yes! but just suggetion
That’s the other thing to consider. with WIP aircraft (and i reckon aircraft that have all come too early) its hard to balance. I just hope that if the F-15A does get a massive radar buff (a good radar can be just as a good as HMD) and maybe even BOL (even though they’ve been artificially nerfed through the floor) that it will instantly move to 12.7.
I think they won’t do that. I’ve played quite a few matches at 11.3 recently and am quite satisfied. F15s often encounter 12.7, and if they are fully downtiered, it’s only about 2-3 in a team. 11.3 is quite comfortable at the moment. I think we can agree that dealing with 9M is more comfortable than R73.
I guess that’s why the MiG-29(A) will never have R73 and will remain at 12.3, as requested by some players.
Its certianly 90% of the way there. Im just a little concerned that’s all. Like I said before, its a little annoying seeing the F-15. I perfectly competitive aircraft get a notable buff, but other aircraft, like the Tornados dont even have finished Flight models and now we’ve seen ALL BOL get nerfed through the floor because of the Gripen. Someone in another thread was having a hard time in the Harrier GR7 defeating non-IRCCM missiles with them now. Im not looking forward to the next time I fly the Gripen.
There is just a potential for a bad prescendance and with what is coming (hopefully) in the near future. I do fear it. What’s going to happen when the F-15C has to fight Typhoons and Rafale. Are they going to have much a higher BR? Are they going to get nerfed hard? Its just scary the spoon feeding that the US seems to get (F-15A at 12.3 and then Aim-9M back when Soviets got R-73).
It got R-27ERs instead of R-73s. To get R-73s those would need to be removed as well, and I think they are the far greater buff for the aircraft
As I mentioned, placing the F15A at 12.3 is because Gaijin wants to compress the Battle Rating as much as possible, and we lack a reasonable candidate to be at 12.3. You’re right about the annoyance caused by the neft BOL, and the Gripen is the only perfect option to counter the Su-27. The F14B is even worse, as it already has 2 suns on its tail. Once again, AIM7 and Skyflash completely disregard the quality of the radar; they simply disappear upon launch. The entire nation without weapons from the Soviet Union is facing a shortage of armaments.
Yep. I really hope AMRAAM come soon (and they arent dog @#!?) and Im also hoping they dont nerf the Blue Vixen Radar on the Sea harrier FA2 into the floor or give it a placeholder radar for 6 months. That would be reall really annoying.
But Right here, right now, I think the US just needs to learn to appreciate what they have (and what they get) more than they do. F-16C is still an incredibly strong aircraft. F-15 is still very strong. They get a new aircraft every update (based upon the last year) without fail. (really really annoyed me seeing US players call for Aim-9X for the F-15A day 1 of the dev server because it couldnt steam roll every match, more than a few were calling for it to move down to 11.7)
Italy is currently the nation that is suffering with no competitive top tier fighter, but before them, Sweden and Britian spent the entirity of 2023 with only 11.3s vs 12s and then 12.3s (part of the reason why I think the Gripen is actually performing so well, is that those players are use to a handicap and now they have none)
But we’ll have to see what the future holds.
Not entirely accurate, the USA team is indeed a place with many newbies, but due to the large player base, there are also many skilled players there, and their opinions should be valued. If a US aircraft with good performance is considered OP and those with poor performance are assumed to be due to USA mains not knowing how to play them, it’s not okay. Haha, I really enjoy playing Western aircraft because they only work when we do things right. The 9M requires careful timing, AIM-7 and Skyflash may not be perfect, but making them work is an effort, better than carrying OP weapons and diving straight into the crowd for them to do the work for you.
This is false.
At medium/long ranges (2km+) R-73 basically has little to no IRCCM, the seeker FOV shrinks but not enough meaning it will still eat flares like candy at those ranges, practically making it a glorified R-60M when it comes to flare resistance.
That being said, from those ranges R-73 is much easier to defeat by someone clueless just randomly dropping flares doing no evasive actions.
Firing the R73 at long distances is not an effective way to use the R73. If players have issues with launching R73 at distances beyond 2km, that’s not something to be concerned about.
and aim9m eats flares like candy from all distances, you just need to be aware of it and change direction even a little after popping the flare
Yes no missile is unavoidable
r73 1.5km at gear?
Except fov gateing ir missiles at less then 1km rear aspect
I knew thar was gonna happen
I know, was just answering the dude that said it’s more reliable than 9M at those ranges, which simply isn’t the case considering R-73 fired from those ranges basically have no IRCCM.
Being aware and changing direction is much harder (+ the speed bleed from turning) to do than being clueless and randomly flaring a couple of times to defeat the missile you don’t even know it’s there lol.
I mean if you look at the good 11.3’s in a full downtier they often do the same thing? They will have longer range missiles, more or better of them, and typically a big flight performance advantage. Like you complain that say Tornado ADV versus F-15A is a one-sided fight, and it is, but Tornado ADV versus say Mig-21SMT is also one-sided. The Tornado has a pile of missiles that can kill the SMT quite easily, but the SMT has no real way to respond other than hoping the Tornado gets greedy.
Same can always be said, Lightning F6 stands no chance vs Mig-21SMT either.
I just think that the latest round of 12.3s boast enough collective strengths that they are a notable step up to all previous aircraft, with the exception of the 12.3s added in Sep
Even in the Tornado F3 vs Mig-21SMTs case. Mig-21 will probably win with ease in a WVR fight. (though of course the Tonrado F3 can just run away) The mig-21SMT Will only lose during the BVR phase. But there is almost no enviroment where the Tornado F3 holds any meaningful advantage over the F-15, few if any (at 11.3 or even 11.7) actually do.
Now does the Tornado F3 probably need to be at 11.7 at some point. Yes. Though needs to be after its actually finished. With latest round of decompression, it might be playable at that BR still, but we’ll have to see (I only play SB and it already has a BR of 11.7, has done since day one)
That’s the deal with compression. It means that aircraft that should be uptiered if you compare them to what they face in a downtier can’t be, because they are outmatched if uptiered.
The Tornado is not the best 11.3 though, that accolade likely belongs to the Mig-23MLD. Which will absolutely wipe the floor with any 10.3 fighter in a dogfight(and virtually all 10.7/11.0/11.3 too). The armament gap isn’t quite as bad in the MLD’s favor but it still has a LD/SD radar, good SARH and all-aspect IR missiles, and a decent number of flares.
I’m not being thick if I haven’t seen any reason to change my stance
magic much worse then the AIM 9M
F15 > M4k FM wise
Not much worse, roughly equivalent when comparing the worse IRCCM of the Magic with the worse maneuverability of the 9M (plus the M4k gets twice the amount of IR missiles to make up for any disparity).
Depends on what you’re going for, top speed or dogfight performance. The M4k in game is amazing at dogfighting, whereas the F-15 is just ok (incomparison to the jets going to 12.7). Having a top speed is great and all, assuming you actually have some good long range missiles (which the F-15 doesn’t right now).