Rockets no longer damage bases


And you surely know, which one be launched at your sorry arse?
What a story…

Mostly, its a F-4/14 with forward semisphere PD, or 23ML/D/A, but it still more than enough to achieve kill, on enemy without RWR.

And set a enemy on your 6, giving him a opportunities for Fox-2/4 your ass.

Wonderful plan, Walter.
Just ducking amazing, if i get it right.
Reliable as Swiss clocks.

Where does it say it ain’t?

2 can play this game.

I purchased a plane, for grind tech tree.
How i will do it - only my deal.
If want - i will play fighter.
If want - bomb/rocket bases.

Or, if as you said, Draken is “fighter”, so why it have assault armament, hm?
If they killed plane as multirole - let them give the XS, 9L’s, and other “fighter” staff, as normal flight model.

Because for now, we have “fighter”, who have not RWR, adequate missiles, and have only fistful of countermeasures.
Oh yes, and fly as brick (after losing all speed in first 180 turn), being unable contest in any dogfight.

So we have a rail-flyer, with rear-aspect missiles, and pretty inadequate defensive capabilities.
Sounds not very good, eh?
Especially, if remember a price for this gachi-gym subscription.

As been said earlier - not your deal.
Plane have rockets - and have designation for them.
Now even that is screwed.

Gaijin, really better make community quiz about their “fixes”, for know - someone want that or not.

Because, now we have a situation, where some crybaby whining about another players can gain rewards (how sinful…) and play as they want.

And whole mechanic, which help players gain something (in pretty “user unfriendly” game) been “fixed”.

It’s literally a situation, where, they just need to do nothing, to make good thing.
But they cannot do even that.

All what we have - implementation of some trashy mechanics, and “fix” (read as “broke”), a really good ones.

Getting back to your question “Why rockets must hurting bases?”.

Well, because they can/must.
Or why, you think setups with lot of rockets exist at all?
Like a Phantom/111 with their ****load of FFAR.
For pounding big targets, on big areas.

It’s obvious as that.

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Fly anything with rockets alongside the BR of the tornado, you will reach the base first before the tornado, destroying it and the following base whilst the tornado can’t even effectively engage air targets. And that is one of the faster aircraft dedicated to a strike role.


So best what you can give - play around enemy mistakes?
Not your skill, but just waiting for someone dont look at you, and shoot your pants if someone focus you?

Sounds not so skillful to me.

Absolutely loving this change Gaijin!! The F-4s have had this unrealistic advantage for far too long! I’m hoping this stops the general dislike of upper tier attack planes and leads to generally more fulfilling experiences for both fighter and attack players.

I imagine it must be unpopular with a lot of players looking for the fast track but it’s definitely the right call

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Well, because without top-premium+premium account, (and surely, bombing) only their kids, maybe even grandchildren will see a top-tier plane.

Because slavery-type grind system, where requirements of RP, and SL grow in geometric progression, while gains/earnings - not.

So yep.
They play, with what they have, an grind as can.

Some of them (like me), after dropping/launch bombs/rockets, go to fight, and learn how do that.

Some of them not. But that still must be their choice - not broken/beaten by some toxic boyos, who think, that only fighter planes deserve to be in game.

It’s a game about all types of craft. Fighters, attackers, bombers, multiroles.
So if player have a plane, which can bomb - he deserve to have ability/opportunity to use it as he want.

In the end - i don’t remember in the License Agreement, the line “I undertake to fly only as a fighter, and not resort to godless ground attack.”

Did the Finnish ever use the assault armament? Nope. Just because it’s there doesn’t mean that was the aircraft’s purpose

If you think the XS is bad rn you should see it at 12.0 facing 13.0 with 9L’s don’t give it fake missiles and you won’t get a fake BR

Howitzers and infantry…
It was never a multirole.
And giving J35XS 9Ls would make it 12.0 - 12.3.

9Js are among the best IR missiles at 11.3 for fighters.

You will get to top BR in 3 months maximum playing ~2 hours a day.
Shorter time if you spend more time playing games.

Grind is easy. I completed 10 tech trees of air, and 6 of ground, with the other 4 ground being at least 7.7 in BR in 5 years playing about 2 hours a day on average with a premium account.
This is shorter than most MMO progression systems I’ve used, and I have thousands of vehicles.

You will know that huge smoke is literally being launched at you or your teammates in your vicinity.
If these smoke isn’t coming, just ignore that. And if huge smokes are coming to you, just notch it.

As for the F-4s, they are never a problem unless they are approached at close range; as for the MiG-23ML/MLDs, they are indeed fearsome, but don’t forget that their radar has been nerfed.

So where are the undodgable IR missiles launched from them except IRCCM one?
Just flare it and force rolling scissors or something else such as reversing.

I guess you have massive skill issue for playing ARB matches.

Still waaaaays better than bombing bases and being RP pinata after dropped bombs because using fighter as B-17 DOESN’T help your teammates and the game is still PvP so, you should help your teammates.

Learn to play without being bozo.

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Still waiting they add R-13M which was historical.

Not sure they could carry R-13M1 but, it would be awesone if they could carry as well.

If you fire over 128 S-5 rockets you’re hitting the base in total with over thirty-two hundred kilograms of explosives since each one only carries around twenty-five point something. Feel like that would kill a base honestly.

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My dude I ground from ~4.0 to 11.0 in 6 months with no prem account and my only prem plane being rank 4.

I was only playing ~2 hours a day and actually spent at least half that time in GRB where aircraft get much less RP. I also never, ever bombed bases. I learned how to dogfight and win in air combat at top tier.

I dont even want to hear that complaint. Grinding up there today is also significantly quicker and easier than it was ~2 years ago when I first did it.

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come back when ur KD on J35XS and mirage reach 1.5

Come back when you got any TSS titles except ground one or get ways better stats if you want to insult forum member with their stats ))))))


Would love to play the jet as intended but its an extreme handicap at its current BR, and if you deny that it is you’re just lying to yourself.
11.3 with no front aspect missiles, no rws to know anything is coming my way, my tier 10.0 missiles don’t ever hit anything but its as easy as 1 flare to counter act it

They need to either move it back down to 10.3 or give it some sort of radar missiles to make it viable at the new tier

I have no idea why you guys complain about J35XS.

Even before decompression it is quite cracked, and even after decompression, the enemies that J35XS faces within the match have hardly changed.

IIRC, they could carry AIM4 which was actually useless irl.

You name me another Jet at 11.3 that gets up tiered to 12.0 constantly that has

  • no radar warning systems
  • no front aspect missiles
  • 12 flares
  • no potential to take other armaments to switch roles( f5c for instance can still use bombs)

That’s the only downside to the J35XS.

F-104S and Kfir Canard doesn’t have all-aspect missiles.
F-4E/EJ has SARH sparrows that can launch at “front” but, they cant launch it if u hagged on the deck.

J-8B has SARH missiles as well but, its radar is really awful.

Still fine because it is large caliber which can literally make you dodge almost all IRAAMs except IRCCM missiles with a single flare.

Who cares if you use it as fighters.

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Aim9l and m cant lock from head-on past like 3.5km let alone 9km. Assuming it was rear lock with the enemy turning towards a head-on at sone point after launch

They should bring back the Air Spawn for 10+ strike airplanes so they could have a chance to bomb a base.