Rockets no longer damage bases


f104 / kfir canard f4e /ej all can bomb so they have other options to result too.

my point is that my FIGHTER jet is considerably worse in every aspect even though it is a FIGHTER jet, as a premium it should be better equip for the tier when paying $50+

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Do you not read the patch notes?

Bombing on fighters??? What???

Are you using bots that is made in China or somewhere else?

If you are not, why don’t use it as fighter if you can get ways better rewards when you actually helped your teammates and win the game?

Bombing with fighters in Jet RB is something only terrible players who have abandoned learning to play the game do, and it should never be a crutch to help them in their grind.

Yeah your J35XS is considerably worse in “every aspect” even though it is a FIGHTER jet because you use it as goddamn B-17.

Energy retention was nerfed in last major updates but, it makes J35XS good even more because You can force an overshooting against the enemy.

Also, If you want P2W things, War Thunder will not suit players like you who don’t use few braincells for killing players.


A S-5 carries a warhead with a TNT equivalent of 0.465 kg, depending on the variant. That’s 59.5 kg of TNT if you fire 128 rockets.

And you talk about 3’200 kg of explosives?

Compared to 5x 1’000 pounders (≙ 1’482 kg TNT) of e.g. the Harrier or 6x Mk.83 (≙ 1’632 kg TNT) of e.g. Tornado, Intruder,… which you need to kill a base.

So it is lamented right now that roughly 60 kg of TNT delivered as unguided rockets doesn’t deal the same amount of damage to a base like roughly 1’500kg in the form of bombs?!?


Common sense.

I look at the suspended weaponry of an aircraft and can immediately venture a rough guess if it’s suitable for a certain role or not.

Having a basic knowledge of military aviation in general and the type in question helps as well.

Sure, but if you purchase a vehicle and don’t use its strength, but complain about its (obvious and easily recognizable) weaknesses, that’s on you.

Because armies always try to use their equipment for other things. The rocket armament was of limited use for close air support, but the J35 never was a real attacker.

Note also the designation J35, J standing for Jakt, indicating a fighter role. If it had an attack role, according to Swedish designation it would have an A for Atak in the designation, if it had also a reconnaissance role, an S for Spaning. Basically the equivalent of F, G and R in the British role designations (e.g. Phantom FGR.2).

See also the Viggen, which in WT comes as AJ37 (with ground attack as primary and fighter a secondary role), compared to the JA37 (with fighter as primary and attack as secondary role), and the AJS37 (like the AJ37, but with additional, in WT irrelevant reconnaissance role).

Or the Lansen, which comes in dedicated J32 fighter or A32 attacker variants. Also here the J32 has primarily an air to air loadout, with (even more limited than J35) air to ground secondary armament, and the A32 with a good, dedicated air to ground armament and no air to air weaponry.

If it comes to grinding btw, the A32A Röd Adam would have been a great and effective choice if you like ground attack / base killing as grinding method.

TL;DR: Use the aircraft for their intended role if you want to get the most out of them for rewards and grinding.


With the underwhelming acceleration, basically if you get slow you are dead because you have not much of a chance to get back up to speed without getting 3rd partied

When F-14 shoot their 54’s, best what you can see - it a trails, directing in your team at all.
You cannot know, that one of them fly for you.

Best what you can do (as i do) - its a flying not in vanguard (F-14 try launch missiles to closest targets), or fly in notch after seeing launch, just to be sure.

Well, my F-4S WAS a problem to enemies.
As MiG-23ML(D).

Just F-4S can see enemies on radar just from moment he taking off.
When 23ML just need to be higher then you.

Here’s no one.
But still, you get enemy on your “6”, and he have a opportunity to launch even rear-aspect IRs at you (forcing you to waste flares, and speed on evasive manouvers),
Or just pick you up by gun run (try flare guns, good luck).

Even if you try to be evasive and manouverable - you will lost all your speed in 3-7 seconds, after what enemy just climb, to recieve a position at your rear, and finish you.

That, why XS must achieve all-aspects.
If not 9L, so at least Aim9P-4, (20G, 9L seeker), to be able perform somehow.
I play not so lot on XS, but already feel that speed bleeding at any turn.

Well, idk about who you talk, but when i grind on F-4S/Mirage F1-200, i bomb the base (trying to use Fox-1 in process), and after gaining reward - join to fight.

So - double gain, for base, and for frags (on average - at least two).
Don’t see anything bad in that method.

Just now, i cannot use my beloved preset in Mirage (2xMM2, 2x530F, 1 big bomb, and 2 rocket pods.
Now i must use 3 bombs, what make me unable to take 530F.

so Gaijin removed one grinding option from one 60$ premium vehicle and solution is to go and buy yet another, newer premium vehicle for additional 40$? But this time one that is at lower tier so it’ll have tier difference penalties kick in for rank8 planes research …

right now Gaijin has decided that from now on vehicles with rockets won’t be able to damage bases effectively (unless they have crazy high number of those rockets). Why shouldn’t we expect them to do further “optimizations” to steer players towards using different group of vehicles next?
Now you can’t use rockets anymore, you should go and use bombs. Oh, wait, now you can’t use small bombs, you need to use 250kg+ to do damage to bases, enjoy using your stock loadout with 100kg bombs only. Oh, nevermind, it’s 500kg+ from now on. Wait a second, normal bombs are out, you need to use napalm only, if your plane can carry 4 napalm bombs you’re goood. Oh, what an unlucky situation, 5 napalm bombs needed for a base now, guess you’ll need to make two trips.

Or take heli PvE as another example … especially for the 7.7-9.3BR bracket this update basically removed the option to engage 1/3 of objectives available on map from pretty big group of helicopters. Because reasons. Yet another “oh what an unlucky coincidence the grind just became way more time consuming for these vehicles, why don’t you buy 60$ premium vehicle instead” moment?

That’s something completely different.

You can for example use 12x Mk.82 500 pounders or 6x Mk.83 1’000 pounders and get the same result on bases.

But it gets absurdly irrational if you expect that 128x 57mm rockets with a combined explosive mass of 1/25 (!!!) of the bombs you need, would get the same result on a base.

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I wouldn’t go so far to give it all aspect missiles. But since it’s the finish version it could take R-13Ms which are similar to Aim 9Gs which would it already make it more competitive.


The most convenient excuse when there is a shortage of normal arguments.

I too. And i see, that i can use 4 IR AAM, and reasonable amount of rockets.

But now, rockets is almost useless.

You really don’t want go in this ring with me.
Because, you will have a really bad time, trying to explain, why almost every fighter plane have rockets/bombs implementations.

Oh, but i was.

I have pretty clumsy fighter, which can destroy a base by rockets, and then, try make something with rear-aspect missiles, not-so-comfy gun, and punishing speed bleeding, when i don’t fly straight.

Sounds more like attacker, tbh.

And now, XS is still a sh… pretty bad fighter, and even not a rocket deliver ay all.

Bad try.
MiG-23 is a pure fighter due to your classification, but only removal a radar, with installing a PrNK (and rearm to GSh-30-6) make it a MiG-27 - attacker.

F-15E/F-16 is F-Fighters, but they using GBUs, and AGMs.
And you cannot say “tHeY MuLtIrOlE”, because, by your specifications, they - fighters.
F/A-18 (Hornet) - multirole.
So what now - players must not use Mavericks and GBU, because their planes is “Fighters”?

Or maybe, if we go to props, P-47 is attacker, not a high-altitude fighter?
Because most of players use Thunderbolt as attack aircraft

So, as we see, your take is invalid.
Classification it’s not about plane - it’s about how you use it.
Just some of them better fit to the role, they predicted.

But same time, they give this classification not due to plane abilities (what it can do, but to it armaments).

Like late jet will be J (Jakt - Fighter), if it have radar, and A-A missiles. Even if plane, without missiles, still can shot down targets, what fighters do.

It can be A (Attack) if carrying AGMs. But all jet, with even rockets - not AGM can provide CAS as attacker.

And it be called S (Spaning - Recon) if have targeting pod, with FLIR, which allow aircraft to recon enemy positions.
(And it the only classification case, i can be agree with).

So as we see - classification ain’t designate full plane potential.
If Draken designated as J - Jakt, it ain’t mean it can only be fighter (especially, for late modification, with seriously improved systems).

And this is what i did, before this patch is broke really good, and fitting to this aircraft tactics.

Just be honest - J-35XS, is a fighter, who can fly fast (if fly straight), and deliver ordnance, but cannot fight effectively, due to speed bleeding, in slightliest turns, and lacking of armament, provide the head-on capabilities.

It just can’t intercept planes in front, and can’t dogfight (without stalling after first turn - energy saving tricks just dont work here). So it VERY hard to implement as fighter jet.

So i use him as rocket train, and after using all rockets - as speedy interceptor, trying to picking unaware enemies (what means “be forced to play from enemy mistakes, not by my own skill”).

Aim9P-4 is all aspect


Yep, thanks, i just forgot the accurate name of modification.

Not really. I was specifically talking about Swedish aircraft designation, comparing it in part with the British designation.

The US designation system is very unusable in this aspect: We have e.g. F-111 or even F-117 which are dedicated bombers/attackers, yet they are not B-'s or A-'s. No-one in his right mind would call the Nighthawk a fighter, only because it’s got an F in front of the 117.

Also, “multirole” is a term coined relatively late, appearing iirc around the time of F-16 / F/A-18.

(Note: F/A-18 even makes it worse: the additional A designation was added mainly for marketing purpose, and makes the Hornet in no way more multirole than the Fighting Falcon.)

Later Dassault went on toeven call the Rafale “omnirole”, to market its versatility, being able to perform “any” job. In general, todays military aviation technology indeed allows to much easier combine different roles into one airframe that before used to be performed by different, (more or less) specialized types. You had Tomcats and Intruders and Corsairs on the Deck of US carriers, then there were just Hornets, taking over the job of all three…

Of course, there were multirole types before, P-47 being a good example. So for example in German slang the Thunderbolt is called a Jagdbomber very often, not a fighter.


Not covering yourself in glory stat shaming here buddy. If the first thing you check when I give a generally applicable tip on how to play the game is my stats you need to get a life.

Use 2 magic 2s, 2 2000 pounders and one centerline 530.

Do you not read the OP’s post?
Did you not actually read my post? Hint: I’m not only referring to this one specific issue. Gaijin does this all the time. Airfield AAA for instance.

that’d make sense if you actually needed to hit something. But you don’t.

Base hitbox extends pretty far outside the actual base, so if it is perfectly acceptable to dump bomb load of the tiniest crappiest bombs into the middle of empty field half a mile away from base and pretend it somehow magically does damage to the base then why are we putting extra scrutiny on rockets? When developers already missed even tiniest resemblance of realism by several light years there is not much point arguing about millimeters.

If devs make actual hitboxes that matter and give bases (or base parts) somewhat acceptable “damage model” that would explain resistances then we can debate what number of what kind of weapons is needed to destroy them. With current implementation, it really doesn’t matter …

Before this change quite a few aircraft were able to rocket a base before going into air combat (and get easy 20-30k SL & 4k RP). Gaijin hates that and so they are removing this option. That’s the complete extent of the “realism” here. “This particular kind of nonsense is baaaad and unrealistic, so it should be changed to different kind of nonsense that devs like better because it is gooood (and just as unrealistic)”. That makes sense.

True, and I would very much love to see this changed to individual point targets instead of a too arge area target. Would also make the use of GBU’s more interesting and relevant.

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…especially also the people piloting dedicated attackers/bombers hated that. The taking off and trying to get to their targets, fulfilling their role for which they were designed, before the fighters snacked all those targets from under their nose.

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