Removeal of the ability to decrease own engine sound

Lol yea it shouldnt be allowed to be adjusted and makes it very easy to actually modify the the game rules and not get detected by EAC ( you can make it so you only hear enemy players) but who cares if people break the rules especially in sponsored tounyments righ Gaijin

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Now i give everyone of you a relatable but also frustrating situation to the problem which is caused by the fact that everyone exploits this game mechanic of lowering your own engine sound that would be eliminated by a removal of it, besides the positive side effects that i had already given at the beginning of this discussion.

The situation occures in almost every battle and probably everyone busts out in rage if this happens to you especially multiple times in a row:

The enemy team is holding 2 of 3 caps and the game is almost about to end, there isn’t much going on anymore because both teams whipped each other out and you try to play it smart, because you seem to be the one who hold the ties. You rush to one of the caps were you know someone is holding it. You try to surprise the enemy which should be unaware of you because you come from a direction that he shouldn’t expect you to come from but before you even arrive you hear the enemy from 4 buildings away moving his position to one that gives him the upper hand in the moment you would drive around the last corner. Now it’s only 1000 tickets to losing the game and they are going down by 100 every 3 seconds so you find yourself in the situation that you are forced to push the tank that is aiming his barrel while glueing on the the side of the building. You push him and die with a 2700 score, you don’t get the victory bonus and rage because your flawless sweaty play didn’t get rewarded and you cry into your discord voice chat like a little baby how bullshit this game is and that all your mates are incompetend fucks while you line up for the next match in which something similar is just about to happen.

And i think that doesn’t have to be like that.

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Having it in two separate sliders is so backwards from a game design standpoint.
There is no reason other than maybe making machinimas to ever put your engine sound to anything but the lowest and the other engines to anything but the highest.

My jet is whisper quiet but I can somehow hear other jets and helicopters from miles away?
What kind of design choice is that?

As it stands there is no real choice here again there is no benefit other then “immersion”.

My suggestion: Roll both sliders into one called “Engine sound”, the same way you handle all other sounds and how every other game does it. Imagine being able to turn off your gun sounds but have everyone else’s on in Hunt or something so you can hear perfectly all the time, it’s silly.

Now obviously this will get push back as we already see because the player base is used to be able to turn their tanks into electric vehicles and hear their opponents from miles away. As it stands it’s an idiosyncrasy of the game that mostly catches new players that don’t know how to “sound whore” as some people put it and it’s also not very immersive to have to turn off your engine sound to be able to be competitive with everyone else.

For the benefit of game design and balance I would therefor suggest to add a build in ducking or audio reduction on the own engine so that it is still loud but that you can still hear stuff. For sim this can be disabled but I think those people would rather you fix their game mode than they care about audio.

For comparison you just fixed the bug where one could just hear perfectly fine inside a helo with the doors open so how is this different?


Cause low-hearing people don’t exist in your world?
Ableism isn’t cool, dude.

No. Not everyone has perfect hearing like you seem to indicate that you have.
My left ear is weaker than my right, and needs compensation.

You’re more than welcome to use settings that are more parity, but for those of us with worse hearing in one or both ears, we need assistance. Especially when my left ear hearing damage wasn’t my fault.

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It’s just like you would turn down the volume of your own steps in a fps shooter game like battlefield or cod. People with a bad hearing still play these games and they would very much profit from other people having the same issue of locating enemy tanks if your own engine sound would be on pair with the other ones.

It would tilt the meta of spotting from hearing which you have such a problem with to visual and active gameplay, also turning off your own engine would now actually make sense because right now there is no need for such an mechanic, you can hear enemies perfectly fine with your own engine going full throttle, you can even hear the enemy turning off his engine when you are full throttle. It’s just madness.

This senseless game design just limits the possiblities of how you can play the game, it won’t give you room for a decent flank, it doesn’t reward risky gameplay, it decides the winner of a match early on because more ears of the winning team hear the few of the surviving losing one which get stomped with no hide or possibility of a comeback on small maps like advancing the rhine and many more points, that would make the game much more diverse in it’s gameplay.

Right now it’s all homogenous and every match feels just like the one before because it’s played the same way every time, people drive the same routes get the same spots, drive the same tanks. A change in the audio balance would open new windows in the ways of gameplay style and would passivly buff light tanks which are the least favorite within the 3 main categories.


Hey @ALMERO27 this could be linke to my idea :)

I’d love to hear your opinion on this guys <3

This is even more problematic in Sim battles where there is no 3rd person view so sound settings abuse becomes the main (unrealistic) awareness factor and acts as a medium/long range radar (sonar?).
We already don’t have the 3rd person, why would we want sound to act like it?

The game would be far more enjoyable without this heavy focus on sound camping/spotting.

A solution similar to recent heli sound muffling could be implemented where having your engine on would apply a reduction to other sounds. It could be made so that it differenciates between “off”, “idle” and “full throttle” engine state, with corresponding no reduction, slight reduction and moderate/heavy reduction for each case.


You said exactly what I’d want to here.

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It’s like gamma correction in air sim, I would love for them to remove it so that we could all play on equal terms, but they never will. However, I don’t use that option because I like the way the game looks at night and the challenge of shooting down planes in those conditions. I only use it when I have to attack the ground xD
These are options that we all have the freedom to use as we see fit.

There’s nothing unrealistic about the sound settings.
There’s also nothing abusable about them.
The only thing the sound settings do is let commoners and people with hearing damage, narrow the gap to the skilled players.

There is no such thing as “sound camping”.

Now THAT is unrealistic.

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You are saying that there is nothing abusable about the sound settings while we have this guy:

who didn’t know about such a mechanic before this discussion opened and confirms for us that it is indeed “like cheating” after he applied it to his own sound settings.

From my own experiences and what many others posted on here, sound camping does exist in the game and you have to deal with it in every encounter you have in close combat or urban fights with other tankerists. And I can only repeat that if your own tank sound would be at full volume you wouldn’t even have the discussion about other people being in an advantage over people with bad hearing because even those with good hearing couldn’t hear anything if not activly turning off their engine and everyone would actually play on equal terms.


There’s an easy fix. Make own engine and other engine sounds the SAME setting. You are anmoyed by the engine noise? Fine but don’t expect to hear the enemy from afar. Voila.

Fair and realistic and fun, as it should be.
I’m also waiting for actual people manning the turret MG in lower BRs. But I guess 1 thing at a time.

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Those engagement are identical irrelevant of the sound of your own engine when you have perfect hearing.
However, your post’s anti-aid stance for disabled people is blatant when you claim that only YOU should have this ability yet not them.

“Just get better ears.” isn’t an argument.
“But people with perfect hearing can get a fraction of the benefit of people with hearing damage.” Also not a hill to die on.

No. Make your own game without assists for people with hearing issues.

What hearing issues? What the hell man? You suffer from engine sound? Turn engine sound off for everyone.
You like engine sound - turn it on.
It won’t give you any big advantage, because you shouldn’t be able to hear floral through your own engine noise + tanker’s helmet anyway.

How is a FAIR solution that benefits people with good hearing way less than it currently does somehow hurting people with hearing issues?
If anything, you’d be playing at a way smaller disadvantage.

IMO if somehow great hearing helps to locate the enemy through own engine sound, then give player a visial cue, like a vibrating faint white bar at the direction the noise is coming from. It can be easilg programmed based on f.e. slightly above average hearing ability through 80cm of composite armor, lol.

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No. Make your own game with anti-consumer ideals that tells off people with hearing damage instead of forcing your nonsense onto a company that actually cares about the consumers.

This setting is a non-issue, and everyone complaining about it are coincidentally people that can live without it and mad that people with hearing damage out-skilled them.

If one person has their engine volume at the maximum, while the other has it at the minimum volume, then the person who has it on minimum has a large advantage over the other player.


Anti consumer ideal of fair and more active gameplay, prompting passive camping less?
Oh boy.
I think you have thinking issues, not hearing issues.

Current setting is not for people with hearing issues. It’s 99% used to scout for tanks in a completely bogus ways.
Nobody deserves an unrealistic advantage based on settings. Sound scouting for tanks should be way more difficult/outright impossible in most cases.
Just like flying mach 2 with open canopy is not for people with breathing issues getting held down by The Man, so they can get more virtual air. It’s for scouting for planes in a ridiculously unrealistic and unfair manner.

If we make sound scouting less viable it becomes less viable for everyone, hearing damage or not.

EDIT: flagged by trolls and acelords


Alright, full rant time about sound, audio, and settings:
I have perfect hearing in one ear, and hearing damage caused by an “individual” in another ear.
I have the ability to filter out audio of vehicles to the point of not processing the sounds they’re emitting… above a certain decibel.

Other people can’t do this as well, other people can do it better than me.
Back in 2017 - 2019 this was my audio settings: [I didn’t use Discord for War Thunder squads.]


This is my audio from 2019 - present:


You will notice that master volume is SIGNIFICANTLY lower. This feature exists for people with hearing damage so they can do what people without hearing damage can do without this feature: Omit their engine sound without their brain doing it.

I can, if the max volume of the game itself is set high.
HOWEVER, that means I’m damaging my hearing with… AIRCRAFT ENGINES.
Aircraft are the sole reason I use this feature, cause this feature allows me to reduce the total game volume without sacrificing the ability to hear tanks. All the while aircraft engine sounds are actually at a tolerable amount that won’t damage my hearing.

I could filter out the aircraft engines when the game was louder, but not as easily with lower volumes.
This setting allows me to protect my hearing, while also playing on EQUAL FOOTING to those that are better than I at filtering out aircraft engines and their own engine.

Also Loofah, fairness matters FAR more than your desire for unfair play.

On top of that, other player’s includes your team’s engines which are the same exact volume as your enemy.

So advocating against this feature is anti-fairness, as well as a whole host of other malicious nonsense.

Either use the feature or don’t. Protect your hearing or don’t.

So basically, you’re in the same crowd as every bunch of cheaters, explouters and ULQ abusers - it’s fair if you benefit from it. It’s unfair if it creates an equal playing field for everyone. I get it. There’s nothing to discuss, since your idea of “fair” is "make certain type of sound settings vastly superior and instead of making it realistic, or just “these are the defaukt settings, the game will sound like wet floral, but it’s only way to be competitive, enjoy it, losers”, allow people to curbstomp everyone who:

  • isn’t proficient with the sound settings in WT
  • actually enjoys their own tank engine sounding normal, and not muted compared to everything else.

Why make the game fair, if you can just force 1 set of superior of settings down everyone’s throats. You like the graphics? You like the sound?
Well, … you! Play like Alvis or get stomped.
Want the advantage gone? Hey man, that’s unfair! Unfair I say!!!


@Loofah Nice accusing the entire WT playerbase of being cheaters.
You’re done. ULQ is worse than max settings.

The fact you claim equality is unfair is proof enough.

I can drown out my own engine sound, AND aircraft engine sounds to ZERO with my own engine sound at 100 when the volume is high enough.
OTHER PLAYERS cannot, and I am not going to be selfish just cause they want to have EQUAL and FAIR footing with me.

Fixed your statement. I am playing like you, just with hearing-protection settings cause I play more BRs than 12.0 GROUND where aircraft are less present. I play air RB as well as lower BRs where I need to protect my hearing from aircraft engine volume.