Real shatter 1.0.....2.0....3.0?


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M39s feel like garbage again and on the levels of when RealShatter was a big issue.


tbh I think we need cannon damage back again, as well as making 151/20 shells more powerful. I’m talking about ARB, perhaps the current damage is fine in ASB?
Besides, I think maybe the new damage is just a bug

Another update on the issue: It seems like it’s indeed a bug and they are looking into it.


We shall see, last time took them freaking months…

Hopefully not, I opened a report on the issue just to make sure that it gets addressed.


Someone closed that bug report stating that it’s “not a bug”, and that it’s just a display issue with protection analysis despite you showing in game footage of 20MM Hispano’s doing absolutely nothing. Typical Gaijin…

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yea, there are like 5 videos showing the guns failing to do damage… but I guess that’s not enough lol


I will make another bugreport, perhaps this time specifying the guns and showing clips for each of them.
If anybody has clips of guns failing to do proper damage I would appreciate as well.

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Guns are fine

I’ll try get some more videos


Thanks! Appreciate the help.

indeed. Guns are very much not fine.

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Found another one

Hispano IIs do the same thing


Amazes me that people still dont understand this. Realshatter is simply a different way of calculating damage as compared to the old version. It is an algorithm, that combines many factors to produce the damage to the models. Gaijin completely controls all the variables that go into the algorithm. if the damage on huns is low, it is because that is the way they want it. if the guns are nukes, then that is the way they have made it. They have complete control. They often change it, most likely trying to find a good balance. Different people want differing damage levels, and what you see in game is often effected by ping, the materials of the plane, and also the way the damage model of the other plane is made. Blaming realshatter proves that people have no idea how any of this works. What you should be discussing, and giving feedback on, is weather you like the amount of damage done or not, and how you would like to see it changed.

If a/c cannon did “realistic” damage then it would probably need to be matched with “realistic” ability to actually hit targets…

The game at the moment makes hitting vastly easier than IRL - so damage is reduced to keep the game more-or-less playable.

If you were following this thread from the very beginning you’d notice that it’s name was changed multiple times and at the moment “RealShatter” is only being used as a term to associate with the low damage of the guns, no more than that. Since this mechanic started giving players headaches from the very first day it was introduced due to it’s countless bugs.
I assume that most ppl here are aware of how it works already.

However they claimed to not have tweaked damage, and the guns started acting up again… the exact same way from back when they were bugged, we are simply reporting that.


I have been following the thread since the start, and commented early on in it. Realshatter is a buzzword people are using, like how netcode is used.It does not mean what people think it means and because it has been used so much it is now meaningless, and most people here are not aware of how it works, and thats why they complain so much about it. Out of interest, when did they explicitly state that they did not change damage?

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Yea, I agree. Many ppl end up confusing it and thinking that the whole mechanic is the actual issue.

In my bugreport that was closed earlier today, line 271 I think.


I do have to agree that aircraft cannon damage seems to be wildly inconsistent or weaker right now.


Shvaks, or B20, whatever you wanna call it

Just sponging it all