Revised poll on CAS in Ground Battles, would you play a tank only mode?

As I expected. Lots of noise but when it comes to action…

Reduction of ground SB players that only play SB because the planes have it harder.

That’s a huge plus.

Unless you are an Air Sim Main, with a HOTAS and experience flying aircraft in Sim. In which case, you are at a notable advantage vs both enemy aircraft and even enemy ground targets.

I was talking about the players playing tanks.

Even with VR and HOTAS, bombing is still more accurate with mouse aim.

The frank answer is there are little to no positives no matter which implementation method you pursue. ULQ’s stated point is to “create a safe space for tankers.” That opinion paints CAS as this evil demon needing slaying, and leads to constant internet bloodshed via threads like this.

TO does not fix any actual problem of the current game mode, unless you consider certain people’s refusal to adapt to be a game problem and not a personal choice problem. And if the devs suddenly budged on TO, it would empower a lot of other extreme fringe sects to begin asking for their special mode(s). It could spiral out of control faster than anyone could possibly imagine, while depending on implementation still fail to achieve what it set out to do.

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After the last few days of what I have experienced here in the forum, I am thinking twice about how much effort I need to make to formulate something precisely so that it is understood.
Many people just want to cause trouble here and often this has no consequences.
Other topics that are really interesting are sometimes closed so quickly … what am I still doing here?

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You say that now… I’ve been saying it for months…

Suggested long time ago but ignored by Gaijin probably because they want the german tanks nerfed as possible, same problem with Tiger 1 sminen launchets hitboxs.

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I don’t believe there is any “bias” here, if I must be brutally honest. Sounds like they simply charged ahead into the mud pit of modernity and forgot about them.

There are many other little instances of hull extensions interfering with gun traverse. For example, the bulging hatch roofs of the Waffentrager, even though the driver/radio operators heads (according to X-ray view) don’t actually protrude so far up that their heads would block the gun traverse, which makes depression on an already lacking machine that much worse.

Regarding the Panther II, if that thing had the NVD scope made optional, and all APCR rounds were rebuffed to what they should be, that thing would be 7.3 easily, possibly even 7.7.

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Is intentional, same like ammo racks in the turret for Tiger 2 or the inertia and another movility nerfs for most of the germany medium tanks.

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…except Panzer IIIs and IVs got more mobile, not less, with the addition of the Eastern/Winter tracks, including all their variants later in the tree turned into TDs/SPGs (as if the Panzer IV/70(V) wasn’t good enough already).

Panthers saw an engine power change to a level the F, G, & Coelian already had (a governor to increase engine lifespan historically). I did not care for this change specifically, but I knew it was either nerf engine power or see the things raise significantly in BR. While I could tolerate said BR increases, the average player using Panthers definitely could not.

With the old 700hp, and the missing few allowed to remove their governors (say as a new module or something), the A would be instant 6.3 material, the G would be 6.3 material (as the shot trap doesn’t really apply much ingame), and the F would be instant 6.7-grade. The Jagdpanthers would be instant 6.7-grade as they used to fly around the map. The Coelian would go right back up to 6.7, too.

My advice is to go play other nations and stop hardcore focusing on just one. Suddenly you’ll realize there isn’t nearly as much bias as you think.

Dude im playing since 2013 and all nations, at the least in GF and this kind of nerfs always are for the same nation.

If you want totally unplayable Germany, yes that BRs make sense LOL.


I started with German tanks, and after having played the others they feel downright spoiled rotten in so many ways. I stand by the BRs I propose. We have nothing more to discuss, I’m afraid.

Mate, never engage with a “German Victim” player. It is hilarious but also very scary.

Smell like a bile.

Yeah…I had not interacted with one for quite some time, so I was frankly caught off-guard.

Are there some areas that feel kinda iffy with their tree? Of course, but many of those same issues apply to more than just their tree.

For example, APCR being so pitifully weak (and in almost all cases missing penetration by a huge amount) most of the time is partially why the short and even the long 50mm guns are a menace in low ranks, causing the platforms with both to sit at BRs they have no sane reason being that low. It is also to a lesser extent why the long-barrel Panzer IVs are in the same boat. HEAT postpen being bad causes German, Italian, and various other HEAT dispensers in both interwar BRs and 5.7+ to sit where they have no business being that low.

Then, related partly to this thread and related CAS debate threads, many SPAAGs are missing ammo types, including German ones. But again, not solely their issue.

I could go on and on.

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cries in sweden

coming back to this poll after 2 days straight of 90% deaths to planes and heli in grb and wondering when they devs will pay attention to votes

Thank you for bringing this thread up. I thought the idea of TO was dead since the topic is very under used.

So, maybe behind the scenes they are noting it; this is not the only issue players bring to Gaijin and expecting more answers for a comparatively low population mode when an answer has already been given (big no) is quite an ask, without any progress on the TO for RB suggestion (almost same non-proactive debate since 2018! 6 YEARS with no attempt for players to own this).

On the player side it is surely a TO advocates priority/goal to convince Gaijin that it is a good idea?

If this thread focused on a positive route to turning Gaijin’s mind (props to Richardtheguy and the bulk of this topic, just underused) then we would be more steps closer than in the last 6 years (saying some people do not like the GFRB mode as they do not want aircraft in such matches, or that anyone using/liking the aircraft in the mode is “bad” in some way, has not done anything but cause arguments and has not moved the topic to a point Gaijin might reply).

Any questions as to “why” there is this situation of no TO GFRB mode are for Gaijin and distract from things players can do.

Best of luck getting to the next step (since older TO advocates never worked out how to move forward)

Attempt 210,985 to get the topic on the right track (cough why do CAS users go against [no]Suggestions? cough)

Time for a change yet?

Tldr: so happy YOU found this thread when most others avoid it.

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