Man built a entire church to pray for RNG.
I was about to say, after the updated interior, the 2S38 seems to be a lot weaker. They will reliably cook off with almost any hit.
There’s only two time’s I thought that something is a little too sus and may be Russian bias.
The T72B3 having a drivers viewport modeled way smaller than it should when it came out along side the volumetric update, but that was fixed I think two weeks afterwards. And the KA50 domination in heli PVP, that is probably the worse you can get.
Russian bias was a joke nothing more, your not supposed to actually fall for it. Every nation gets broken vehicles that are fixed sooner or later. Hell, Italy used to have some of the most powerful additions with its centauros, no spall from thin armor and no hull break made them crazy strong.
Italy bias for the win.
Recently got the M1 abrams and yeah 2s38 just kinda explode if you look at them now they always did with HEAT cause of overpressure but even with darts now they’ll die easily
It did even pre new modules,any hit to it just oneshot it.
This has to do with how bomb damages and blasts are modelized ^^"
You’ve not really used SACLOS missile platforms against moving jets, the Pantsir has the best range, but the poorest guidance system that relies on player skill to be effective.
Who has the missile with the best penetration and guidance system? USA.
The Sheridan and M60A2 can also fire ATGMs on the move. So you’re wrong.
Air is most definitely not even. US has better AMRAAM carriers, better overall strike platforms, and better air superiority fighters.
US destroyers are worlds better than Russian destroyers and are at a lower BR. Russian costals are good, but the US just got 2 good frigates. Top tier naval I would swing US, but I’ll admit I don’t know much about the Larger Russian ships.
Because APHE is overperforming with the sphere of death and Britain doesn’t use APHE. They do get APDS earlier than most and it is pretty good.
Dunno, I’d have to look into it.
Lets see the KV-1 survive well in a full uptier. Most tanks do well at their tier or lower.
Yes, because it was overperforming that much. It needed changing.
Yes, because the 2S25 is the ONLY decent non premium they have at 10.0. You have to pay like $200 to use the 10.0 lineup. There is no SPAA (other than the 2S38), all the tanks have shit gun depression, terrible traverse speeds, and have massive autoloaders that basically guarantee one shot kills. The US 10.0 lineup is just as handy, you just can’t buy it outright.
It isn’t. It is misclassified in game and just received a MASSIVE autoloader change that makes it just as bad in the survivability department as the Russian MBTs. If it was busted good, then you wouldn’t have such abysmal stats in it.
The neat thing about this is most of it is subjective. Noone has accurate performance stats on what vehicles are doing super well or not so there is not really hard facts on what is best.
In game or for real? Either way it could prove bias.
Very debatable, the ideal lineups depend on what you are looking for. Russia is not ideal for all circumstances at all.
Not really, their turret is the only decent point and the breaches are pretty easy to destroy.
Most of this again is supremely subjective. There is NO HARD PROOF of Russian bias in this game, otherwise Russia would be the BEST IN ALL ASPECTS, which it is not in the slightest bit.
I dont even know why people talk about air as if only top tier exists. US has the best multirole planes at basically every br. Like most of their fighters double as good cas.
I was just talking top tier because I started there. I do quite enjoy the prop aircraft as well.
I really like the 20mm they get. Those work wonders on planes and tanks. Call kill tigers with them
non point everyone should get a Pantsir equivalent at minimum besides have you tried to use SACLOS guidance its awful sure youve got range but its only good against people flying in straight lines
Long range beamriders are still inferior to PARS 3 and SPIKE ER its like saying the TOR is good because it has long range
A gun is infinitely better than ATGMs this is irrelevant more of a quality of life thing and its only on two vehicles
Russia has the second worst toptier air just infront of china thats kinda just a fact at least currently in the stare at your RWR and fire ARH meta
Irrelevant since this is based on player skill and some nations do just have worse players like the US
Which british line toptier sure its awful but everything below it is fine
Go complain to the french for not figuring out Gun STABS till the late 70s french 7.7 is bad but theres nothing else to put there to fill out the line unless you want a massive br jump from 6.7 to 8.7
If you’re having issues killing a KV-1 thats on you, you can only complain about the B and E since they are genuinely pretty broken but you cant really move them up or they become useless
You just answered your own question
Having more vehicles doesnt just make a lineup good its about how good the vehicles are sure the enemy can spawn like 6x T series tanks but ive got 6 mavericks
If the 2s38 goes to 11.3 so does every light tank at 9.7/10.0
The BMP doesn’t get spike equivalents what are you on about?
Yeah. Russia gets good stuff BUT in is more like (at least for planes) everybody dominates in an update.
Ex: Apex Predator- MIG-29, best BVR, good dogfight, F-16A/ADF- best dogfight, meh BVR
kinda balanced
Air superiority: F-15A- meh BVR, good performance, alright dogfight- Su 27- Best BVR, meh performance, good dogfight- JAS 39- meh BVR, good performance, Best dogfight.
The idea is everybody had and will have an update for them. For example in this update, I think that the F-15C will be the best or the F-15(M)J.
This is just for Air. We are not talking ground. There you have the Merkava, Ariete, Challenger, Leo 2A7, STRV 122B+ and more unbalanced popo
You are not Gaijin Entertainment.
Just cause Russia is your favorite does not mean it’s Gaijin’s.
Russian tanks are not indestructible as you falsely claim.
Found the CAS main that doesn’t want to be fragged by SPAA.
No, tech trees should not keep their Pantsir equivalents.
All ten tech trees need anti-air better than Pantsir.
Inb4 you call all WT players dumb, especially those asking for better CAS.
but he’s asking for MORE spaa
More SPAA incapable of fragging CAS, specifically.
please read carefully
I did.
He’s asking for all ten tech trees to remain incapable of fragging CAS.
Tech trees don’t need useless SPAA, they need SPAA BETTER than Pantsir.
how is adding more spaa= more nations not being able to kill cas?
thats like saying jumping in water doesnt make you wet
and I’m sure he wants better spaa too, he just said everyone AT LEAST should get a pantsir
Cause the lethality of SPAA doesn’t increase.
Other tech trees already have SPAA as useless as Pantsir.