Removeal of the ability to decrease own engine sound

The reduction of your own engine sound gives you an active advantage over other players that don’t know about such type of possibility. Not only does it impact the way of playing by players mostly relying on the sound to spot an enemy from unrealistic distances and in the following having them keeping their position as soon as they hear an engine from afar and starting the waiting game behind the next corner.
it also takes away a factor that comes into play especially in ground battles that would give a passive buff to vehicles that use a rather quiet engine for example wheeled vehicles or most light tanks by other or your own tank overshadowing the sound of them which would make them more desirable to play and research. This change would positivly impact the gameplay by not encouraging camping and would reward active gameplay from managing your noise emmission and lastly would let all the players play on equal terms.




No. +1


I think having a minimum setting limit for your own engines, and a maximum cap limit for other’s engine sounds would be more balanced/fair in the long run. Also would eliminate the need to mess with the entire soundscape, as what we just got I think. I mainly fly and don’t wear my headset much at all when I do. For naval I will put them on when playing higher BRs/big ships . . . because the guns sound awesome most of the time . . .lol. As for tanks, I use my headset more in than mode than the others by a wide margin. And yes, I have my engine sounds minimized and others at max. But the majority of the time it is not really helpful for me. Misdirection, no sound of close vehicles . . . stuff that is far away sounding like it’s on top of me . . . . I find these things to be more of a distraction than anything . . . I have 7.1 & 5.1 surround sound headsets, both are nearly the same and I generally just opt for the most comfortable one(5.1) the majority of the time when I play(or watch movies) . . . I am sure it is all personal preference.
People in general, and I think gamers even more so, will seek “any advantage” . . human nature. Which is fine . . in gaming, I just think it is uncool for an “unfair advantage” to be had by some. Seems like this may be the reasoning for the recent sound change, but I dunno . . . just a hunch on my part.


Better headsets also give an activate advantage to players who have them.


That’s not a good reason, there are tons of games where sound settings can improve gameplay (virtually all PvP games, actually, even if it’s just turning off the sound played from acquiring xp, getting a kill, etc.).

You should be able to hear engines from a decent distance, currently the engine sound of your own tank is just too loud (mostly due to the 3rd person camera’s sound not being based off the center of the tank, where currently it’s based on actual position of the camera).

This is the fault of your tank’s engine being too loud, not the engine being too quiet.

It would make people camp more, because any amount of movement would deafen them.


Mine’s almost broking in half but still doing a good job.

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yeah nah i dont wanna hear my abrams at 100% all the time


Some players might not know about LRFs as well, so let’s remove them ?


You’re wasting your time, it won’t be removed. Some features and mechanics in WT have been deliberately designed to be abused by sweating tryhards, as those are most likely to spend a coin or two on the game…


You mean you don’t set your own engine volume to minimum? Strange…


No, I don’t do that…

I’d say that’s just what makes the Abrams a little bit worse compared to the other tanks at least for this parameter. The noisiness of the gas turbine is a well known shortcoming for the tank in real life, if it’s to loud for you, there would still be the possibility to lower all engine sounds (others and yours). The Abrams could even profit from a change like that because it’s engine would be a bit harder to distinguish from the other peoples own engine sound.

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I don’t like listening to my own engine sounds, as simple as this. Right now at the lowest allowed setting it is tolerable, but if I was forced to make it louder, I would enjoy the game less. Nothing to do with listening to the enemies.


It’s nicknamed “the whispering death” because of how quiet it is. It’s only loud if you’re standing close to and directly behind the engine

No, it’s required for disabled people that are hard of hearing.


That’s true the high pitched noises that the Abrams emmits are harder to hear from a greater distance since the sound waves lose most of their energy through the high frequency but are more noticible from close range compared to a otto or diesel engine which operate at low frequencies but which soundwaves reach greater distances. But this wouldn’t really come into play since you yourself are basically right behind a tank in the game and since most of the tanks are diesel engines other diesel engines will be harder to distinguish from your own

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No without a reason is just as good as a yes.

See above


Can’t imagine why somebody would want to not hear their own engine but not turn down the enemies… then go on to say it ISN’T because they want to hear the enemies…


Let’s assume the Abrams makes somewhere in the realm of 110 dB of noise (so in between an jet engine [140-150 dB] and the noise at which you get long-term damage if listened to all day [~85 dB]).

Going off of this, which shows how loud a turbine engine is (a turbofan, so essentially remove most of the “jet noise” and “combustion noise” sections and it’s more similar to tank gas turbines), and most of the noise comes from 2k-31.5k Hz.


Referencing stuff like below, you can see that most of the noise a gas engine like the Abrams’ has would decrease to background noise (60-70 dB) in 250m. It wouldn’t be surprising if in War Thunder (where most of the time your camera is directly above your tank’s engine) an Abrams engine is impossible to notice beyond 100m.

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