Removeal of the ability to decrease own engine sound

Well then, your e-honor honor obviously is huge then. But don’t come in here complaining when people do use it. Besides, the engine sounds? It doesn’t make a very big difference. I have mine set to minimum because I’d love to be able to hear other engines. I don’t play on ULQ, and I do have grass in gun sights disabled because hello, it is a competitive PVP game, so I will use most advantages given to me.

If you decide not to use it, good for you, you can climb on your moral high horse and frak right off :)

Then they should choice between higher fidelity and a slight advantage, and stop crying when others choose something they don’t like.

Well, having abit of moral qualities ain’t a bad thing. If nothing else, it protects me from making up for my RL issues in videogames…

Like I said, your e-honor honor is boundless.

And thank you for going straight for the personal jugular, but hey, didn’t expect any different :)

you’d have to have hearing damage to think adjusting the sound settings in game to hear better isnt a massive advantage


you’d have to be blind to not realize I was talking about the same thing you were talking about, ULQ.

having the same discussion just replacing ulq with audio elsewhere at the same time


either way, its an individual’s choice to use it. Just don’t complain when others don’t make the same choice.

It sure is the individuals choice to use it, it’s also my choice to petition for limits to be placed on your choice so the game is more fair. You are acting like you choosing to be sweaty doesn’t invalidate people trying to play the game as it is intended


I’m gonna assume you meant does invalidate

Using ULQ and turning down your own engine volume is the way Warthunder was intended to be played.

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You saying this would be funny if I thought you weren’t serious


They wouldn’t have been made features if they didn’t intend for us to use em.

People: Voted to turn engines off as a toggle->Con: Takes a couple of seconds to rev it back. Meaning you are stuck there.

Other people: WHY CAN’T I HEAR!? People, it’s not going to go anywhere, the majority of players don’t use it heck I rarely use it cause it is not worth the risk involved, and generally most people are deaf either way. Cause they lower the engine sound setting very low. Failing to realize it means you also cannot hear the enemies engines.

You going to nerf my fancy headphones because they have carbon fiber drivers and help me hear more than a lot of other people too?

Yes, welcome to mono sound.

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So you can get advantage by putting your own engine to lowest so you can hear others better, and this is what we call Realisitic battle? Hilarious


Real-life crews are trained to do this.
MOST people can’t do this, and it’s far harder for people with hearing damage [myself included for my left ear].

If you want more advantage than those with hearing difficulties? Use their settings, but it’s far more even than just everyone being 100:100.

Limits are already in place.
It went from 20:100 to 50:100 back down to 27:100 where it is today.
It’s fine.

My man but theres is something called reality, if sound is high no training can make it sound less…Like its impossible.
But I understand for people who have hearing problem, ofc, but then if they in that game everyone should get automatically lowered sounds to match that person for fair play…

But until then I would be crazy if I didnt use this. So in some sense thanks for letting me know this I was not aware.

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What occurs in real life is that some engines are louder than others, but you cant just dim your engine and make it sound less than what is being emitted from the engine and tracks. Unless you are using a muffler and some modifiers on engine which it does exists in real life, but that will open a new can of worms for gajiin.

Enemy and your own engine are two separate settings in game.