Rockets no longer damage bases


According to this, the reason was the mines as designed were no longer effective as naval mines because of advancements in degaussing technology and they offered superior building destruction possibilities to the SC250 which was what was mostly used otherwise.

If someone wanted to add this as an ordnance option for He 111s etc., I wouldn’t complain.

In the game currently now however, the only Air-dropped mine is the US Type A Mark 1, which explodes on impact twice as powerfully as a regular bomb of the same mass. That’s what people object to. Because it seems silly.

(EDIT: To be more precise: the naval mine represented in game is called the Type A Mark 1 in some places, or the Mk 13 Type 0 in others so we’re not totally clear what they’re going for. There was a US Mk 13 naval mine that could explode on impact after being dropped. The problem there is if that’s what they’re representing, there could be a stats issue…

The Mk 13 by the history books had a gross weight of 507 kg, with a charge of 322 kg of Torpex/RDX in one version or a gross weight of 475 kg if it carried 292 kg of TNT in the early-war (pre-1942) version. (link)

The “Mk 13” in the game has a gross weight of 494 kg, with a charge of 508 kg of TNTe… The TNT version of the Mk 13 would be basically equivalent to the regular US 1000 lb for base bombing (546 kg weight, 318 kg TNTe). The Torpex version, using their current conversion of x1.6 for Torpex/RDX comes out about right, though… so I guess that’s what they’re using. It’s basically because it’s the US’s only WW2-era RDX aerial bomb that’s making the real difference there.)

it wasnt hard to find

.> have shit stats on a vehicle
.> give out tips on how to use it
.> and it’s just general tips everyone knows and can be applied for any plane

you dont really get it how something is overtiered, it’s understandable. the formula is simple, there’s Mig-21 Bis at 11.3 with 60 flare and 6x all aspect while J35XS only has 12 flare and no all aspect, mean Mig 21 Bis ≠ J35XS, therefore J35XS BR need to be lowered.

logically (if you have any) J35XS need to be placed at the same BR as their counterpart, in this case maybe F-8 or F-104S or J-35D, it is fine as it is not because you says so or have high KD using it.

if you insist J35XS is still fine as it is, i’ll just assume you are clown with no common sense

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R-60M is literally worst all-aspect missiles in the game.
If fired at very close range you would be dead but, it is still dodgeable with one flare.
And Large Caliber Flares can easily dodge almost all all-aspect missiles except IRCCM ones.

R-60M is not as good as people think and it is one of reasons why I bring x2 R-13Ms insterd full R-60Ms.

J35XS has been a decent counterpart to Kfir Canard in terms of A2A since it was implemented in the game, but both have the same BR. In light of the fact that they were very cracked with each other before decompression, they should be rather fine as they are.

I’m not saying it should be 11.3BR, but it is preferable to leave it as is for 9.xBR decompression because there are some aircraft should actually deserve 10.0 BR.

Bro started insulting and make something up again because my point is correct and he doesn’t know how J35XS is good 😭

I have no idea how did you think it is trash because you have never played it but, if you think Mirage IIIC/CJ/5F/Nesher vs J35XS is fine, you are just clown because they are literally no ways for winning against J35XS(also Kfir Canard).

Also, I ignored about stats discussion because it is just off topic and doesn’t relevant to current discussion. I don’t even know what was “hard to find” tbh.

farewell bro. Hope u start to learn how to play Jet RB games insterd posting rant in forum.


I can and have fired 9Ls at people without them ever knowing I fired on them. Sometimes from the headon at 9km.
Your point isn’t as strong as you might want it to be.

Head on at range of 9km or head on at altitude of 9km?
Be more specific
There’s a big difference


Yeah, then I’m not buying it… Sorry.

Custom battle and I can launch at you from 10km if you want. :)

Eh, no. Sorry.
I’m still reluctant to believe that is the case especially considering that 9L still can be flared with full afterburner engaged on certain jets.

Oh look, the results of the match where I fragged the F-15 on the enemy team from an 8km 9M launch.

December 28th. :)
[9M also swapped to a friendly from an enemy]

Oh and Phoenixes can be kinetically defeated with minor turns… just like an AIM-7E.

RIP heli PvE

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Make up your mind, my guy…

9L and 9M have the same FOV and IR sensitivity.

It could be best if you posted the clip

Sadly I checked my records folder and I likely didn’t record it.
I don’t have OBS open during matches, and the frag was at the end of the match.
I’m also playing another game so I can’t go to Rocky Canyon and get another two screenshots of me fragging an Su-7 from 10km away with a 9L at this time.

No this is not a bug, This is them FINALLY fixing the bug. If anybody thought that 86 FFARs to take out a base was reasonable… yeah no. It was reported like 2 years ago already that it was a bug and NOW they finally fixed it.


They wont. They’ll just take bombs.

Just like Ive seen plenty of people using F-5Cs to bomb bases as well despite that thing being a bonkers good fighter.

These people cant be bothered to learn how to play the game so they take the easiest and most brain dead path to grinding. (Which makes me question why they are bothering to grind out top tier jets in the first place)


Can’t wait until you figure out just because I’m not good at a game doesn’t mean I’m not trying. Also the game is modeled off of real life buddy, if it happens in real life I can tell you that, you don’t have to listen. Please don’t be cognitively dissonant because I argue against you.

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Because bomb just go boom, and destroy only the stuff, which close to epicenter.
While rockets can easily carpet all base, destroying evert part of it.

Btw, now unguided rockets been made absolutely obsolete and ignorant ammunition type for aviation.

Before those moment they have, at least some sence.
But not now. Congratulations, snail. You just kill one more part of game.
