I’ve said this for a while. Always seemed absurd to me to want pure markerless gameplay but the ability to not just find other tanks but even being in an aircraft and hearing tanks or other planes to find them. If you want to park and listen out for the enemy there’s a button to turn your engine off. A buttoned up tank crew isn’t locating enemies by sound. A pilot isn’t finding targets by sound. That’s why killing your own engine volume so folks with expensive surround sound headphones can just know where everything is is absurd in markerless modes. I’m all for having an engine sound slider, but just the one, which would appropriately keep your engine at a correct relative volume to others. That way you can still turn it down and play with the soundscape if something is too high but without being able to be running down a street at full speed and know there’s an enemy a block over through solid housing blocks. You aren’t gonna hear that inside your tank barreling down the road.
I can confirm lowering your engine sound is like cheating… BUt I love it and I deserve it with all suffering I had with USSR ground 10.3 joke BR.
Finally I can leave aftwr 2 deaths LOL
I was talking in general, not specifically about you, but since you’ve found yourself in it, well…
yea but it can also make you deaf
Lol yea it shouldnt be allowed to be adjusted and makes it very easy to actually modify the the game rules and not get detected by EAC ( you can make it so you only hear enemy players) but who cares if people break the rules especially in sponsored tounyments righ Gaijin
Now i give everyone of you a relatable but also frustrating situation to the problem which is caused by the fact that everyone exploits this game mechanic of lowering your own engine sound that would be eliminated by a removal of it, besides the positive side effects that i had already given at the beginning of this discussion.
The situation occures in almost every battle and probably everyone busts out in rage if this happens to you especially multiple times in a row:
The enemy team is holding 2 of 3 caps and the game is almost about to end, there isn’t much going on anymore because both teams whipped each other out and you try to play it smart, because you seem to be the one who hold the ties. You rush to one of the caps were you know someone is holding it. You try to surprise the enemy which should be unaware of you because you come from a direction that he shouldn’t expect you to come from but before you even arrive you hear the enemy from 4 buildings away moving his position to one that gives him the upper hand in the moment you would drive around the last corner. Now it’s only 1000 tickets to losing the game and they are going down by 100 every 3 seconds so you find yourself in the situation that you are forced to push the tank that is aiming his barrel while glueing on the the side of the building. You push him and die with a 2700 score, you don’t get the victory bonus and rage because your flawless sweaty play didn’t get rewarded and you cry into your discord voice chat like a little baby how bullshit this game is and that all your mates are incompetend fucks while you line up for the next match in which something similar is just about to happen.
And i think that doesn’t have to be like that.