Russia gaijin's favorite

Since this patch I have encountered Russian tanks almost indestructible as for example; throw a 1000kg bomb to a KV1 and only damage the tracks, or shoot a T34 with a Tiger H in the turret and the projectile bounces off.
I have also noticed that when I play against the Russians they will always, always be the highest BR and the other BR low example; RUSSIAN BR 6,3 VS GERMAN BR 5,3 WHY ?
The truth is that I am getting tired of the game of favoritism that gaijin has towards the Russian nation and I will not put more money until this changes and so should we all do.


Oh boy another Russian bias thread… Tell me about Russian bais when the US has the best Destroyers in game, and the skies of top tier are currently ruled by US planes with AIM-120s. Top tier ground is ruled by Sweden IIRC, German 6.7 is the best, US 7.7 is loads better than Russian 7.7, the list goes on.


You know a lot of nations have aim-120, and also the US was kinda known for its WW2 destroyers


I am aware, just showing that Russian bais is not built in to the game by providing examples of areas where other nations excel.

Yeah it isn’t real but Russia def not bad either

They have very fun vehicles. I am quite enjoying the T-80s and I like their quite powerful costal fleet.


Aim better.

I don’t know where is this favoritism. Since the boycott Russo-Soviet tech-tree didn’t get any game breaking buff or something like that. Was just down fall.

You should be glad to still playing low tiers because Russian vehicles in 7.3 and above are terrible until T-80BVM or T-90M that can do something with others vehicles.

In air, I can be wrong, but I think USSR gets its first R-3S and R-60 missile on a 9.3 while most western like USA and Britain get it on 8.7 or 8.3 if I’m not wrong and in USA with A-4E with TV bombs (8.7 before the BR changes and now in 9.3 in ground).

In CAS the USA, Britain and Sweden takes the podium with the under ranked planes like SAAB-105G with CCIP, Bombs, AGM and AAM at 8.3.

In Naval, is mid, but only considering a vehicle that I have, SKR-7 isn’t that good anymore with massive limitation to its ready rack and weapon that quickly overheat.

There’s no favoritism, I can assure.


Another rubbish reply.


And you are complaining about what?

Pz IV are also undertiered, let’s see, on 3.3 there’s the Pz IV F2 with the long 75mm cannon, with 135mm pen on PzGr against those British and French vehicles uptiered,

Not something that I’ve experienced because I don’t play Britain or France often but people says that Crusaders or things with that cannon caliber can barely pen the Pz IV,

Also, the Pz IV,

It’s skill issue of you, the Pz IV it’s a balance between T-34 and M4 Sherman, it’s a perfect vehicle for it’s BR and some times can be the key vehicle for winning a match in experienced hands.

About your reply in less than 3 minutes:

I doubt you even read the entire sentence, at least have you played on mid tiers in USSR? I’m curious.


I viewed his question as rhetorical. Taking a thread that says Russian bias exists seriously is just a silly idea. I play Russia primarily in ground and there is no difference between playing the US or Sweden at similar BRs. The bias doesn’t exist, there is absolutely no proof at all. Until there is actual data compiled showing a TRUE UNDENIABLE bias, then it is all opinionated whining.


I’ve already put a 250kg bomb on top of a Tiger … so really a direct hit where the bomb got stuck in the top of the hull.
Nothing … And now? My personal observation … often happens with opponents who are under lvl 20 … and now stone me for this conspiracy.

life of brian monthy python GIF

Actually there’s a conspiracy about low level players have some kind of protection during the matches.

People pointed that most of them have good stats, even when the performance wasn’t that good during the match.

I’ve read about it in some old topic. I don’t know the name anymore.

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Perfect balance ? Pffft ahahahah nice joke. Like I said, after the update I couldnt get any shots in. I did not change my playstyle. Skill issue eh ? Perhaps I need to change my “skill” to USSR since its getting me a lot of kills and wins magically.

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Bro tell me less that your reply is ironic and contradictive when you mentioned there is no Russian bias and you ONLY play Russian in GB. Like really, read your reply again.

Nope, averaging at about level 5. Magic rounds everywhere, 60mm pen magically penning through the tracks and lower glacier. Ohh that includes when I’m playing it as well as a downtier USSR tank. I cannot even.

Not true.

T-55AM-1 and T-55AMD-1 are very busted, arguably OP for their 8.7 BR. They bring stabilizer, composite armor, LRF, APS, APFSDS to a very compressed BR bracket where you can club opponents who have few or none of these things.

Then you have the very strong 10.0 lineup with T-72B, TURMS, BMP-2M, 2S38 etc. all busted vehicles that outclass what other nations have. This has been talked to death though…

Not to mention that USSR seems to be the only nation that’s allowed a competent SPAA suite throughout the entire TT, in fact they have the best in game. Prominent examples being Shilka, Strela, 2S6, Pantsir.

Let’s not forget that Gaijin designs ground forces maps to be overwhelmingly close quarters CQB battles in cities. More and more maps are being flattened and flanks are cut off with red zones to force head-on engagements on level ground.

Is it a coincidence that this map design suits the brawling playstyle that soviet vehicles excel at?


Would you prefer a T-34 with ~95mm pen APHE on 10m or a Sherman with ~100mm pen AP round over a stock APHE with 137mm at 10m?

It’s only me, but the choice is obvious.


Huh thats weird, I laid a 800kg on a GAZ and all it says is +20SL … Skill issue once again

I never said I only play Russia, I said I am primarily playing them as of this moment. I am a US main and wanted a change of pace from grinding 10.0/10.3 TT vehicles. God forbid I play more than one nation. I don’t play Russia because of any bais, I am interested in their vehicles since they are the most unique line other than the US and Sweden (which I also have been playing ground in).

You all should read this guy’s reply. Even in hulldown scenarios, its more likely a German tank dies. My cromwell fairs much better taking shots after shots and trading with T-34s and Shermans.