Russia top tier tanks are miserable and there is no way to fix that

They have nothing going for them. They have the longest reload out of all top mbt’s (discounting chinese but they are glorified russian tanks too). Their guns are inferior to nato 120mm. They have horrible mobility on half of them, and mediocre on other half. Not to mention their abysmall survivability, if you get penetrated you are either dead on the spot or breached, with no way to retreat obviusly (-4km per hour or -10km). Not to brag but comparing to to nato tank where you can lose like 2 crew members and still be able to drive away/fire back easly. And you cant really fix that, what are you gonna do, if you downtier them their guns will be too good. And there is no other good option to balance tanks. Best you could do is up its reload a little bit as it woudnt really be historically innacurate, but otherwise? You can’t do anything really, a sad case. Atleast their spaa and air (i dont play air tho :/) are good. See you around in 30 years when they add the t14 tho


I’m sure everyone here will be nice and respectful :clueless:


play Israel


Im not denying any stuff thats said about russia . I only adressed a vaccum situation of their MBT line, that they are just not good

Well, if they buffed the T-80U, UD, UM2, UK, UE-1, BVM, etc

Reload to the accurate irl reload of 6.0 secs, it may help minorly. Thanks to good cas elements finally, it’s not as bad IF you can get a cas element up.


CAS shouldn’t be an excuse to make up for a ground lineup if people want to play ground vehicles.


Oh I agree.

If they add better btr variants it may help


Surely air and other nation wouldn’t be brought in to “Everything suck so it should stay suck”

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Well thats one lie.

Thats another lie. They have one of the best after leopards and abrams.

Their only weakness are shots when u get flanked the turrets are incredible good trough volumetric shenanigans and the era is excelleng as well

There is nato tanks with 3 members as well.
This has nothing to do with nato.
It seems more and more like you are a nato hater.


Well while russian cas is great, not every ground played has developed cas lodaut. And the game shoudnt expect from you to have that, even if you went to top tier not building a lineup of all 5 lines and just grinded 2 viehicle lines, you still have 2 competent viehicles on that tier. So even the dumbest player has good tools to play with. That kind of thing dosent exist, for planes, the game dosent require from you to have a rank V plane to upgrade to rank VI ground


That is true tho lmao ? Auto loader 7.1secs and 6.5s cap , it is true

Yeah good against people who suck at the game

Stop the cappery , bro really list a few good point while ignoring other con of the vehicle and yap about how other people is a “Nato hater”


Wdym? Every other viehicle has better reload, even if its by 0.5 seconds (like on the challegner and strv122). Its still faster and can decide between life and death

Soo like the other 2 main tanks? Also almost everyone has a leopard by this point. T series tanks do have bad survivality, they easly get breached or ammo racked. The era also dosent cover everything, its super easy to kill a t80 by just shooting its tracks at a minimal angle so the dart scratches the hull and spall gets to the ammo.

Yes the type 10 and the leclerc. But both of them are faster and have bustle autoloaders. Still a win for them


China has an equally long reload on worse tanks.


Man idgi, soviet ground is prolly my favorite even at top tier. Both of my highest kill games at top tier were in the T-80s (my dearest and sweetest loveliest tonks) Gucci guns, kinda smol, pretty fast, and yeah they usually die if you get penned, but the armor has worked great. ERA da goat.

Also being able to basically totally deny CAS feels great. All my homies HATE F-15.


But that point still stand and please , i am not saying that every other tank is better , even tho by mobility standard I would rate the VT-4 over the T90M.

Oh thats a fun topic. Its not that pantsir is op, its that all the other spaa sucks, top tier jets (that are wayy too high tiered to be allowed in ground imo) give pantsir a good challenge and they can just overwelm it with munitions. Spaa should be op against planes not the other way around. So with all that new plane stuff being added, even the pantsir is starting to be unable to clear the skies. Other countries should have spaa as good as pantsir

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The Chinese tanks are arguably better because they have a reverse gear its also why the BVM is better than the T-90M they also have better gun depression than their soviet counterparts because of where the gun is positioned


Yeah t80bwm beats t90m with its mobility and retreat-ability. But it does die to a minimal scrape of its side becuse it lacks the t90m spall liners, sad they cant just put these 2 things in one viehicle ffs

The spall liners on the T-90M literally do nothing i don’t know why people bring this up as a point what spall is the liner going to stop when all you need to do is put a shell through the LFP into the ammo its not like the leopard where it has enough crew for the liner to actually save it
Even if you shoot a T-90M into the turret side its still going to kill both turret crew regardless of the spall liner

Some vehicles may have spall liners but it doesn’t mean it actually increases their survivability, both the T-90M and challenger 2 could lose the liner and have their survivability be pretty much unchanged


Well… i guess, it helps in one niche scenario of a side shot tho