument more on the level of the average US main.



I laugh as much at those who claim that it’s the worst tank in the game, as I do at those who claim that it’s the best/second best tank in the game.

It’s just… well, a middle ground; currently carried almost exclusively by the reload buff it got a few months ago. Thanks to that, it’s a relatively solid all-rounder; but the hull protection and survivability is just sad.

In terms of quality/capabilities, I would say it’s on par with Russian tanks; except in an asymetrically opposite way.

-Russian tanks have lower floor and lower ceiling; they are strong and solid, but got poor gun elevation angles, reverse speeds and are not very survivable anymore (ever since the non-flammable ammorack bug was fixed). This means an average player will do well more easily, but the tank doesn’t have as much potential to be exploited by a good player.

-Abrams tanks have higher floor and higher ceiling; they are nimble and agile and have great firepower; but their survivability is terrible and their protection even worse. This means a good player will be able to exploit its strengths overcoming its weaknesses, while average players will struggle more to do so.


they should fix unskilled johns playing on usa.


The possibility of penetration at 500m is low, when at 1.5km it should go through no matter what.

I was talking about the prevalence of HHRA in Russian vehicles, as well as the textolite and quartz armor modifiers.

Everyone knows I’m talking about Russian and Chinese ERA being the only ERA allowed to have any useful amount of KE protection.

so you want to segregate the forums?

crazy its almost as if american top tier tanks across the game have low win loss ratios. and people dying and leaving after 1 death.

so you ignore how other people in the thread were talking about over clocking the autoloader?

Because they do?

it is useless its a carbon copy of the other abrams just easy 1 kill with H.E

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you still didn’t find where i said the abrams was the worst tank in the game.

What he means is that, many US mains are commonly toxic and hostile. This would be fine if they were only toxic and hostile to each other, but they go into many threads and spew their hatred. The solution is for more US mains to learn to be nicer and more logical.

Lmao, post flagged.


i mean it just prove r how a majority of you people on forums are terrible at the game.

I don’t understand how you can generally have good, good faith opinions about the state of top tier that I somewhat agree with, then say things like this:

The only “hatred” (which is more so disdain) against America mains is against the ones that are actively ruining top tier, and then crying on the forums about Russian bias.

The Abrams is not bad at top tier. It could use some improvements, but that’s par for the course when it comes to top tier MBTs. Pretty much everyone is missing features / portrayed inaccurately. Just look at the Leclerc, Merkava and Type 10, for example.

The Abrams itself is a relatively high skill tank and will remain so even after fixing its issues. The underlying issue of low skill premium noobs playing a high skill top tier tank is what causes the underperformance. Compounding that is the fact that good Abrams players tend to simply not play it anymore because of the bad teams.

There is no “hatred” of Americans or America mains, and in fact the most hatred I’ve seen on this forum comes from America mains towards players of other nations explaining to them their views.

Compared to other MBTs, the Abrams is probably in 4/10 or 5/10th place among all nations.


This is the issue. I’ve participated in countless threads and topics, even made many myself, regarding issues on the modelling of the Leclerc, Merkava, Type 10, Challenger, Ariete and even Leopard series of tanks, and there’s NEVER been ANY issue. Most of the times, people understand that vehicles have issues that deserve and need to be addressed and corrected, be it for historical reasons, balance ones, or both.

However, each and every single time I’ve stepped on an Abrams-related thread, it has been brigaded and bombarded by certain kinds of users until the moderation has had to step in, issue bans, clean and lock the thread. That’s also why there are so many Abrams threads; because every time one is made, it’s destroyed by those who hate them, sometimes within mere hours. Instead of just allowing people the “luxury” of discussing the Abrams and its issues, they start to swarm the thread with insults, condescending attitudes and general toxicity towards them.

Not to mention that apparently ANYONE who ever dares to speak in favour of the Abrams is immediately labelled as a “U.S main” even if they are a 8-nation player as I am.


So what im saying just because theres someone saying toxic things doesn’t mean you have to add to the situation. This community takes this game way to seriously and think its national pride on how their vehicles play in a game. The people responding with being mean toward US mains are just as toxic and hostile. At no point did the the OP say anything negative about any other nations game but was instantly attacked and many other people continue it through out the thread.

Saying " well these guys the other day/month were so hostile im going to treat every US main with hostility and negativity from this point foreword" isnt a defense for being that way.

If this kind of hate was put toward china or russia the thread would be deleted/cleaned up or just locked. As long as the negativity seems to be geared toward the US main players nothing gets done.


Lmao at the cluelessness.

Also, people weren’t “attacking” original poster, they were anticipating the flood of toxic US mains. You can scroll up and see there are no insults directed towards him.


See what i mean. Toxic for no reason at all.

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You state something with your bias, so confidently, that you sound as if you are stating fact. Which is quite common for US mains.

I have seen many threads calling Gaijin and the game Russian propaganda, insulting Russian or Chinese technology extensively, calling all Russian statements false; they are still available to this day. What reason is there for you to victimize yourself?


See you cant even have a discussion with out attacking someone. There is no reason to even attempt to answer you. You have no ability to have a discussion with out having to attack the person first. at no point did i insult you, but you have twice had to insult me to make yourself feel better about yourself and your position. You are part of the problem.