R27ER is horror

Ok and the other missiles it has have worse range comapred to the 9M
Like HMD doesn’t move a planes br at all

r27er outranges anything f15 has and is 1000x times better than aim7m
r73 has less range than aim9m but is more reliable, and with HMD its much better than 9m without

in a dogfight f15 will lose to mig29g 100% of the time, because f15 will not be able to lock its 9m even once and mig will just spam its r73’s at close range

and at longer range it also has no chance against r27er lol

Literally everything is wrong in this response
Main advantage of R27 is data link and speed not range and isn’t 1000x better
R73 is more reliable only in extreme close range whereas the 9M better a medium to short range
If you can’t lock a 9M on a mig29 and let the mig29 get close and into a position where he can kill you is a skill issue

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US teams have nothing to do with it when the F-15J and Baz remained 12.3 as well

if it was US players the Japanese and Israeli models would be moved up

Maybe you’re right on that but im still baffled on why it hasn’t moved up

because it only has 4 useful missiles and no HMD

1 AIM7M aren’t useless
2 Lack of HMD doesn’t justify lower br look at the M4K with worse FM and missiles then the F15 but it moved up as well

aim7m isnt useless, its just much much worse than r27er
you said that r27 range isnt one of main advantages but it is, aim7m works only up to 13km (and thats if you are lucky, usually it hits around ~6km)
where r27er can go BVR
r73 is more reliable in short AND medium/long range if your enemy isnt clueless.
if your enemy is watching around they will just pop flares and change direction making aim9m miss, where r73 still has a chance to hit

I said that about locking because in a dogfight you wont be able to get your nose on the mig29 to lock the missile and mig29 has HMD and will be able to fire their r73 without a problem

I dont see how letting a mig29 get close is a skill issue, not much you can do about it if they fly close to the ground in a head on you wont kill them with missiles then you are left with a dogfight or running away

My god im talking to a man made of pure copium
Ive seen how you spoken about this you don’t want the F15 to go up as then it would be balanced


you have a huge skill issue if you dont see r27er being far better than any other radar missile in the game.

It’s pure speed + Aim-9M + Aim-7M (its worth noting that as far as I am aware, it has WIP radar and FM, might yet get HMD and might yet get BOL) mean it should never, ever see 11.3s. That is the problem. Maybe most of the 12.7s also need to move up to 13.0. to create some seperation for the F-15A and the rest. But its undeniable that the F-15 vs anything Sub 12 (even maybe many 12s) is a pretty one sided fight and that is why it needs to move up. To protect those. Regardless of whether its 12.3 or 12.7 the vast majority of aircraft that it might face are going to be the 12.7s. So on that front nothing changes.

If a F-15A gets a full downtier, it will see 11.3-12.3 and none of the current 12.7s. That gives it an insane advantage and it will probably steam roll in that match.

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And when did i say they weren’t the best radar missile

I agree current 12.7 should get moved to 13.0 and make F15 12.7, it shouldnt face 11.3 but it shouldnt be on par with current top planes and should get a favorable downtier once in a while and 11.7 would be much fairer fight than 11.3

You know the Mirrage 4000 is slightly worse then the F15 at a higher br right

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Unfortunately, that is for now, not an option. Just isnt enough aircraft for a 13.0 in my opinion. In a few major updates, there might very well be. When that happens, I can see another re-shuffle (also ARH is going to need a reshuffle anyway)

But right here, right now. F-15s probably need to at 12.7.

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It gets twice the amount of dogfighting missiles with better dogfighting performance, it’s fine at 12.7

Not saying it should go down and the magic 2 isn’t what i call a dog fight missile its the worst IRCCM missile right now

Main point is the F15 should go up

Main point is that mentioning the M4k isn’t a good reason to move the F-15(A, at least) up to 12.7 as it literally does what the M4k does but worse, which “does everything worse” is valid for comparing the F-15 to every single jet that is going up to 12.7. There isn’t a reason to bring it up currently, and unless they decompress to 13.3 or more it shouldn’t go higher that 12.3.

Then Can we get all 11.3s moved down to 11.0 then, so that they arent uptiered to fight against a F-15. I dont really want to be trying to evade Aim-7Ms or Aim-9Ms in the Tornado F3.