FM wise the F15 wins
AIM 9M vs magic 2 F15 wins
AIM 7M vs Super 530D F15 wins
both don’t have HMD
only one can carry more IR missiles
Just flare and turn oh wait tornado can’t turn
and its BOLs just got nerfed
I mean sure? The Skyflash SuperTEMP’s will hit the F-15A before the AIM-7M, the only thing that the Tornado would likely have a hard time dealing with is turning fast hard enough to easily flare the 9M
Hmm… Thats a maybe… Not only are Skyflash ST more buggy than 7M at the moment, but the much high speed of the F-15 means its firing the Aim-7Ms at a higher speed. STs are only slightly faster on paper. So it probably cancels out.
F-15 wins in all other metrics.
But that is the ONLY reason I want the F-15 to move up. It will obviously steam roll any and all downtiers. And because of how matches can only be 1 BR. In a full down tier, an F-15 wouldnt have to compete against any 12.7s, only 11.3s-12.3s. When compared against any of the remaining 12/12.3s its probably the best and obviously will steam roll anything below that if the F-15 pilot has half a brain and a bit of skill
- FM wise the M4k wins, wtf are you talking about the F-15 wins? The M4k is vastly superior in FM.
- 4x AIM-9M’s versus 8x Magic 2 M4k wins and is better suited for the furball of top tier
- 4x AIM-7M versus 4x Super 530D, M4k should win as they have better base stats but I’ve heard Gaijin has nerfed the maneuverability at long range (and you’d be forced to only take two IR missiles) so I guess F-15 wins but it’s not much of one
- Both don’t have HMD
- Only one can carry more IR missiles (the M4k)
My God USA main cope much
There’s an extra 0.4M in the SuperTEMP, but cope sure. At least try to make a valid argument like Morvan:
Personally I’m all for moving the Tornadoes down as long as some of the 10.3 buses move down (looking at my poor F111 with only 9B’s at 10.3…)
7m is better then 530D
Aim 9m is better in the fur ball due its range and how its IRCCM works where as the magic 2 needs to be close range for it to not be flared off but not too close as it biggest problem is the 1.8 second fuze delay
F15 flight model is one of the best and is better the M4K
You are the one with skill issue if you are dying to SARH missles.
you know the stat card is wrong in the files the max speed is the same
both 1500m/s max speed
Its clear they need to do a massive decompression, but for someone who has spent 2023 in nothing but uptiers. Seeing an aircraft like the F-15 get spoon fed so much is just a bit annoying. Im glad I play SB these days and can totally avoid the F-15 (and others) if I want in those aircraft, but many more play ARB and I just fear what its like flying something like the Phantom FGR2 (maybe as a new player, that has just reached that aircraft) or in something like a Stock Tonrado F3 (with only 2x Aim-9L) and find themselves face to face with an F-15.
If it was me, I’d have moved all 12s to 12.3 and all 12.3s to 12.7. period. After than, move any really strong 11.3s to 11.7, and same for 11.7 to 12.0. I dont think we can get a 13.0 yet (not enough aircraft just yet) , but next major, seriously consider adding 13.0.
Would fix the life of SOOOO many 11.3s and mitigate the life of any 11.7s
Not at all surprised about that :D
Wouldnt be surprised if someone told me it was just a reskinned Aim-7M
Nah booster and sustainer are different
Super temp has more force but burns shorter so it ends up being slightly worse
stat cards in game are usually wrong
From the apparent nerfs yes, but if we look at how it should be capability-wise no.
In a furball having excess range isn’t going to help too much, and still the M4k has twice the IR missiles
No it is not, how do you even think the F-15’s FM is better? Like seriously how?
Edit: The soonest I can respond is in like 10 hours maybe, btw
There are many proposals for the F15, including better BOL and radar. Gaijin has a solid foundation for F15A to compete fairly with 12.7, but I guess they want to compress the BR as much as possible. Alongside that, we need 12.3 to be playable in the game. If 11.3 is not harassed by F15s, there will be other things doing the same, which is the pain of uptiers. I have no opinion on that.
Doesnt it have a placeholder radar currently? Dont most or maybe evem all of the new aircraft stuck with placeholder radar?
I know the Gripen’s sucks currently, it only has the F-16s radar
i know the su27 also had a place holder as well but i don’t know if they changed it yet
Will probably be one of the first to be finished. Gripen Im not expecting until March major with the Swedish Gripen C. The Gripens feel stupidly rushed