Rockets no longer damage bases


F5C is too slow to even get to bases, that was my experience in it.

but this didn’t really solve the problem of dedicated attackers/bombers, instead of having their targets snatched from under their nose by fighters with rockets they will now have their targets snatched by fighters with bombs/napalm. It’ll just change the meta a bit and steer base bombers to little bit different group of vehicles.

and the concern about attackers/bombers is really touching, especially when you look at planes like french Vautours, or F-84F where devs have no problem with their targets being snatched by much faster planes (or the stupidity of tier differences where F-84F in US tech tree has air spawn while other variants don’t). Or general balance of things like il-28 or tu-2 vs other bombers/attackers at their BR when it come s to base bombing and having targets snatched.


That is probably true for RB, but I personally really always recommend for people who enjoy attacker/bomber playstyle to try out Sim instead.

AB/RB meta really favors and focuses on fighters, but in Sim you not only have more possibilities to evade enemy aircraft, but especially also bases respawn reliably and quite quickly so even with several players going after them have enough to “feed” on.

in AB/RB on the contrary bases are often very close to the “Big Furball” in the center of the map - not a healthy place to go for the often only moderately agile

Or even more, will replace only four bases, by numerous sub-missions, like “Search and destroy enemy camp/ammo or fuel silo/field radar station/artillery positions/SAM emplacement” etc.

Without base marker - only a grid, where must be target (work for targeting pods). Like pilots have only a only approximate coordinates, from reconnaissance reports.

And a reward “Forward coordinator”, for revealing those targets by find them with targeting pod.
(Dont make marker, but apply one on map, for allies with assault armament, can destroy targets, without wasting time searching. Like finding targets in sim battles.)

And while the dispersion of targets will ensure the need for units of unguided missiles.

A crowded target like a field radar (and, optionally, a crew of a long-range air defense system next to it) is really better to bombard with a one but large guided bomb/missile from a decent height/range.

For crowded, but less dangerous for the aircraft (TML emplacement, preparing for launch (are you ready for “SCUD hunt” vibes?)), repair facility, or helicopter base (even with missions like “intercept group of helos, which arriving to frontline”) you can give a one, or few large-caliber unguided bomb.

While a dispersed camp, field airfield, artillery battery, or ammunition/fuel depot is much more effective to destroy with short but multiple salvoes of unguided missiles/more numerous small bombs.
(And, surely, supress AAA-emplacements, which guarding those “points of interest”. It can be a ZU-23-2/VADS - type AAA, with slightly weakened damage.

(If gaijin don’t want to really model toughness of carcass, armor, and armor penetration for aircraft - strategic bombers/A-10/Su-25, must be way sturdier than they are now).

Sounds like a new gamemode.
A real “Operation” or “Frontline”
Without markers, but with AWACS/ground radar support etc.
Like Sim battles, but with Realistic controls, and 3rd person view.

And all that give a more feeling of real battlefield - not just bunch of planes, trying kill each other, and if want - kill some ground targets.


Btw, if i want play F-111 in sim.
I cant use rockets to kill bases/fields anymore.

So how i must now use bombs, without bombardier mode/target pod, to precisely kill targets i want?

Dive bombing?

I wasn’t referring to in game.

Sadly that’s more or less due to bombers being side lined and prioritization on protecting them gives nothing and means nothing. Its optional to everyone.

I will be pretty happy, if there been some “Escort” rewards, for killing enemies, being nearby of ally bombers/attackers.

It’s like, when i, starting play sim battles on my F-4S, escort F-111s.

Taking kills on way to airfields, and on arrive, using rockets, for more profit.

Or like in top-tier GRB, when 2 F-16C, and Gripen vulching our air respawn, and bullying our Su-25T/SM.
So i take my 29SMT, and make short work of them, being too busy by hunting on our Attack aircraft and helos.

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Yeah, the F-111 is an example of those aircraft that have no indication of their selected mission target in Sim.

I’m actually working on dedicated bug reports that may help get this fixed. If you have concrete info or data that shows/proves how it was ndicated IRL, I’d be happy if you can send me. The more proof I can collect, the better the chance to get it fixed.

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Well, i don’t know alot about that.
Just that F-111A have AN/APQ-110 terrain following radar, and AN-APQ-113 attack radar.
Dont sure how them can be used for GPBs, (General Purpose Bombs) tbh.

The Gaijin own site said, that F-111A, have all types of ballistic computers - even prediction marker for Fox-4 (guns).


The only question - how use this in game.

The most user friendly variant - give players ability, to manually make those CCRP points, with interact map, where “bombable” points (bases/airfield parts) will be usable, and open for making them active CCRP target.

Otherwise players can just “ping” those CCRP points on map, whenever they want, or erase them, for mark new targets.

Or, at least just make a bomb sight like in Ace Combat

AIM-9L/M can lock at 11km from the front aspect [game limitation causes issued for IR missiles from being launched beyond 10km in the front aspect for some reason], amd over 12km from the rear aspect.

This should common knowledge at this point. People have provided graphs as well as talked about it constantly.
Against non-afterburning targets of course it’ll be lower.

War Thunder already has that bomb sight, just a different pattern.

I know.
I mean something like this, but from pilot’s POV.
For sim battles.

well they nerfed rewards for killing bases overall lol and call it a bug fix, amazing change that no one wanted, rockets easily killing a base is a bug, but not the base rewards lmao


Change your sight reticle.

That won’t do the trick, because there’s no indcation in any way on the HUD showing where the CCRP target is (or what target is selected, for that matter).

And it’s not only the F-111, but also F-4’s, A-4’s and the F-105 which are affected by this.

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I was addressing CCIP, but I understand CCRP.
Only the modern sights have CCRP on HUD, such as with EJ Kai and F-16.
I can’t remember if the real F-4E sight has that but I could fly the F-4F ICE which uses the F-4E’s sight when I get around to using it to see if Gaijin modeled that or not [irrelevant of if it’s correct to be modeled].

Not only. Also earlier types (F-84F, Hunter Mk.58, Milan,…) have a working indication of CCRP azimuth, at least. Somehow however those types I mentioned have CCRP capability, but the pilot aparently no way of using it?

Sadly however, so far I have not been able to dig up concretely how the pilot (or WSO) got the info on the target selected for automated bomb release. Some hints, some anectodal knowledge from former F-111 pilots, but nothing solid enough yet for a bug report to be accepted.

Imagine this conversation, somewhere in 1967:

USAF Instructor, proudly tapping side of factory-fresh F-111: “So what we have here is the F-111A, America’s newest supersonic, medium-range, multirole combat aircraft, capable of bombing targets with high accuracy and precision in all weather, all around the clock. For this, it uses a CCRP bomb delivery method that automatically releases the bombs at a perfect time to hit the target.”

F-111 Pilot trainee: “Cool! This will be very useful! Where do I see where my target is?”

Instructor: “What?”

Pilot: “What?”


TBH, I have never had that issues because I keep my speed as I possible also, my own positioning forces to 1v1 duel.

Even though huge plumes of smoke are flying in different directions, some of them should be flying against you and your nearby teammates.

You can know, that one of them coming for you if you looked up space.

Also, multipath still works even after major updates.

No point for radar locking after takeing off because their AIM-7Fs doesn’t have really long ranges like AIM-54s.

I mean the players who play like Chinese bots.

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Well, dont sure, what you mean by “multipath”, but i ain’t give a crap about antipode effect, just flying higher than 2 kilometers. Better 2.5+.